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 I am up late, was looking at DS and found a thread linked to this article....


Hmmmmm, an admission that they hoped BB would attract more viewers to other Ch5 programmes.  Not in my case it won't - I haven't watched Ch5 - except for CBB - since I don't know when, mainly because their programmes are crap.


So, the fans have moved on and no longer want LF?  I consider the people on here to be big BB fans. Were any of you asked (rhetorical question)?


C5 boss defends live feed decision



Channel 5’s director of programming Jeff Ford has defended his decision not to have live feed for Big Brother this year.


Speaking at the Edinburgh International Television Festival, Ford insisted that the live feed service was no longer important as the show had evolved and fans had moved on.


Ford said: ‘We could have done live feed if we wanted to. But we’ve all moved on from watching people sleeping in bed.’


He argued that live feed was a big deal in Big Brother’s early years on Channel 4 but pointed out that there had been a significant drop in numbers and interest in recent years. Ford said that Channel 5 instead chose to spend money saved from having no live feed on the house and social media services.


Talking about the viewing figures for Celebrity Big Brother thus far, he pointed out that the series had been rating similarly to how the final series did on Channel 4 last year. He acknowledged, however, that ratings would most likely fall for the normal series as ‘history has told us ratings will go down slightly’.


Ford said he hoped Big Brother’s popularity on Channel 5 would encourage viewers to discover other programmes on the network. He explained that had BB11 winner Josie Gibson’s reality show aired now instead of four months ago, he believes it would’ve rated 50% higher due to the Big Brother inheritance.


Speaking about the show itself, Ford said the current series had the ‘best lineup ever’ and that more celebrities would be going into the house over the next two weeks, as well as some ‘surprises’.


Some good comments from fans beneath that article


Replies sorted oldest to newest



I'm just hanging in there by the skin of my teeth Bunny, if they don't back down over live feed I'm afraid my Big Brother days are over  



Mr Ford's a twonk, why on earth would hardcore BB fans want to watch 40 minutes of highly edited highlights and like you it wouldn't attract me to programme on Channel 5. I only ever watch CSI on 5 and did so before CBB started. 


I was reading his comments and thinking ok if you insist there is going to be no live feed then at least pay for some decent editors cos last night I couldn't make head nor tail of why the house are all against Pamela. .they've not shown anything she has done that the HM's are complaining about..well not anything that makes sense anyway.. ie actions followed by the reactions to show what she's up to that is annoying them, with Live feed at least we'd have a bit of a clue




I think maybe only 2 shows so far have made sense from start to finish. .the rest are just a complete muddle of unconnected crap . .or the Jedward cbeebies show

Mount Olympus *Olly*

he/they really dont understand our need to get the complete picture not base our support and backing to the highly edited few measly minutes they are giving us the privy of 


I cant even run the clips/vids published on the web site as my rural slow connection just cogs most of the time and TBH that again is what they want us to see 


least with CH4 and the various sources we between us were able to paint the complete picture and with the LUT fill in any edited gaps ........  *sighs*  those were the days 


I watched opening night & then tried to watch the first highlights show. But it just irked me that much that I haven't tuned back in & won't be. We don't get to form our own opinions therefore the whole BB experiment is a FAILURE.


TBH I don't really give a toss whether there's live feed or not....I've not got either the time or the inclination to watch it anyway....and there was no live feed for series one and that got enough people hooked.


And Olly, I can understand the Pamela loathing by the rest of them cos she is a massive away with the fairies pain in the arse!



The Oracle has spoken!!


Best lineup ever!! What is he on?

They seem to be mostly lower than zelebdom randomers culled from other reality shows - or mouthy people famous for being twats - or both.


And this twonk is director of programming! Heaven help us

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

TBH I don't really give a toss whether there's live feed or not....I've not got either the time or the inclination to watch it anyway....and there was no live feed for series one and that got enough people hooked.


And Olly, I can understand the Pamela loathing by the rest of them cos she is a massive away with the fairies pain in the arse!



The Oracle has spoken!!

Wasn't series one on E4 for most of the day and evening though? I'm sure I remember them setting up E4 just so they could run continual footage.

I may be remembering wrong I admit


Just found this snippet....


The first series was mainly viewed by the daily highlights programme. The only un-edited footage available was a largely inaccessible, poor quality (compared with later series) streaming internet video


The internet live feed for BB1, however small in terms of viewers or low quality, was a key ingredient in the series IMO, its what got everyone talking when the whole Nasty Nick episode went on. As it happened, word went round - radio stations were talking about it, I remember Chris Moyles commenting that he was seeing something big going down in the BB house on his afternoon show.

I heard all about it and couldn't wait to see the highlights that night.


It doesn't matter who sees the live feed, they will tell others, and the live action is documented. That's what's important for me. I like to see some of the live feed when I can, but for this show to be called Big Brother, we should be able to access the housemates whenever we want.


