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Day 17: Task - Big Blogger

1 min ago

We love nothing more than a duplicitous task of a Saturday. Today's dupes are grandees of American television, that's right; it's Speidi's turn to be on the business end of a twist. 

The couple have been led to the large task room and told that they have won a poll as the housemate viewers would most like to see interviewed on the Celebrity Big Brother internet-based show ‘Big Blogger’. They'll be told the site has run a competition, the winner of which, a mythical 'SuzyEssex98' will be asking them questions.

Big Blogger is about as real as Gillian's chances of winning the series. The other housemates arewatching the 'interview' from the living area, typing questions to Heidi and Spencer from a laptop as if they were the competition winner. How do you like them apples?

Housemates have been briefed separately to find out interesting information about Heidi and Spencer, including:

 - Their opinions of other housemates

 - Their feelings about controversial incidents in the House

 - Explanations for things they have done in the House

 - Their thoughts on evictions and nominations 

If Big Brother is satisfied that housemates have used the web chat to successfully reveal interesting and previously unknown information, Housemates will win a reward.


Speidi preparing for their interview



Double agent, Ian Symes







Day 17: The world's strangest snowman


9 mins ago

They say make hay while the sun shine but what they should say is make snowmen while the flakes are settled. The urge to construct a snowy friend was certainly on Razor's mind who, with some help with his good neighbour Ryan, assembled a creation that is... um... well, you decide...


Razor gets down to it



Ryan gets involved in plastering over a crack



Lets reflect on how this contruction is going



Every self-reflecting snowperson needs a pair of trainers



"I'm quite 'appy with that bruv" says Razor. Right...





Day 17: Housemates hide what they know from Speidi

18 mins ago

Speidi insulted their housemates during the Big Blogger taskso spectacularly that some of the group, watching secretly from the living area, wondered if it was a double bluff. 

Rylan disagreed, his face tight with growing anger.

"I feel so let down," he said, after hearing the Americans still think he's fake.

His was not the only character to be assassinated as Speidi participated in what they thought was an interview for a Big Brother website show. Their confidence was at a peak having being told that 68 percent of this fictional website had voted to see them interviewed.

They slated the group's eating habits and characters and remarked that they wouldn't go to the wrap party with any of them. Heidi said that if a single one of the housemates tried to visit them in LA she'd call security. 

It went on and on.

"I'm so glad you're getting so mugged off right now," muttered Rylan who along with Razor was losing his cool. Claire and Ryan remained calm and task-focused making sure they were getting through the questions in the Big Blagger brief. 

The most tricky part was yet to come.


As the task wrapped up in the large task room with Digital's Ian Symes congratulating the proud couple on "possibly the best episode of Big Blogger we've ever had," Big Brother reminded the housemates that to pass the task they need to keep everything they'd heard secret from Speidi until further notice.

So until that notice is given the Celebrity Big Brother House is in a period of uneasy calm. Prior to this task the housemates had been getting along rather well. When the truth comes out, that harmony is going to be blown. Stay tuned for when that happens.

The pair pose happily for the 'Big Blogger audience'



Rylan ain't liking what he's hearing



Razor laughs when Speidi say how honest they are



Tricia's all 'say whaaaat?'



Double Oh Ian Symes, agent of Speidi's downfall





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