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Originally posted by Pip*:
Oh gosh
That's awful Frowner Sometimes I wonder if BB's 'psychological checks' are really to put unstable housemates in there, thats the second person we've heard of during this series that has harmed themselves
Like Senora I hope she gets the help she needs.

Over the years I too have wondered about the so called BB psychological testing of HM's. Personally I've often thought their psychologist must have one of those degrees you can get off the internet as too many unstable HM's have been chosen
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by *BB*:
Poor Chanelle. Frowner I hope the doctors got her treated in time. Paracetamol can kill long after the initial overdose.

My goodness I didn't know that. Eeker

Unless an antidote is given very soon after the overdose, paracetamol attacks the liver and can kill very slowly, and by that time the person who took the overdose has probably got over the suicidal feeling. It doesn't take many pills either to do irreparable damage.
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Oh gosh
That's awful Frowner Sometimes I wonder if BB's 'psychological checks' are really to put unstable housemates in there, thats the second person we've heard of during this series that has harmed themselves
Like Senora I hope she gets the help she needs.

Over the years I too have wondered about the so called BB psychological testing of HM's. Personally I've often thought their psychologist must have one of those degrees you can get off the internet as too many unstable HM's have been chosen

I agree Yellow, it worries me that these not enough psychological profiling is done, and agree about how authentic some of these so called BB psychologist are. Do you remember the Scottish Asian guy from a couple of years ago who they had to yank out of the house sharpish because he was suicidal? I can't remember his name. he was in BB7.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:

I agree Yellow, it worries me that these not enough psychological profiling is done, and agree about how authentic some of these so called BB psychologist are. Do you remember the Scottish Asian guy from a couple of years ago who they had to yank out of the house sharpish because he was suicidal? I can't remember his name. he was in BB7.

And *BB* does that mean the paracetemol could kill somebody after a couple of days or months? That stuff is scary, I remember taking more than I should have during a day and my mother going nuts.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally posted by Pip*:
Oh gosh
That's awful Frowner Sometimes I wonder if BB's 'psychological checks' are really to put unstable housemates in there, thats the second person we've heard of during this series that has harmed themselves
Like Senora I hope she gets the help she needs.

Over the years I too have wondered about the so called BB psychological testing of HM's. Personally I've often thought their psychologist must have one of those degrees you can get off the internet as too many unstable HM's have been chosen

I agree Yellow, it worries me that these not enough psychological profiling is done, and agree about how authentic some of these so called BB psychologist are. Do you remember the Scottish Asian guy from a couple of years ago who they had to yank out of the house sharpish because he was suicidal? I can't remember his name. he was in BB7.

Atm I don't remember him Senora but there have been a few I've noticed over the years that have got through where it became obvious eventually they should never have been chosen.

It's all very well for BB to say at times that HM's are monitored before during and after the series but I've always felt their idea of psychology isn't as professional as it should be.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:

I agree Yellow, it worries me that these not enough psychological profiling is done, and agree about how authentic some of these so called BB psychologist are. Do you remember the Scottish Asian guy from a couple of years ago who they had to yank out of the house sharpish because he was suicidal? I can't remember his name. he was in BB7.

And *BB* does that mean the paracetemol could kill somebody after a couple of days or months? That stuff is scary, I remember taking more than I should have during a day and my mother going nuts.

not meaning to be a scaremonger but it can even be years.................excess dosage od Paracetomol can damage the live irrepairably ..................i know someone who attempted suicide and tsubsequently regretted it .................he died four years later.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by mrMiller:
Originally posted by Real:
Shake Head If they want to top themselves, then why not do it right... Mad It's not that hard FFS.... Cries for help and publicity.. Mad

Thats harsh as she has done this thing before BB so you can not say its for pulicity. The girl needs help not comments like that.

