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Day 20: Be careful what you wish for

17 mins ago

"We're all finally getting on," announced Razor, "so why won't Big Brother give us something to do?"

Housemates agreed that the hardest thing about being in the House is the boredom. We have to second that one but BB can't take all the responsibility, these guys should learn to entertain themselves.

Previous housemates have found ingenious ways to while away the hours but this bunch like nothing more than lying on the sofa in anoraks or dressing gowns depending on the time of day. Maybe it's the weather, but these housemates have been in hibernation mode.

Spencer said, "I love being bored at home but I have a cell phone, DVD player, computer games..."

What do you think people did before these mod cons, Spence?

Tricia went one step further, adding, "It's looking at the same faces for three weeks, that's what's boring." Alright, Trish, tell it like it is.

In an attempt to liven things up, Tricia painted her nails, Spencer watched Heidi brush her hair and Ryan gave Rylan a wedgie.

We think Razor should be careful what he wishes for. These guys should know better. With Big Brother, there is always calm before a storm.


Don`t think we need another storm



Day 20: Whose ears are burning?

18 mins ago

One of our housemates had an emotional moment earlier today and it caused housemates, led by Razor, to talk about him behind his back.

After a workout in which he was clearly sweating out litres of annoyance, Big Brother boomed that Ryan needed to return his weights to the gym, quick-smart. Mr Moloney was evidently unhappy about being on the receiving end of a telling off and he stormed towards the shower with a black cloud over his head.

Rylan and Claire helped him out of his fug in the bathroom and a chat with other housemates in turn eased his mood. Before that though, Ryan was the topic of a spot of gossip. It was affectionate and well-meant, but gossipy all the same.

"He's ready to go," remarked Heidi after Ryan had stropped off. "I think he's going to explode. They know he's at breaking point," said Razor. "I love the intensity of that voice – 'put the weights back in the gym!'... it's not the nice one," she said, talking about the announcement that had given Ryan a telling off.

Talk moved to The Dictator task, when Ryan was a guard. "I thought Ryan was nicest when he was a guard," said Heidi. Tricia remarked that, "he gets into his characters." Razor said that Ryan had an inkling Dictator Frankie had been bugged. "He thought we'd been bugged – we're surrounded by microphones and he's under the table looking for a bug."

Spencer referred to him as Private Ryan and Heidi spoke, quite diplomatically, of his 'intensity'. Razor chipped in, saying that when he's Toadfish in Neighbours, Ryan has his own punchbag on set. Heidi replied that she bets he learns his own lines and everybody elses'.

"Imagine you're doing a big scene with him and you forget your words," said Razor, shuddering at the thought.

Ryan's an intense dude and his housemates have clearly noticed. Maybe that heartfelt moment after he opened his heart will help to soften his image. If there's one thing it's safe to say of the Big Brother House, it's definitely an emotional place.



Day 20: Housemates told to 'dress to impress' - but why?

1 hour ago

Housemates were a bag of nerves after Big Brother banished them to the bedroom and demanded they dressed to impress.

"It could be an eviction," Razor suggested. "An afternoon eviction through the back door."

"But we haven't packed," whined Heidi. Do you think Big Brother worries about such details Heidi?

Just in case, the professional reality start pulled on her thigh high boots, teaming them with a sparkly skirt that left little to the imagination. Spencer is wearing a fleece. We're not terribly impressed.

Claire and Tricia hoped Big Brother was taking them out for dinner or organising them an awards night. Getting warmer guys but still no cigar.

The female half of Speidi claimed she sometime thinks she is hearing voices in the bathroom, which prompted Spencer to wonder whether they were getting dolled up to welcome a surprise guest...

"They could be bringing Gillian back," he said.  "I don't think it would be Sam. It could be Paula..."

Ding dong, you've only gone and hit the nail on the head Spence.

The first housemate to be evicted from this year's CBB is BACK! What could she have in store for the House. Buckle up guys, she is unlikely to give you an easy ride.


Day 20: Paula's back!

51 mins ago

For a limited time only, Paula Hamilton is back in the Celebrity Big Brother House!

Our ex-celeb housemate makes her return to the bungalow and she's set to cast her fashion credentials over her old pals.

Having moved into her swanky new 'fashion boudoir', Paula will be naming one of our remaining crop as the 'best dressed' and, to balance things out (sort of), she'll be naming two more as the 'worst dressed' housemates.

Big Brother has already asked our excited HMs to put their best fashion foot forward and dress up in their finest. Watching from her office, Paula will tell Big Brother who she thinks is the best dressed and whoever that lucky individual is will become the deputy to Paula’s Chief of Fashion Police. Called to the boudoir, they'lll be reunited with Paula and together they'll cast their fashion-conscious eyes over housemates as they strike some blue steel. While they watch them strut their stuff, they'll critique what each person is wearing.

BB will then gather our pals on the sofa and, while the Fashion Police go through the notes they've got together, they'll be secretly watched on the plasma.

The Fashion Police will then choose the two people they think are worst dressed and they'll be forced to make amends for their fashion crimes.

Paula and her deputy are going to choose three new outfits for the two worst dressed. A good eviction outfit, a strong party outfit and an essential 'chilling around the house' outfit.

Housemates will then take part in their very own fashion show to parade their three new looks. They'll stride a catwalk and generally demonstrate just how fiercely fabulous they've become, thanks to the Fashion Police.

Once the fashion show's over and done with, Paula will celebrate all the wonderful new looks with her deputy and the rest of the gang over a glass of bubbly - in true fashionista style.


4.35pm: Housemates are told they've got a final three minutes to scrub up. They're about to meet the 

4.47pm: It's pretty tense in the bedroom. HMs are really not sure what to expect. If only they knew.

4.52pm: Housemates are lining up on a catwalk. Paula's watching intently and scrutinising for the odd fashion faux pas.

4.55pm: Paula's not completely impressed. "They look very dour" she says.


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