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Day 19 round-up: Girl power

2 hours ago

What a difference a day containing a hen-party, a blow-up doll and loads of other stuff makes!

Yesterday was BUSY-BUSY in the House â€“ it was time to kick things into gear with some action-packed tasks. This triple-bill of missions hardly brought unity, however, as it was a case of Boys vs Girls. With the House a little off-kilter in terms of the male/female ratio, Razor adorned himself in some ladies' finery and became a woman so he could join their team. 

The task was split into three sections, starting with the Multi-tasking obstacle course, which was followed by a rather distracting Maths Quiz, and the aesthetically enjoyable Sweat Collectors. Everyone aside from Speidi, channelling Yoko and John Lennon, who chose to stay in bed. 

Once the Housemates had sweated out the tensions of the past few days into something more productive, BB gathered them around on the sofas and informed them that 'girls run the world', much like Beyonce foretold, and they would be rewarded with a traditional hen party for their efforts.

Traditional it was, with Rylan steaming away in the bedroom as the girls sipped all manner of suspiciously fluorescent pink liquids, liaised with a blow-up doll and then enjoyed some late-night entertainment in the shape of a stripper. 

But things did not end there. Once the House reunited after the rigorous merriment, BB announced something that has been causing mild frustration the past couple of days – Claire, Lady Razor and Tricia were to receive their letters

This ended up being the turning point in the House. From Rylan reading out Claire's from her beloved hub with the opening statement "Hello gorgeous", the celebrities sobbed silently for the rest of the sentimental words from outside. 

This even ignited inspiration in Speidi, who eventually joined the after-after-party andapologised profusely for the way they had been acting and for reacting the way they were when Claire initially didn't get her letters. Even Rylan, who had been ashen-faced at the couple all evening, admitted he was happy to build bridges. Tricia even went in for a hug, but it looked a bit like trying to cuddle a barbed wire fence. But hey, a beautiful moment nonetheless. 

With the House back together in harmony and love, the party continued into the early hours of the morning, with Rylan stealing the stripper's clothes for a new, more regimental look and Tricia befriending the blow-up doll a little too much. 

With the House now unified in peace and happiness, we assume the housemates will be portraying the lyrics of the B52s' classic Love Shack for the remainder of their time. Although today is, of course, another day.  


8.08am: We're surprised anyone can sleep through the snoring. How will the housemates cope sleeping in their own beds after Friday?

8.25am: Housemates are sleeping like babies. How lovely

8.40am: Still dozy in the bedroom, as you'd expect. Rylan's gently rearranging his pillows. Not a euphemism

8.53am: Frankie is up and rocking a shoes and underpants combo. Good morning


9.04am: Frankie's wandering around in his undies like he's got a stable to clean. Chill, Frankie. You're still in the House.

9.16am: Frankie is showered and is cleaning out his ears. We are ready for someone else to get up now.

9.25am: After a lot of grooming, Frankie's ended up in trackie bottoms. All that effort for a pair of sweat-pants. Disappointing

9.34am: The lights are up! It's another fairly early start for the HMs. They'll love that. Eye-masks off and microphones on!

9.45am: Spencer and Heidi are up and making a beeline for the bathroom. That was a big yawn Spence.

9.55am: "Ooh, you got lucky last night" says Frankie noticing Claire and Rylan shared a bed. "He's all elbows and bum" she replies


10.10am: Rylan is up. He looks like he slept better than Claire in their shared bed.

10.19am: Rylan's looking a bit ropey (and fake tan smeared) after a busy night. "Why do bad fings 'appen to good people?" he groans.

10.27am: Three sleeps left mused Spencer...He's confident

10.35am: Heidi's piling up a lot of bacon in a pan. Is that all for her and Spencer or is she making a mammoth conciliatory breakfast?


Day 20: Speidi sense

1 hour ago

"Three sleeps to go," observed Spencer as he and Heidi spruced themselves up in the bathroom.

After yesterday's failed 'bed-in' and the realisation that they may have been a bit out of line over Claire's letter from home, the pair have been noticeably more mingley. Well as much as you can mingle when you struggle to leave your partner's side for longer than a couple of minutes.

