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Day 20: Paula transforms Ryan and Tricia 1 hour ago

They thought she was gone forever. They were wrong. Like the Terminator before her, Paula came back and with a little help from her lovely deputy, Rylan  who she dubbed the best dressed of all the housemates –she judged Claire, Ryan, Speidi, Razor and Tricia's attempts at scrubbing up. The goal was deciding which of the remaining male and female housemates were the worst dressed (Tricia and Ryan).

Big Brother couldn't let a task go by without a little sleight of hand so, unbeknownst to the fashion police, the listening housemates could hear such scathing sarorial judgements as...

On Spencer: "That jacket makes him look frumpy."

On Claire: "Mumsy jewellery!"

On Ryan: "He's worn that belt every single day and it goes with nothing."

On Frankie: "No charisma with fashion."

And on Tricia: "Mutton dressed as a lamb. Needs to make friends with her age."

Yowch. Needless to say Tricia exploded with a few expletives on hearing this pronouncement. Yet as the penalty for being the worst dressed housemates was the enticing reward of three outfits – one for partying, one for chilling and one for eviction night – by the end of her transformation she hugged Paula and forgave her for her earlier remarks.

After a fashion show in which Tricia and Ryan showed off their new looks it fell to Paula to select a winner from the pair. She decided that Tricia's look showed the most repentance for fashion crimes and the actress was rewarded with champagne and flowers.

Poor Ryan. Do you think that he deserved to come second? We've put together an album to help you decide...



In come the fashion criminals



Tricia struts her first look



Ryan is a vision in turquoise



Tricia seems to like the rock chick look


Last edited by Scotty

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