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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Syd posted:

Looks like an uncleaned blackboard...........

I caught the tail end of a programme today where this lady was 'up-cycling' items. She created an ornate blackboard which she started off calling a chalk board but ended up calling it a black board.

French Connection. ....yes , I saw that 

Kaytee posted:
Baz posted:
Syd posted:

Looks good and tastes good........check mate!

 Yes, although I think I saw something about him being a bit of a ringer 

Not really....he's an amateur, but he taught himself to make celebration cakes for family he's had plenty of practice, but doesn't do it for a living

That's it 

Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Syd posted:

Looks like an uncleaned blackboard...........

I caught the tail end of a programme today where this lady was 'up-cycling' items. She created an ornate blackboard which she started off calling a chalk board but ended up calling it a black board.

French Connection. ....yes , I saw that 

She bought some 'old tut' as Alan Sucrose would say. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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