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 Day 19: Girls gone wild


Blow-up doll – check.
Pink fizz – check.
Male Stripper – check.
Yes, that can only mean one thing... It's Hen party time.
As a treat for winning today's Boys Vs Girls task, the glammed-up ladies, Razor, Claire and Gillian were treated to a raucous Hen party fit for any blushing bride to be. We're not sure who the actual bride was, but from watching the trio sloshing back the pink fizz and dancing wildly with the blow-up doll, they all partied like it was their last night of freedom.
Our favourite moment? Watching a very embarrassed Razor trying to avoid catching the eye of the stripper.
"I've got a reputation to uphold" he shouted.
Sorry, Razor, but we think your football mates will have already banked a lot of ammunition. You're never going to live that dress down, tough guy.




Last edited by Former Member

11.38pm: Ryan's reading Razor's letter from home now. Everyone tears up at his youngest saying "Daddy telly working" when he's on TV.


11.41am: Rylan is now reading Tricia's letter. Tricia's pet peacock laid an egg on the day she left


11.42am: Apparently Tricia's shower has broke, and the family have dyed all of the clothes pink by accident in the wash

Originally Posted by erinp:

11.38pm: Ryan's reading Razor's letter from home now. Everyone tears up at his youngest saying "Daddy telly working" when he's on TV.


11.41am: Rylan is now reading Tricia's letter. Tricia's pet peacock laid an egg on the day she left


11.42am: Apparently Tricia's shower has broke, and the family have dyed all of the clothes pink by accident in the wash

Oh FFS is Rylan reading all the letters.?

Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by erinp:

11.38pm: Ryan's reading Razor's letter from home now. Everyone tears up at his youngest saying "Daddy telly working" when he's on TV.


11.41am: Rylan is now reading Tricia's letter. Tricia's pet peacock laid an egg on the day she left


11.42am: Apparently Tricia's shower has broke, and the family have dyed all of the clothes pink by accident in the wash

Oh FFS is Rylan reading all the letters.?

this way he is definitely getting airtime tomorrw.The hero of the day


CELEBRITY Big Brother star Rylan Clark has been secretly leaving the house to attend rehearsals for the live X Factor tour.

And now viewers have turned against the favourite for “breaking the rules” of Big Brother.


Producers had managed to keep his regular stints out of the house a secret from the show’s millions of viewers.


But yesterday information about his absences for meetings with a singing coach leaked out.


Ex-housemate Gillian Taylforth, 57, appeared on Channel 5 chat show  The Wright Stuff and was asked if it was frustrating not knowing what time it was in the house.


She said: “Rylan went out to do rehearsals for the tour he’s doing for X Factor, and obviously he wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, but when he came back he’d ask somebody the time very quickly, like the driver.


“And we said: ‘What’s the time? Quick put it on the oven!’”


Her comments sparked an immediate backlash from angry fans who vented the fury on the internet.


Ex-Big Brother contestant Narinder Kaur, 38, tweeted: “Bang out of order and against the no 1 rule of BB! Rylan NOT to win!! Get him out!”


Camp singer Rylan, 24, is set to perform on the opening night of the X Factor show in Manchester on Saturday, just 24 hours after the grand final of  Big Brother.



He has been allowed out at least twice during the past two weeks.


The decision had been kept from Big Brother fans as there is no longer a live feed for people to watch round-the-clock footage.


The news also raised questions as to whether Rylan could have received information about who the favourites on the show are.


Last night Channel 5 said Rylan had stayed within  Elstree Studios complex, had not seen anything about the show and had been chaperoned.


A spokesman said: “Rylan has been rehearsing for his tour on-site with a choreographer. He has been escort-ed there by a Big Brother producer.”


BOOKIES Ladbrokes lengthened favourite Rylan’s odds from 1-4 to 1-2 yesterday. Ex-Heartbeat actress Tricia Penrose, 42, is now second favourite to win, with her odds coming in to 5-2.



Also On Daily Star


Day 19: It's only Words

2 mins ago

After the festivities of the hen party for passing the Boys vs. Girls task, including a stripper, a buffet, and some very luminous cocktails, the fun for the girls didn't stop there, as BB gathered everybody around the sofas for a special message. Three special messages, to be specific. Claire, Razor and Tricia were to get their letters from home at last.
After some initial protests from the solidarity sisters and Lady Razor, the housemates urged the three to take them this time.
"It's Monday now, we get to see our families soon." Rylan reasoned to mass chuckles from the room, putting into perspective the drama of the past couple of days.
Rylan stood to read Claire's letter first, and the opening line of, "Hello gorgeous" immediately had Claire in floods of tears. Rylan wasn't far behind as he told Claire all about the stories from back home, and how her kids were writing books about dinosaurs, and a quick heads up from her husband that he was feeling very incomplete without her.
The blubbing definitely did not end there, with Razor and Tricia's letters being read out too. The House erupted in silent tears upon hearing upon how excited Razor's youngest gets when he sees his daddy on TV.
Tricia's upped the spirits a little bit when it transpired that Tricia's pet peacock was missing her so much, it had laid an egg, and the House clapped in a blur of sobs and laughs upon the letters being folded up. Tricia thanked Big Brother for the wonderful night, and the House is now united in emotional harmony. Funny what a couple of words can do. (We only needed three boxes of tissues, so we think we did pretty well. )


Day 19: Heidi apologies for clapping

11 mins ago

It was the clap that caused a House of strife, and tonight, Heidi has finally come clean about that ill-timed hand movement.
Chatting to the housemates in the kitchen, Heidi admitted that she hadn't meant to cause offence with her reaction. She reasoned that she just got caught up in everyone clapping and that her response was a gesture to show that she was supporting her marriage and their decision not to be separated for a task.
"I was clapping our decision to stick together, as I thought we'd be separated for days like the basement task... I didn't think about what I was doing at the time", she offered to the group.
Explaining why he clapped along with his wife, Spencer rationalised that he knew Heidi hadn't meant to clap and that he was just backing her up, "We're in the same boat. We gotta go down together".
Apologising profusely to Claire and telling all who would listen that the situation had been misconstrued, Heidi stated, "You think you're in a game, but you're not" adding, "I've got the worst timing..."
Lucky for them, the housemates are a pretty forgiving bunch, as they whole-heartedly accepted the couple's apology. Even Rylan, who was the most vocal after the clap-incident, said how glad he was to clear the air, saying he just wants to leave the House with everyone talking.
"We're all human beings, we should be talking to each other" Tricia gushed, before awkwardly hugging the pair and professing that they were both 'lovely people'.
We know what you're thinking - what a turn out for the books! We certainly didn't think we'd see a untied, happy House again, but there we go...
Is it too cynical for us to ask how long it'll last?


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