And David stood in the bedroom, and totally refuted her allegation that he'd shouted and she played her 'other people heard you'card, in order to convince both Marcus and Knobber that she was telling the truth. After David had gone, Marcus asked her if he HAD shouted and she said 'yes'
This gave Marcus the excuse he needed

to 'talk to him about food and stuff'
First thing Marcus said was all about David going in the DR over the task - as if somehow Marcus sees this as his sole territory

They ALL try and rush to the DR (unless its to collect the batteries, which we don't even see any more) because there's always the possibility of getting something nice just for yourself!
Then Bea joined them in the kitchen, and Marcus was trying to explain his point about the food that Isaac had left, and Bea piped in, cutting through Marcus (interesting that he'd not have put up with that from anyone else and also of note that this is the exact same thing she keeps accusing David of doing

David, to his credit just said 'I'm not arguing with 2' of you and left the kitchen. After Marcus pulled her up about it, she put on her 'awwwww, nobody wubs me' face

Can't stand the bint