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Baz posted:

I think people get duped by her little girl looks and act ....and forget she is a 35 year old woman 

I didn't watch the interview, I couldn't bring myself to listen to her b*llsh*t. From what I've read on digital spy she seems to have won over a fair few people, personally,  there's nothing she could say that could redeem her actions. She didn't make a mistake, she didn't even exaggerate, she coldbloodedly set out to destroy a man's reputation and ruin his life. No apology can justify her actions. Unless there is a presenter out there who isn't scared to take her to task then I wish she would just go away.

Bethni posted:
Baz posted:

I think people get duped by her little girl looks and act ....and forget she is a 35 year old woman 

I didn't watch the interview, I couldn't bring myself to listen to her b*llsh*t. From what I've read on digital spy she seems to have won over a fair few people, personally,  there's nothing she could say that could redeem her actions. She didn't make a mistake, she didn't even exaggerate, she coldbloodedly set out to destroy a man's reputation and ruin his life. No apology can justify her actions. Unless there is a presenter out there who isn't scared to take her to task then I wish she would just go away.

I turned the interview off,no way was I going to listen to her self justifications 

Kaytee posted:
Bethni posted:
Baz posted:

I think people get duped by her little girl looks and act ....and forget she is a 35 year old woman 

I didn't watch the interview, I couldn't bring myself to listen to her b*llsh*t. From what I've read on digital spy she seems to have won over a fair few people, personally,  there's nothing she could say that could redeem her actions. She didn't make a mistake, she didn't even exaggerate, she coldbloodedly set out to destroy a man's reputation and ruin his life. No apology can justify her actions. Unless there is a presenter out there who isn't scared to take her to task then I wish she would just go away.

I turned the interview off,no way was I going to listen to her self justifications 

I watched just to see what excuse she came up with  

Hi Kaytee ,`Yogi , Bethni , 

Baz posted:
Kaytee posted:
Bethni posted:
Baz posted:

I think people get duped by her little girl looks and act ....and forget she is a 35 year old woman 

I didn't watch the interview, I couldn't bring myself to listen to her b*llsh*t. From what I've read on digital spy she seems to have won over a fair few people, personally,  there's nothing she could say that could redeem her actions. She didn't make a mistake, she didn't even exaggerate, she coldbloodedly set out to destroy a man's reputation and ruin his life. No apology can justify her actions. Unless there is a presenter out there who isn't scared to take her to task then I wish she would just go away.

I turned the interview off,no way was I going to listen to her self justifications 

I watched just to see what excuse she came up with  

Hi Kaytee ,`Yogi , Bethni , 

Erased from memory bank now,never want to see or hear from her again


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