Since waking, Spencer has been sharing childhood tales with his fellow housemates while Heidi got cracking in the kitchen.

After making a cup of coffee for Razor, it looked very much like Heidi was bashing out a cooked brekkie for the whole House – a proper bridge-building exercise if ever we saw it.

As it happened, she was just making a bumper breakfast for Spence – that's no way to firm up friendships, particularly if you fail to leave enough food for the rest of the House. Error.

"I thought everyone already ate," said Heidi, "That's why I took all the bacon."

Everyone was too polite to complain. They may well have had a lucky escape in the catering department as Claire was forced to leap to Heidi's aid as she burnt the beans – no mean feat.

"I've never seen beans go like that before," admitted Claire.

Spencer admitted he really doesn't want to go tomorrow having made it this far. Maybe he could try getting busy in the kitchen himself? We'll not be holding our breath.

Are the pair showing their softer side in an effort to bring harmony to the House during its final days or is this an attempt to kill the housemates with kindness? With Speidi, you never can tell.





Day 20: First impressions to final days

5 mins ago

Twenty great days later and a lot has happened in the CBB House. It's interesting to compare how housemates were on Day 1 with how they are on Day 20... Basement banishings, stand-up rows, letter-from-home boycotts, under-the-cover activities, bed-removals, snowball fights, dictatorships and more fake tan than you could possibly hope to bottle, it has all taken its toll on our housemates. Let's take a look at just how...

Claire began her stay quietly, preferring the company of the girls and long stints cooking for the group. She found her feet a little more when Big Vendor made her a team captain and, since then, her friendship with Rylan has turned into a beautiful thing to watch. Thank heavens she's got that shoulder to cry on, because the Diletters task took its toll. As a result of that we've seen extra depth to Claire after those first few days at the hob.

Celebrated jockey Frankie entered the House with his usual cheeky grin and, despite a few upsets, it's remained on his face the whole time. Granted, the Dictator task tested his mettle and the Diletters task left him visibly rattled by Speidi's behaviour. Overall though, Frankie's remained the same since his entrance. He wakes up first every morning and chirps, "Still here then!" – a typical, cheerful Frankieism.

Neil 'Razor' Ruddock's had a few low moments in the House, no less than when he was given a talking to by Big Brother for getting fired up over Speidi's basement return. Aside from that, he's kept any trace of a temper in check. He adopted the role of House father very early on – even sometimes as far as Spencer's concerned – so it's no surprise Rylan calls him 'Daddy'. After 20 days, it's fair to say Razor's got that essential football trait. Bouncebackability.

Our Australian friend Ryan is pretty good at keeping his emotions in check – or so it seems. We've barely seen him angry and he kept his head when he was rumbled for his noms talk with Razor. In fact, the only time that cool facade has crumbled was when he offered to read out Razor's letter from home - and when kissing his family photos goodnight. He's a big softie really, we're sure.

Essex boy Rylan's probably the best example of a housemate on a rollercoaster. Highs and lows have occupied his time in the House. Making multiple strong friendships and forgiving Speidi every 24 hours, Rylan could argue the case that he's learned the most from his experience – though he's probably still as mystified by the hot-and-cold Americans as the rest of us.

Speaking of Speidi, even taking on board their apology over Claire's tears in the Diletters task, is anyone actually sure what's going on in their heads? It's quite possible they're game-players par excellence, though it's equally likely that they resort to a defiant front when they find themselves on the ropes. They're so darned enigmatic it's pretty much impossible to work out if they've changed one iota since Day 1.

Then there's Tricia, who's come to the forefront just in the nick of time. Initially accused of acting the wallflower by fans of the show, the soap star recently stepped up to the plate and kept her head while confronting Speidi over their non-participation. Since Gillian left, her friendship with Razor and Rylan has intensified and she's now looking like a real contender.

After 20 days and all that's gone in that House since the 3 January, it's a testament to human nature that, as things stand on Day 20, everybody's getting along. Well done, Team CBB. We're proud of you guys.


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