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Day 19: Aspire to pespire

18 mins ago

For the third and final part of the task, the housemates have been getting physical, physical. Yes, if there is a way for us to wedge in an Olivia Netwon-John song reference, then by golly we shall.

In the continuing theme of boys vs girls, the housemates were supplied with some chic plastic sweat suits and had one hour to sweat like they've never sweated before. Whichever team wringed the most perspiration out of their suits once the hour had lapsed would win this part of the task.

It was clear from the off that the boys were taking the challenge more seriously than the girls, with fitness fanatic Ryan acting as Mr Motivator in the gym. While Frankie slogged it out on the treadmill, Ryan whipped Rylan into a sweaty frenzy using the punch dummy.

Not one to usually pump iron, Rylan really seemed to get behind the task, throwing blows that you wouldn't expect from the skinny singer.  It may have something to do with the choices of dummy masks, with Spencer and Heidi's proving firm favourites.

While the men pumped iron in the gym, the same couldn't be said for the girls. Apart from a few lunges here and there, Razor, Tricia and Claire spent most of the time sitting in the living room, weight training with cups of tea and testing their jaw reflexes with chocolate biscuits. Not exactly what you'd call a workout.

So as the teams squeezed their final droplets of sweat, there was no surprise that the boys were heralded as winners. Yay! But it did mean that the House stunk of BO. Boo!

You could say there were no winners in this scenario. 



We liked Frankie's inspiration... BEER!



Ryan inspiration is a bit more housemate focused



Look at Rylan's high kicks. The Spice Girls have taught him well.



Ryan wrings out his sweat. BLEURGH



If you look closely, you can see the amount of sweat pouring from Ryan's t-shirt. Grim



Razor working really hard



The same can be said for Tricia



Claire looks suspiciously sweat free







Day 19: Sweat-tacular, Sweat-tacular

5 mins ago

The results are in on the Boys vs Girls triple-bill today, as the housemates pumped iron and flexed guns and crunched abs in order to squeeze that tiny little final morsel of sweat from their aching bodies. Or in the case of the girls, being confused that their epic tea-drinking workout session didn't seem to send their bodies into overdrive. 

The triplicate of sweat-busting missions involved an obstacle course of life, Rylan and Razor attempting to be Einsteins in the making with the added distraction of scantily clad people dancing around them, and the final task of the day which wasaspiring to perspire as much as possible and squeeze the results into jugs for Big Brother's pleasure. (Whatever floats BB's boat, we guess.) 

The results are as follows; Tricia defeated Ryan in the obstacle course, Razor, representing the girls, scored 4 on the Maths challenge whilst Rylan succumbed to the discoing Adonis with only 2. Although in the final task, the boys sweated out to victory, the girls still had enough points accumulated to emerge victorious, and will be awarded with a hen party later. All that tea-drinking must be quite the calorie burner after all. We'll note that down.

"Blates get a stripper," Rylan immediately suggested, clearly not having had enough nudity action for one day. 

The fun and games did not quite end there though. Due to Speidi's failure to take part in the sweat-tathlon, Big Brother has removed their double bed until further notice. 

This evening is certainly going to run fowl in many ways then!    


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