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Day 21: Who's who in the human zoo

18 mins ago

In the snowy garden, Speidi and Ryan have been discussing what sort of dog Ryan should get when he gets home. The most popular suggestions so far have been a golden retriever or a husky.

Rylan, stumbling into the conversation, misheard and thought the housemates were discussing what kind of dog Ryan would be, which got us thinking. If the housemates were animals, which species would they be best compared to?

We can see why Rylan was confused – Ryan would be an excellent golden retriever – he's shown himself to be good natured , faithful and loyal.

Rylan would almost definitely be a peacock – proud, impeccably turned out and in possession of a strong strut.

Claire has to be the mother hen. Without her the (and to a certain extent Frankie) housemates would have probably tried to survive off toast alone. Rylan has cried on her shoulder on more than one occasion and her maternal instincts have frequently been called upon to sooth his troubled ego.

Tricia is the House meerkat, keeping an inquisitive eye on all the goings on in the House and ducking out of any major conflict.

Razor can't be anything other than a big bear – the fictional teddy bear type that would respond well to a good belly tickling, rather than the wild variety more likely to forage through your tent. Not that he's not to be found foraging in the fridge from time to time. This is the man who recommends spaghetti bolognaise sandwiches after all.  

Frankie, with his cheeky side, would be a monkey. He's the jungle VIP, who reached the top (during The Dictator task) and had to stop... You get the gist.

And what about Speidi?  We're struggling with this pair. Do you have any suggestions?

Two of our residents will be leaving the human zoo tonight.  Which housemates do you think will escape and which will be keepers?



Day 21: The Viewers' Venom task

3 mins ago

It's time to get quizzical! Big Brother is sending Bit on the Side's, Jamie East, into the House to challenge the housemates with The Viewer's Venom task.

BB has asked viewers for their frank and honest opinions about this year's celebs and the housemates will be asked questions based on the answers they gave. Spilt into two teams, the foursome that answers the most questions right will be the winner.

The quiz is divided into five rounds.

Round One – The Great Impression:

Housemates will be shown clips of viewers impersonating one of the resident celebs. They must take it in turns to guess the identity of the housemate being sent up by the impression.

Round Two – Smell-o-vision:

Viewers were asked what they thought housemates smelt of. Using a short description of the smell, housemates must guess who the viewers were referring to.

Round Three – One For Wonders:

Housemates will have to guess the identity of the housemate viewers were asked to describe using just one word.

Round Four - The Quick Fire Buzzer Round:

It's fastest finger first with housemates hopefully boosting their scores by answering a whole bunch of questions.

Round Five – Cruel to be kind:

Clips of viewers offering hard hitting advice to housemates will be shown to the teams. All they have to do is guess who the advice is directed at.

May the best team win.



Day 21: Viewers' venom

11 mins ago

That naughty Jamie East has been stirring things up in the House this afternoon, fronting the gameshow task, Viewers'  Venom. As you can tell from the name, it wasn't exactly the nicest quiz, as the housemates got to grips with what the viewers actually think about them.

Split into two teams, the housemates answered five rounds of questions and learnt, among many other things, that the viewers think Claire smells of eggs and bacon, cleaning bleach and cheap body spray, and that she looks like a lumpy potato. "Charming" was her response. Charming indeed.

Fellow chum Tricia also got a lashing, being described as 'dull, pointless, embarrassing and waste of space'. Turning to her fellow contestants, she glumly asked, "Am I dull?" before sadly staring off into the distance. Although she seemed to get over it after a bit of reassurance from her pals, we have a feeling this isn't the last we've heard about it...

But it wasn't all bad. Rylan was described as 'funny',' hilarious' and 'real', while Frankie was chosen as 'the most sensual snogger'. Oo-err.  And Heidi took her description of 'fake', 'plastic', 'fabulous', 't**s' as one of the nicest compliments she's ever had. Each to one's own.

As the teams drew scores, Jamie set a tie-breaker question, which went as follows, "Who did one viewer describe as a dirty warthog?" As razor correctly guessed himself, his team won a much coveted Viewers' Venom t-shirt and mug – much to the disappointment of the other team, of course.

But there are no real winners in this game, as everyone now has the afternoon to mull over what they've just heard –right before the last eviction as well. We are too kind


Winning Team: Razor, Frankie, Tricia and Ryan


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