Saying "We could have done live feed if we wanted to, we've moved on from watching people sleeping" is a massive 'F*** YOU' to the loyal fans and shows little respect for the original concept.



I tried again last night with the highlight show, but didn't understand the issue with the cigarettes, or how nasty some HMs were being towards Pamela about the beds.


We need to be able to see the context in these situations for ourselves, because the idiots editing this show aren't giving it to us!!

Originally Posted by Croctacus:

Just found this snippet....


The first series was mainly viewed by the daily highlights programme. The only un-edited footage available was a largely inaccessible, poor quality (compared with later series) streaming internet video

that's how I watched the first 3 BB's cos I only had analogue cable TV so no red button or E4. and then they started charging for the Internet feed too. .it was really expensive  so I used to read the LUT to keep up.. then it got really cheap so I subscribed and also went digital and finally had the red button.. , joined the forum and for some mad reason started LUTting too


I think I've missed out on the main Pamela stuff ... probs cos am not that into it. .can see she is ditsy but they've not shown enough of her 'bad' bits to warrant the high levels of hate they all seem to have for her. .was the same with the Darren hate too. .not showing what it is he does to annoy them. . just a few comments form half pissed HM that make no sense..


I think if I hadn't had access to any live feed I doubt I'd have stayed a fan for all these yrs. .I truly can't see how I would have stuck with the main show on just weeks of HL's alone.. plus of a weekend when the TV is crap it was nice to have it running on the background. . and in the early days I was on the last legs of my degree so had it on as white noise while studying... tis also great to be in on the action when the rows start too..  the best bit was reading the forum and seeing a thread saying it's all kicking off and tuning in, if I had turned off, to watch it in all it's glory

Mount Olympus *Olly*

May be it's me being all old and grouchy (don't all rush to agree)    I get the feeling that C5 want to take BB away from it's core watchers which by and large are around 30+ age group.


It seems as if they are wanting to attract a 'younger social networking type viewer' and without trying to insult peoples intelligence, the younger generation seem to be happy with being spoon fed information and the smaller the chunks that they have to engage with the better.  Now before you all jump on me, I know not all youngsters are like this but a fair few prefer not to have to put too much work their watching habits.  In some ways I feel this is an import from the States.  This is why Twitter and the odd snippets on the C5 FB page suffice for them.  If anyone, C5 included, told me the sky was blue, I'd have to go outside and check just to make sure.  And yes I'm making a lot of assumptions here.


Even if you didn't like watching LF - a fair few people would read the LUT pages which gave an astounding amount of information about which we could form an opinion.  Then there were the many threads where people could 'debate' and I use that word loosely  about how they'd seen things differently than that to what the HL programme had portrayed.  This celeb version for me has fallen very flat. 


I have the right of access to the C5 snippets and Twitter but I felt cheated that I wasn't getting enough information so feel it's not worth bothering.  Yes there's a lot of us more mature viewers that are quite technologically advanced but I'd still think LF should have been included in the package to give an all round viewing package.  Half the fun for me was deciphering what was happening before my own eyes.


I guess what I'm clumsily trying to say is that the odd picture, video clippet and poor footage from the HL show is C5 dictating what it feels is relevant rather than my being able to make up my own mind.  If Twitter and C5 BB FB page plus HLs is enough, fair play to you, but surely all BB viewers should have been considered including those that feel LF is an integral part of the BB experience???


*waddles off to continue being old and grouchy*  and if I've offended anyone I'm sorry and it is unintentional 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

May be it's me being all old and grouchy (don't all rush to agree)    I get the feeling that C5 want to take BB away from it's core watchers which by and large are around 30+ age group.


It seems as if they are wanting to attract a 'younger social networking type viewer' and without trying to insult peoples intelligence, the younger generation seem to be happy with being spoon fed information and the smaller the chunks that they have to engage with the better.  Now before you all jump on me, I know not all youngsters are like this but a fair few prefer not to have to put too much work their watching habits.  In some ways I feel this is an import from the States.  This is why Twitter and the odd snippets on the C5 FB page suffice for them.  If anyone, C5 included, told me the sky was blue, I'd have to go outside and check just to make sure.  And yes I'm making a lot of assumptions here.


Even if you didn't like watching LF - a fair few people would read the LUT pages which gave an astounding amount of information about which we could form an opinion.  Then there were the many threads where people could 'debate' and I use that word loosely  about how they'd seen things differently than that to what the HL programme had portrayed.  This celeb version for me has fallen very flat. 


I have the right of access to the C5 snippets and Twitter but I felt cheated that I wasn't getting enough information so feel it's not worth bothering.  Yes there's a lot of us more mature viewers that are quite technologically advanced but I'd still think LF should have been included in the package to give an all round viewing package.  Half the fun for me was deciphering what was happening before my own eyes.