I'm sorry, but this hits a spot for me at this time. Mad My Daughters best friend who is 37 yrs old with 5 young kids has been given 6 months to live-- Cancer. Justine Hargreaves... Check it out on FB... She is doing every thing she can to ensure her kids are taken care of. I'm sorry if i sound harsh, but if i wanted to top myself i would make sure it was final--- ie; do it right. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Real:

I'm sorry, but this hits a spot for me at this time. Mad My Daughters best friend who is 37 yrs old with 5 young kids has been given 6 months to live-- Cancer. Justine Hargreaves... Check it out on FB... She is doing every thing she can to ensure her kids are taken care of. I'm sorry if i sound harsh, but if i wanted to top myself i would make sure it was final--- ie; do it right. Thumbs Up

Very sad story. Frowner

Not sure why you would want more people grieving though, due to suicide. Confused
Originally posted by Real:
Originally posted by mrMiller:
Originally posted by Real:
Shake Head If they want to top themselves, then why not do it right... Mad It's not that hard FFS.... Cries for help and publicity.. Mad

Thats harsh as she has done this thing before BB so you can not say its for pulicity. The girl needs help not comments like that.

I'm sorry, but this hits a spot for me at this time. Mad My Daughters best friend who is 37 yrs old with 5 young kids has been given 6 months to live-- Cancer. Justine Hargreaves... Check it out on FB... She is doing every thing she can to ensure her kids are taken care of. I'm sorry if i sound harsh, but if i wanted to top myself i would make sure it was final--- ie; do it right. Thumbs Up

Because you know someone who apparently has no choice whether they live or die I can understand why you feel as you do. I too have lost friends who had no choice, one dear friend is also battling to stay alive with cancer.

I've also known of those who in a desperate moment have wanted to voluntarily give up on life, some succeeded, some didn't. Sometimes I think choice is out of the individual's hand as to who survives and who doesn't whether through disease or a dark moment in someone's life.
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by Yellow Rose:
I learnt some years ago of the many dangers of overdosing on Paracetomol but didn't realise it had such awful consequences years later

Thats the problem. Overdosing on drugs doesn't wok--- and the after effects can be horrendous. My Half- Brother topped himself in Bangkok a few years ago--- Stabbed himself through the heart with a knife. FrownerNo coming back from that. Frowner
Suicide is a game---- either you mean it or not.--- Sorry if i sound harsh, but it's either a cry for help or a definite " don't want to be here" anymore.
Originally posted by Pip*:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:

I agree Yellow, it worries me that these not enough psychological profiling is done, and agree about how authentic some of these so called BB psychologist are. Do you remember the Scottish Asian guy from a couple of years ago who they had to yank out of the house sharpish because he was suicidal? I can't remember his name. he was in BB7.

And *BB* does that mean the paracetemol could kill somebody after a couple of days or months? That stuff is scary, I remember taking more than I should have during a day and my mother going nuts.

"The recommended adult single dose of paracetamol is two standard 500 mg tablets. Research shows that the common threshold for liver damage to occur from a single paracetamol overdose is 15 gms (30 tablets) although standard hospital guidelines allow an extra safety margin and assume liver damage could occur at a single overdose of 24 standard tablets or 150 mg/kg body weight, whichever is the smaller.

The overdose threshold may be lowered in a person taking certain prescription medicines, or a person who is an alcoholic or is seriously undernourished. If the overdose is spread over a period of time the threshold may be higher, as the initial paracetamol dose is effectively metabolised. (The recommended maximum dose in a 24 hour period is 4g or 8 tablets).

There are often no symptoms in the first 24 hours following overdose, although there may be mild nausea and vomiting. In a large overdose liver function deteriorates leading to jaundice, confusion, and loss of consciousness. Death is rare but when it occurs it is due to liver failure.

Treatment of a serious paracetamol overdose is mainly by administration of an antidote which can prevent the toxic effects of the overdose. This must be done early, ideally within 12 hours of the overdose although it can still be beneficial up to 24 hours or even later.

Treatment must be supervised in a hospital. It is important that if a paracetamol overdose is suspected, hospital treatment is sought without delay.

