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Day 21: Uncertain-tea

6 mins ago

The housemates know something's afoot. Big B had them pack their suitcases, which is rarely done for sport. They're speculating about tonight and whether it's going to be a single or double eviction.  We know the answer to that one.

It's been a quiet day with an undercurrent of restlessness. Even the snowman in the garden has seemed reflective. House grown-ups Claire, Tricia and Frankie whipped up a delicious roast scarfed down rapidly by one and all. Hunger sated they have returned to mooching about thoughtfully. Tune to Channel 5 at 9pm to find out who's eaten their final tea.


What thoughts swim beneath Ryan's moody stare?



Claire roasts vegeatables to perfection



Housemates cluster round the chicken maker, picking away like... chickens



Oh yeah, baby. Oh yeah



Eating but concerned. Sensual mulit-tasking that



The snowman prepares itself for goodbyes





It is a truth universally acknowledged that a housemate expecting to be on live TV will take an interest in beautifying themselves. Unless they are Spencer who doesn't care. We last saw a beard like that when Tom Hanks played a man washed up on a desert island in Cast Away. We don't mean to be harsh. In fact congratulations Spence for challenging the narrow looks-based value system rotting our society.

Fortunately for those of us who enjoy pictures of housemates glamming up Spencer's enlightenment isn't catching. Tricia's got her false eyelashes on and Claire's lipstick is a vampish red. Meanwhile Razor is bathroom fresh. Enjoy...



Heidi loves to sparkle



Puckering up



Frankie prepares for the outside world by perfecting his golf swing. Natch



Rylan and Razor freshen up



After the cleansing part, Razor's preperations begin to lag



Rylan and Tricia work together to create their best selves



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