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Day 20: All mates and mucking around

1 hour ago

It's fair to say it's been a tumultuous few days in the House, with tension and tears taking precedence over love and laughter. But the atmosphere has thawed out tonight. Speidi's earlier apology for clapping during the Diletters task helped the mood. The recent champagne Tricia won followed by a steady stream of deep pan oven pizzas has soothed our pals, putting a full stop on inter-House conflict.
When people relax, their silly side comes out. Prime perpetrators have been Speidi, Rylan and Frankie who spent a lot of this evening rolling around, giggling and generally getting up to hi-jinx. It's the semi-final tomorrow and everyone's keen to make sure what could be their last night is as sweet as American pie.

15:09, Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Lacey Banghard has hinted that she too knew about Rylan Clark's weekly forays into the outside world.

The glamour model - who was evicted last week - was quizzed by Digital Spy whilst at a PETA photo call in London today (22 January), and said: "Oh, I didn't know that had come out. I'm not too sure how I feel about it."

And when asked whether the housemates were aware that Rylan was slipping out, Lacey responded: "I can't say, sorry. [You've] put me on the spot."

Lacey also revealed that she remained covered up in the Big Brother house - barring the odd accidental nudity - out of respect for the housemates.

Explaining that she's "quite a free person anyway", the model said: "But there's a lot of married men in there and they weren't as comfortable with me walking around in my pants, so I did decide to cover up a little more. Just out of respect for everyone else in the house."


12.27am: Rylan has been caught by Ryan and Claire is pillaging him for the return of her lovely brassiere.

How many more tweets with this clowns name

Just read on DS that Claires letter said 'I'm so glad you and Rylan have found the perfect friendship' explains this 'fun' tonight.

Last edited by Former Member

1.09am: *Sigh* With bedtime comes the traumatic reverberations of Razor's snores. Send ear-plugs to Elstree. Please.


1.27am: Spencer has fallen asleep in what we like to call the 'reclining Adonis' pose.


1.45am: And lo, all was tranquil in the bedroom - apart from the constant menacing growl of Razor's snoring


1.55am: Night all. There's nothing left to see here for any of us any more. Until tomorrow, that is...

Last edited by Former Member


Day 20 round-up: Returning housemates and reversed words

1 hour ago

The House woke up to a mass controversy, with Rylan and Claire (From Steps, the band, if you didn’t know.) waking up in the same bed as each other. Claire likened the experience to sharing a bed with her son. Their bond is indeed very special.

Speaking of bonds, Speidi and the rest of the housemates after last night’s apology session were on good form. Heidi even made mass breakfast, which would’ve been a nice gesture had it not been all for her wonderful husband. 

After a bit of a strange moment with Ryan, who moved all the weights from the gym into the living room for a bit of unorthodox feng shui handling, BB pulled the HMs out of their mooching phase and ordered them to 'dress to Impress'. What could that mean?

We are of course playing coy, and know exactly what it means. It meant that it was time for a very special task indeed, starring our long since departed housemate, Paula Hamilton! 

From the depths of her fashion boudoir (i.e. the task room), Paula sat with perfectly coifed hair and observed her housemates’ various satorial choices, as they ran riot in the bedroom tearing their threads limb from limb trying to find the perfect look. The choices varied from Heidi drenched in an outfit so glittery, magpies would write fables about her in years to come, to Rylan’s naval grazing shirt. Paula was sold instantly, as were we, and our Essex warbler was dubbed 'most fashionable', with Tricia and Ryan landed to less coveted 'worst dress' slot. Alas, if only those Lindsay Lohan rumours had been true, maybe the fates would’ve been shaken. Still, in celebration of Tricia and Ryan’s indiscretion to fashion, they were awarded with a full makeover, a catwalk, cheeky wines, and bad trousers! Not too shabby, no!

After this, the housemates celebrated Paula’s return and marvelled at her existence. But all good things must come to an end, and like leprechaun gold, Paula disappeared just when the housemates thought she was back forever. The partying continued regardless, of course, ending in a mad game of 'Who Am I?' and general tomfoolery, which involved Ryan, Razor, Rylan and Spencer all gyrating against the floor, and Heidi doing this. 

As we sank into the early hours, things got a little bit silly, with Rylan stealing Claire’s bra for quite an inordinate amount of time. But the poor loves tuckered themselves out, and dropped off, all united, with no bad juju whatsoever. Well done everybody. Now if you be this chipper at the double-eviction tomorrow, we’ll give you some sweeties.



8.01am: It's eviction day! Housemates are fast asleep

8.15am: Spencer is awake. What could be keeping him from his slumber?

8.23am: Spencer has left a sleeping Heidi in bed while he makes himself breakfast. This may be the first time they've been seprated.

8.32am: Spencer is making toast. This may be the first time we have seen him in the living room without Heidi.

8.42am: Spencer is now napping the living room. Could Heidi have been stealing all the covers?

8.56am: It's all quiet in the bedroom. Not even a snore from Razor.



Day 21: Eviction day doubts

36 mins ago

They've made it this far but for two of our housemates, today is their final day in the Celebrity Big Brother House.

Speculation is rife as to what surprises tonight's eviction might bring.

Spencer, who was up with the lark, and Frankie, who followed him out of the bedroom soon after, were on a conspiracy theory trip over breakfast, wondering if Ryan and Tricia's role in the fashion police task meant they would be shown the door tonight. Do they think Paula is some kind of behind the scenes puppetmaster? We can assure you that she is not.

Rylan had a dream...don't get too excited. It largely involved Heidi getting cheered tonight. She obviously lapped that tale up, but we want to hear the rest of his vision.

"I don't know if it's one or two going tonight," Heidi said.

"Maybe it's no one," Spencer said.

We know it's two. You know it's two. But we love the fact the housemates haven't got a clue. How's that for a morning poem? 

Razor observed that he could see the finishing line. Which housemates will be crossing it tonight? You'll just have to tune into Channel 5, from 9pm to find out.




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