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Rocking Ros posted:
Kaytee posted:

I wish the women had chosen bliddy Andrew and Genuwine or whatever his name isn't....although Daniel was a very good choice for the so called the bimbos...whatever braincell they possess is in their pants

think it should have been mixed team noms-its obvious who the men would choose

Bimbos would have been influenced by the men

Kaytee posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Kaytee posted:

I wish the women had chosen bliddy Andrew and Genuwine or whatever his name isn't....although Daniel was a very good choice for the so called the bimbos...whatever braincell they possess is in their pants

think it should have been mixed team noms-its obvious who the men would choose

Bimbos would have been influenced by the men

true kaytee

Rocking Ros Rose

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