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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
I truely do not understand the level of animosity over this.
It's a matter of basic housekeeping for me Fluffs. We are supposed to be broke, yet we are spending money on something that is not necessary at this time. I'm not saying don't ever do another census, just that there must be better things to spend the 500 million pounds on right now.
Loads of people I know have posted theirs already.  You don't have to do it all on the same day... they just ask questions about if anyone WILL be staying and so on... on that certain day in March.  When I went to the postbox, 7 people in front of me were posting theirs... the cencus peeps are nosey thought aren't they?  LOL.
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Issy:
I HATE this intrusion and nosiness into our lives - what the heck has where I work got to do with anything?
I will put down as little as I can get away with...
I haven't worked for 11 years so I don't see why it's necessary for me to declare where I worked before I became ill? 
I absolutely do not trust this or the previous government so the less info they have about me the better....
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Issy:
I HATE this intrusion and nosiness into our lives - what the heck has where I work got to do with anything?
I will put down as little as I can get away with...
I haven't worked for 11 years so I don't see why it's necessary for me to declare where I worked before I became ill? 
I absolutely do not trust this or the previous government so the less info they have about me the better....
But wehy are you bothered? i have nothing to hide really doesn't bother me at all TBH. If you have something to hide it's pretty easy to just lie or omit what you don't want anyone else to know - they really wont check up on you.

Just to reiterate my point earlier - I see it as a very intersting and seful historical document. In a 100 years from now - some people might like to see how the country/family structure/work habits etc have changed.

I'm just interested in Social History so I don't have a problem with it. Unless you've got something to hide it really isn't a big deal - is it?
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Issy:
Soozy - I just don't like sharing my business with anyone - it is my life - not anyone else's

Nothing to do with having anything to hide. I just like to keep my own life thanks.
And that's fair enough but ......................I love reading and knowing about how our country changes over the years. I see it as an important and useful exercise for purely historic reasons. I guess we're not all the same.
Soozy Woo
Got mine hand delivered last evening.
Read thru it today and phoned the 0300 phoneline (didnt say if it was free or not) about the part that says.....Your personal information is protected by law and we will keep it confidential for 100 years. 
Spoke to Fiona, and asked about this, she told me it is all about statistics, and my personal details wont be given to anyone. Ok i said, so tell me who gets the information. Supermarkets, and the Government. I said "pardon" ? Then silence, i said, so the supermarkets want to know if i am in a same sex marraige, is that going to make a difference to the food i eat, or the school my/our child will go to?  Silence. i then asked why all this information was needed, as it is an computer age and most things are known anyway to the Government. Fiona, all of a corfuffle said if i didnt fill it in i would be fined ÂĢ1000. I didnt say i wouldnt, but apparently Fiona couldnt answer my questions so i said bye
Sorry long post, i am not well pleased TBH
Skylark, the census website says this about confidentiality. I've put the crucial bit in bold.

Personal information is confidential

The information you provide to us in the 2011 Census is confidential and protected by law.

The confidentiality of personal information is a top priority for the census. All staff working on the census must sign an undertaking of confidentiality. It is a criminal offence to unlawfully disclose personal census information.

All data processing and helpline centres are in the UK and subject to UK confidentiality legislation. No company or organisation outside the UK will have any access to personal census information. Independent checks on physical and electronic security have been carried out by an accredited UK security consultancy.

The information you provide to us is only used for statistical purposes, and remains in the custody of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in England and Wales, and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) in Northern Ireland.

The security arrangements covering the handling and processing of census information will be subject to an independent review. The Independent Information Assurance Review report is available to download from the Office for National Statistics website.

Personal information is not shared with government departments
Your personal census information will not be shared with government departments, local councils or marketing companies.

Information collected in the 2011 Census will be used solely to produce statistics and for statistical research. These statistics will not reveal personal information.

Use of the information will comply fully with the 1920 Census Act and the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (for England and Wales), Census Act (NI) 1969 (for Northern Ireland) and the requirements of Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation.

Any breach of confidentiality provisions is a criminal offence, subject to possible imprisonment and fines.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Soozy - I just don't like sharing my business with anyone - it is my life - not anyone else's

Nothing to do with having anything to hide. I just like to keep my own life thanks.
And that's fair enough but ......................I love reading and knowing about how our country changes over the years. I see it as an important and useful exercise for purely historic reasons. I guess we're not all the same.
I agree 

I've been researching my family history and if they didn't have things like this I'd be at a dead end with my search by now.
I filled mine in, just haven't bothered sending it off. I don't understand the not wanting to give info cos its mine all mine angle... none of it is particularly personal stuff and for the most part they have it all anyway... they know your address and where you work etc. The only thing that annoys me a bit is giving it all again - seems a bit pointless when they have it all and more from other records

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