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Day 18: Razor's red top - read all about it

6 mins ago

A small but sneaky Bit On The Side-devised secret mission for Razor this morning saw the grunting, snoring ex-pro footballer spreading gossip around the House like a tabloid hack on overdrive.

Called into the Diary Room, Razor found a mocked up newspaper and immediately started scanning the headlines. BB let Mr. Ruddock know that he was tasked with spreading salacious gossip about housemates where he'd find himself telling his fellow contestants that he'd just managed to sneak a peek at a tabloid newspaper (behaviour that's strictly against BB's rules on contact with the outside world).

Razor took to the task with glee. One of the fake revelations spilling from the big man's mouth included a story which featured one Miss Lacey Banghard and her new boyfriend, one Mr. Sam Robertson apparently going on holiday together to Dubai. Another had the headline 'Toad Is The Mole', which is pretty self-explanatory. One that might've unsettled Rylan a little concerned the line-up for the X Factor tour, with someone called something 'Maloney' (not our Ryan) enjoying a better slot in the show.

All nonsense of course, but Razor managed to convince his fellow lodgers that there was truth to his tall, tabloid tales. As a result of all his rumour-mongering, he was handed recent football results which his eyes consumed and his brain processed within a split second. This is a man who's been starved of the beautiful game for a little longer than he'd like.

To watch the task in all its glory, make sure you're tuned in toBit On The Side on Channel 5 at 10pm tonight


Razor gets debriefed by BB on his sneaky task



Rylan listens intently to made up X Factor news



Rumours are spread to Claire from Steps with little care for the way it makes her feel



Razor mutters through the gaps in his fingers to all-ears Tricia



Spencer doesn't look completely convinced by Razor's bunkum



Ryan's upset at being called a 'mole'. Mainly because everyone knows he's the Toad



In fact, Ryan's so rattled he'd like a word with Big Brother please and thankyou...





3.32pm: Dilemmas over letters from home. How much are they worth. Here's the lowdown on the  task: 






Day 18: Tricia faces the Diletters task


4 mins ago

Early this morning Big Brother received a crate that was stuffed with housemates' letters from home.

Never mind that the postie doesn't come on a Sunday, let alone when there's thick snow lining the streets of Elstree. There's a whole package of emotional missives just waiting for our celebs' greedy eyes to consume them. Housemates will be given the opportunity to win as many of these letters as they possibly can but, in time honoured BB tradition, any letters not won will be completely destroyed by Big Brother and go unread. Whether she likes it or not, it's going to fall to Tricia to decide who gets news from the outside world.

Each Housemate will be set a dilemma by Big Brother. How many letters are destroyed depends entirely on whether they accept or decline the quandary.

We won't ruin the surprise (it'll be up and available later, after the task's complete), but these dilemmas are going to test housemates more than you might expect. Let's see just how homesick a celebrity can be after 18 days stuck within the same four walls. That should be fun, shouldn't it?



Day 18: Spencer's information overload

22 mins ago

Ah, the innocence of children! We've all been there when a small child's reached the age where they simply can't stop enquiring about the world. Every question starts with "how?", "where?", "why?" or "when?".

When Spencer's eyes light up it generally means one of two things. Either he's found a new way to play the villain alongside his wife or, if Razor's around, he's found a new way to batter the former defender with sporting questions. So it was this morning, as Spencer and the big man waited for breakfast to digest. Out came a stream of questions which Razor was at first happy to answer, growing tired as the interrogation went on. It was probably the manner in which the queries were thrown at him, monotone, that caused him to wander off, disinterested.

Some of the questions Spencer asked were (if you'd like to play along at home...)

Who's the best German in the Premier League?

How hard do German footballers train?

Who'll win the next world cup?

Do you think Pele's the best player ever or has Messi taken over?

Do you like Maradona even though he cheated?

And then, a non-football based question...

Hold on! So the channel tunnel is a tunnel under the ocean?

Answers on a postcard please, CBB fans...

 Soon after this hail of questions, Spencer picked up the rulebook and slowly dozed off as the information hit his brain. Too much input for one day. You're meant to take it easy on a Sunday...


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