I guess what I'm clumsily trying to say is that the odd picture, video clippet and poor footage from the HL show is C5 dictating what it feels is relevant rather than my being able to make up my own mind.  If Twitter and C5 BB FB page plus HLs is enough, fair play to you, but surely all BB viewers should have been considered including those that feel LF is an integral part of the BB experience???


*waddles off to continue being old and grouchy*  and if I've offended anyone I'm sorry and it is unintentional 

 *waddles off behind Pengy and joins the old and grouchy crowd*

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

ROFL There seem to a lot us  grouchies around..

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

*adds costumes to make us look inconspicuous*   

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

ROFL There seem to a lot us  grouchies around..


yep deffo innit <trying to sound younger



Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

*adds costumes to make us look inconspicuous*   

oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

ROFL There seem to a lot us  grouchies around..


yep deffo innit <trying to sound younger

 Is you getting down and dirty there Abo.... cool man.....


Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

*adds costumes to make us look inconspicuous*   

oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

Originally Posted by Baz:
oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

See I'm technologically inept ^ look at the mess I made up there 



Priscilla has come out of the desert in protest at no LF 

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Baz:
oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

See I'm technologically inept ^ look at the mess I made up there 



Priscilla has come out of the desert in protest at no LF 

actually now it's posted it looks OK - as you were people nothing to see move along, move along 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

ROFL There seem to a lot us  grouchies around..


yep deffo innit <trying to sound younger

 Is you getting down and dirty there Abo.... cool man.....


Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

*adds costumes to make us look inconspicuous*   

oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

Queen of the Desert - see just a different colour

Originally Posted by Katerina:

The internet live feed for BB1, however small in terms of viewers or low quality, was a key ingredient in the series IMO, its what got everyone talking when the whole Nasty Nick episode went on.  


Exactly. It was the LF - and especially BB's ill-advised pulling of it when they panicked because they thought the house was going to kick off - that made BB's reputation.

Loads of people who had been paying lip-service to the series as a whole, never mind the LF, suddenly started talking about it at work and suchlike. The fuss was so massive that C4 had to rush out a special episode covering Nick's trial.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Abo:


*adds costumes to make us look inconspicuous*   

oh we look very 'Priscilla'

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

Queen of the Desert - see just a different colour





LOL... Oh I see  

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

tags along as well. . 

joins conga line

*grabs hold*

ROFL There seem to a lot us  grouchies around..

another grouchie here 







Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Who's Priscilla.....?? Is she in  the House?  

Queen of the Desert - see just a different colour


Well, yes: but remember that Priscilla was actually the bus...


Eugene's Lair

 Hope I'm not tooo late to tag along!


Pengy for the BB production Team!  - Then we'd get the REAL BB Experience! 


I discovered the C4 Forum by reading the LUT and was addicted for a couple of years before i was brave enough to actually join.  It's the little things that fascinate, and give us insight - not possible without 24h Live Feed.

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 Hope I'm not tooo late to tag along!


Pengy for the BB production Team!  - Then we'd get the REAL BB Experience! 


I discovered the C4 Forum by reading the LUT and was addicted for a couple of years before i was brave enough to actually join.  It's the little things that fascinate, and give us insight - not possible without 24h Live Feed.

Hoochie   are you back from your hollibobs or are you still enjoying yourself in the sun?  Good to see you 


 Still in Rome Pengy .....hubby is having a siesta and I'm applying fake tan and cutting my hair - not easy walking around a place like this at my age and weight with all the young lovelies and their short shorts reminding you of what will never come again 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

 Still in Rome Pengy .....hubby is having a siesta and I'm applying fake tan and cutting my hair - not easy walking around a place like this at my age and weight with all the young lovelies and their short shorts reminding you of what will never come again 

away with you woman - you looked gawjuss on that fotie you posted 


I'm jealous I'd love to go to Rome to see the ancient artefacts and to get a day trip to Pompeii but knowing my luck Vesuvius would decide to erupt just as I'd arrive 


I'm hoping to do my 50th there with the family (I have a few years yet to save up for it) 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

away with you woman - you looked gawjuss on that fotie you posted 


I'm jealous I'd love to go to Rome to see the ancient artefacts and to get a day trip to Pompeii but knowing my luck Vesuvius would decide to erupt just as I'd arrive 


I'm hoping to do my 50th there with the family (I have a few years yet to save up for it) 

aww you're so kind .... we all need friends like you!


We're here for hubby's 50th ......well worth saving up for!  It's so unusual .that you walk around the city and the past is everywhere.  Turn a corner and you come upon another outstanding piece of history.  I particularly love how they've incorporated old roman buildings into new ones by building onto them - preserving the past and making it part of the modern city.  I just love it here  

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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