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Weekly round-up: The big freeze

1 hour ago

As the temperatures outside dropped, things got a little bit heated inside in the House during week 3. Not only did we say goodbye to two of our hot-blooded females, Lacey and Gillian, but we also saw the rise and fall of Dictator Frankie

We counted two rule breaks - one which led to all the housemates facing eviction, and ultimately Kathy Beale's exit, and another which resulted in a right ol' Cockney knees up.

There was a secret task here and flinch-testing task there, and all seemed quite cosy in the House as, shock horror, everyone was getting on.

Until Big Blogger happened that is.

However, this was only the start to the Speidi saga, as they had much more up their sleeve before the week was out.

Taking heed from the weather outside, there was a frosty atmosphere when the housemates awoke on Day 18. It seemed that the others weren't quite ready to forgive Speidi, spending the morning bitching about the reality stars at any given opportunity.

There was a respite from the Speidi related grumbling, however, when Big Brother set Razor the task of spreading salacious gossip amongst the housemates. Turns out the ex-footballer can act like a proper fish-wife when he wants to, managing to convince the housemates of some made-up tittle-tattle and winning himself some much-coveted football results in the process.

But this wasn't the only task of the day. Big Brother set the housemates a series of dilemmas in order to win themselves a letter from home. We saw the loss of Rylan's facial hair, Razor becoming a horse and Ryan turning into a toad, but all this was overshadowed by the fact that Speidi refused to play ball, resulting in the only fail of the task and Claire losing her letter.

Mass outrage erupted at not only Speidi's failure in the task, but also their reaction when the results were announced, with Rylan in particular at the forefront of the tongue-lashing. As a sign of solidarity to Claire, the housemates refused to open their letters and there was general agreement all around that Speidi were big meanies.

Just as we thought the atmosphere in the House wouldn't lift, Razor, Rylan and Tricia decided to cheer themselves up with a midnight larking session, which cumulated in a naked Rylan and a cheeky game of 'Would you rather?'

So it was a cheery end to a rather tempestuous Sunday. But will this mood continue today as we begin the final week? Let's wait and see. 

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Oh over on DS folk are posting that Gillian on the Matthew Wright show this morning has stated that Rylan leaves the BB house regularly to go to X-Factor tour rehersals.

Saw it katty. The rumour was on DS a couple of days ago, didn`t know if it was true or not but there we have it...proof.


Ridiculous. This show/Ch5 is a joke.


I wouldn`t want to let the LUT down but I`ll struggle to make the Summer BB after this load of shoite.




10.20am: Frankie and Ryan are talking about holidays. Razor says he's not keen on long haul flights.

10.27pm: Tricia's just quoted a Phil Collins song title to describe a new 24 hours in the  House. Guess which one?

10.32am: It was "Another Day In Paradise". Of course. Full marks if you got that

10.35am: While Speidi are in the DR, Razor's lightening the sombre bedroom mood. Rylan's managing to sleep through the whole thing.

10.49am: Claire recommends a spoonful of honey for a dodgy tummy. She's not a qualified doctor, so use this advice at your own risk.

10.55am: There's the alarm again. Speidi are still in bed. The alarm might be ringing all day if they stick to their plan



11.06am: All HMs but Speidi are happily chatting on the sofas. So far they've covered sleep-walking, toilet habits and bland food

11.12am: BB orders HMs to get dressed. Alll but Speidi are slowly assembling themselves. Spencer and Heidi continue their

11.25am: While Claire applies makeup, Rylan tries on a fetching trapper hat.

11.34am: Rylan's looking quite wintry today. What do we think of the trapper hat look?

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Originally Posted by Baz:
Anything out there about the rumour Rylan has been leaving the House LUTers ? And hi

considering there is a vid on the main thread I dont think it is a rumour 


wouldnt think it is as big a deal as will be made of it - maybe just a song or two and accompanied by a show official - nothing different to a trip to the doctor or dentist IMHO

lots on twitter about it this morning too 


Day 19: The Boys versus Girls task

37 mins ago

It's a battle of the sexes as boys are set to be pitted against the girls. Big Brother wants to determine who's better: male or female?

Because there are only three girls, it's going to fall to Razor to pick up the slack. He'll become an honorary girl and join the girls' team for the day. He's already dressed for the part.

For the first task, one member of each team will take part in a multi-tasking obstacle course in the garden. They'll race to park a car, get some shopping and a baby out of the car, answer a phone and carry it with them, put their shopping on some shelves, down a drink, change their baby’s outfit and nappy and then, after gathering their breath and bearings, they'll put the baby into cot.

Later in the day their second task is a maths quiz. Spencer and Tricia will each do a maths quiz in the Diary Room, watched by the other housemates - but how will they cope with the distraction of a female and male stripper respectively? More importantly, will Heidi be happy about Spencer's newfound company?

In the third task, all housemates will don sweat suits and have an hour to exert themselves in the pursuit of perspiration. The team which gathers the most sweat in their time will come out on top.

It's going to be a busy day indeed. By the end of it, using science, we'll have accurately figured out who rules the most. Boys or girls. Who's it going to be?

Originally Posted by MrsH:


11.06am: All HMs but Speidi are happily chatting on the sofas. So far they've covered sleep-walking, toilet habits and bland food

11.12am: BB orders HMs to get dressed. Alll but Speidi are slowly assembling themselves. Spencer and Heidi continue their

11.25am: While Claire applies makeup, Rylan tries on a fetching trapper hat.

11.34am: Rylan's looking quite wintry today. What do we think of the trapper hat look?

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Oh there's the camera!


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