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Re. the psychological testing. I have NO idea who the psychs are that conduct the testing or give advice on applicant psychological suitability but I can imagine that, whoever, their input (and liability) ends at the point of handing over a report. Whether BB Production takes that advice is entirely up to them. They won't be 'bound' to it in any way.

I also suspect (hope) that the shelf-life of the psychs is pretty short as they witness their advice disregarded and rapidly leg it.

Personally, I don't know why they touch it. BB continually breach the BPS Code of Conduct on human experimentation in their 'antics' with the HMs (yes, I know it's not an experiment but it still involves manipulating situations in which humans are involved and could be physically or psychologically traumatised, thus the ethics of it, for a chartered psych, are stretched a bit)
subatomic partygirl

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