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Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Karma_:
What's the visitors thing all about? The census is designed to take a snapshot of the population of the country, not what you had for dinner or who you managed to drag home for a leg over ffs! HOW nosey!
And the detailed results will eventually go online, so everyone will be able to see who was in the house.
Well that could lead to a whole load of trouble
But it won't go on line for a hundred years. Don't think there'll be too much fuss.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
may be I should kick up a stink that there isn't a British box for me to tick
Mr Ditty lives for moments where there is no spot on correct racial/nationality box for him to tick!

He loves it he does...    being able to get all outraged on behalf of British born to one British Parent, one Hong Kong parent.

I just ignore him now 
i get annoyed that there is no box for me to tick that covers the 'kinda white but not really due to being olive skinned and not quite Caucasian' box in the ethnicity sections..

 I usually tick prefer not to answer in those cases cos I can't see why anybody needs to know the ethinicity of the people filling in a form.. drives me mad..

oh and while I'm at it why is there a single option as well as a divorced option on forms. .I am both. .which one do I tick. .and why the feck shoudl I tick any of them anyway..

think i better close my puter for the night am on a ranty roll .. grumpy mode sends me off on one..

na night
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
may be I should kick up a stink that there isn't a British box for me to tick
Mr Ditty lives for moments where there is no spot on correct racial/nationality box for him to tick!

He loves it he does...    being able to get all outraged on behalf of British born to one British Parent, one Hong Kong parent.

I just ignore him now 
i get annoyed that there is no box for me to tick that covers the 'kinda white but not really due to being olive skinned and not quite Caucasian' box in the ethnicity sections..

 I usually tick prefer not to answer in those cases cos I can't see why anybody needs to know the ethinicity of the people filling in a form.. drives me mad..

oh and while I'm at it why is there a single option as well as a divorced option on forms. .I am both. .which one do I tick. .and why the feck shoudl I tick any of them anyway..

think i better close my puter for the night am on a ranty roll .. grumpy mode sends me off on one..

na night
The assumption is that 'single' generally means 'Never Married' while divorced means'was married,but am not now'
It's the same for a widowed person.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Oh this gets me mad, i will hold out as long as i can without filling it in, never got it yet!
i dont see the point of it, when "they" know enough about us already. Those that dont wish to be known, i.e. illegal immigrants, arent likely to be filling in the forms anyway!!
As for saying who is your home on such and such a date, oh pleasseee
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Oh this gets me mad, i will hold out as long as i can without filling it in, never got it yet!
i dont see the point of it, when "they" know enough about us already. Those that dont wish to be known, i.e. illegal immigrants, arent likely to be filling in the forms anyway!!
As for saying who is your home on such and such a date, oh pleasseee
I doubt 'illegal immigrants' will be getting a form in the first place!
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Oh this gets me mad, i will hold out as long as i can without filling it in, never got it yet!
i dont see the point of it, when "they" know enough about us already. Those that dont wish to be known, i.e. illegal immigrants, arent likely to be filling in the forms anyway!!
As for saying who is your home on such and such a date, oh pleasseee
I doubt 'illegal immigrants' will be getting a form in the first place!
Well exactly, thats my point. It says the Census is required to assess the level of needs, i.e schools, health service, but they know that already, as those who use the services have registered, thru birth cerificates, NI number etc , so whats the point of it ?
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Imagine, though, if all of England got their census forms and there was nowhere on it for them to say they were English..
that wouldn't bother me at all. .I consider myself British. .only thing English about me was the fact I was born in the English bit of the British Isles to immigrant parents. . there is no English Blood in my family at all. . I don't have any particular affinity to any of the country's in the list.  but I do feel I am British.. 

may be I should kick up a stink that there isn't a British box for me to tick
I was about to get all indignant and say that I would refuse to classify nationality if there wasn't an option to tick British, but I've checked my form, and there is a British option. 
i THINK ALTHOUGH IT MAY (oops soory) not be of huge significance now - it will one day be a historical document. Rather like the Magna Carta ..............seriously - why do people have a problem with i?. It's apparently compulsory to fill in and return but ................if there are questions that offend you - don't answer it - I hardly think you'll be chased up and fined.
Soozy Woo
What is the real purpose of the exercise, though? To pick up Ditty's points about how data is collated already, there is also the election roll, where they already collect data about who we are and who lives with us. God knows why they wanna know about visitors Seems pointless to me as the data will never ever be accurate.

A load of money being spent on a load of shit. Again.
I've never had to serve on a far! First time for High court,my batch of 50 numbers were not needed,excused.Second time for Sheriff  court I wasn't well so got a doctors letter and was excused.Two years ago I was called again for the Sheriff court,I  attended for the week and was not called.We got messed about ..come back next moring etc..hang around, not needed as the lawyers dealt with various points of law or the accused changed pleas etc.However our batch of 50 were called into a court and 15 selected(not me).We all heard the horrible details of the charges.It was a child sex abuse case going back to the 80's.Later that case collapsed on a point of law.We were then told we may be called back the following week,however the head clerk of court decided we had been messed about enough and excused us.So five days of turning up and,hanging around for hours at times then getting sent home.
I was called twice when I lived in london. The first time (London Bridge) - i had three children under four and was excused. the second time (Old Baily) - they were a little older two were at school and one at home - I said I was prepared to do it but was excused again. I was a tad gutted TBH as i really wanted to do it. A few people I knew in the surrounding area were called and one of them was on the PC Blakelock/Winston Silcot trial. I live in hope that I#ll be called again - it's sometghing I'd really like to do.
Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Bloody hell Did you get any kind of compensation for what was a total waste of time?
Well you claim financial expenses,travel ,and you get forms to give to your employers as the court pays your wages.I  wasn't working two years ago,as I'm medically retired.But boredom

So it can be very mundane ,however I suppose if you get called to a case first time it could be interesting.Imagine being on the Jury for the Tommy Sheridan Case .That lasted three months..I think.
Long trials etc,I think the judge can excuse you from service again  for years
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Imagine, though, if all of England got their census forms and there was nowhere on it for them to say they were English..
that wouldn't bother me at all. .I consider myself British. .only thing English about me was the fact I was born in the English bit of the British Isles to immigrant parents. . there is no English Blood in my family at all. . I don't have any particular affinity to any of the country's in the list.  but I do feel I am British.. 

may be I should kick up a stink that there isn't a British box for me to tick
I was about to get all indignant and say that I would refuse to classify nationality if there wasn't an option to tick British, but I've checked my form, and there is a British option. 
oooooooh  I shall be ticking that one then.. cheers Growls

I don't have a problem with the census either.. tho I've not read it yet so don't know what they are asking this time so may find something to get up in arms about at a later date..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I have no trouble with the census per will become a historical document like the others before it.
I do have a problem with questions other than the head count....How many bedrooms my house has e.g........As for religion, I always enter 'none' and my own little protest is to fill the darn thing in straightway and not wait until the 27th
Originally Posted by Kaytee:
I have no trouble with the census per will become a historical document like the others before it.
I do have a problem with questions other than the head count....How many bedrooms my house has e.g........As for religion, I always enter 'none' and my own little protest is to fill the darn thing in straightway and not wait until the 27th
This should help you with what to include as bedrooms
El Loro
As there has been a census every ten years (apart from in 1941) since 1801, I can't see why I shouldnt fill mine in, especially as I am compiling my family tree and it is a wonderful resource for my research.
Due to the cost of doing the census, this is likely to be the last one so I want to do my bit for the genealogists of the future while I can.

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