In England and Wales on average approximately 130 deaths per year can be directly attributed to paracetamol alone. In the vast majority of these cases the overdose is deliberate, and these deaths are returned as certain or probable suicides. In a small number of cases the overdose was intentional but the individual's expectation was not to cause death. Such deaths may be recorded as accidental." Taken from this website.

Frowner Sorry for being so depressive tonight. Just makes me mad when so called " Celebs " hit the headlines for taking a few painkillers too many and are " Rushed to hospital" How many folk are in a position far worse off than her who never get a mention on local news??? A Gorgeous looking girl like her with all the opportunities she must have?????? I will say no more. Roll Eyes Rant over Hug Valentine Hope you will not think i am a grumpy old git. Big Grin Just stating my opinion on real life situations as i have found in my 56 yrs of life. Eeker Wave Night everyone, The folk in the white coats have just kicked down the barricades i put up. Frowner I still have 2 sedative syringes ( one in each hand) for the first 2 fekkers who charge me. Devil Laugh Crazy Results to follow later. Big Grin
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
paracetamols ARE deadly - thats why you cant buy them by the shedload these days - same goes for most 'pain killers' Nod If you take enough of them and you get 'found in time' - you can STILL die a rather nasty death once you're out of hospital Nod Nod

What is NOT publicised enough is that many over the counter cough and cold medications also contain paracetamol, so you really need to read the label before taking them, especially if you're taking paracetamol tabs at the same time.
Originally posted by Real:
Frowner Sorry for being so depressive tonight. Just makes me mad when so called " Celebs " hit the headlines for taking a few painkillers too many and are " Rushed to hospital" How many folk are in a position far worse off than her who never get a mention on local news??? A Gorgeous looking girl like her with all the opportunities she must have?????? I will say no more. Roll Eyes Rant over Hug Valentine Hope you will not think i am a grumpy old git. Big Grin Just stating my opinion on real life situations as i have found in my 56 yrs of life. Eeker Wave Night everyone, The folk in the white coats have just kicked down the barricades i put up. Frowner I still have 2 sedative syringes ( one in each hand) for the first 2 fekkers who charge me. Devil Laugh Crazy Results to follow later. Big Grin

Real...I knew the comments from you were out of character, now I know why, and I feel your anguish, I really do! Valentine
Originally posted by *BB*:
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
paracetamols ARE deadly - thats why you cant buy them by the shedload these days - same goes for most 'pain killers' Nod If you take enough of them and you get 'found in time' - you can STILL die a rather nasty death once you're out of hospital Nod Nod

What is NOT publicised enough is that many over the counter cough and cold medications also contain paracetamol, so you really need to read the label before taking them, especially if you're taking paracetamol tabs at the same time.

exacrly - very true indeed - you and I know better obviously Nod Loads and LOADS of factors are the difference between life and death - height/weight/diet/existing conditions.... READ THE LABELS!!!!
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by Real:
Frowner Sorry for being so depressive tonight. Just makes me mad when so called " Celebs " hit the headlines for taking a few painkillers too many and are " Rushed to hospital" How many folk are in a position far worse off than her who never get a mention on local news??? A Gorgeous looking girl like her with all the opportunities she must have?????? I will say no more. Roll Eyes Rant over Hug Valentine Hope you will not think i am a grumpy old git. Big Grin Just stating my opinion on real life situations as i have found in my 56 yrs of life. Eeker Wave Night everyone, The folk in the white coats have just kicked down the barricades i put up. Frowner I still have 2 sedative syringes ( one in each hand) for the first 2 fekkers who charge me. Devil Laugh Crazy Results to follow later. Big Grin

Real...I knew the comments from you were out of character, now I know why, and I feel your anguish, I really do! Valentine

Hug Valentine Thanks Tiddles. Folk who know me will undrstand i am a good bloke-- Here to help anyone with anything with my many years of experience. Sorry if i have offended anyone Hug

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