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Day 16 round-Up: 'Ender the line for Gillian

2 hours ago

The housemates woke up to a winter wonderland once again, with the House covered in a blanket of snow. From then on, the House was in good spirits, with Razor and Rylan upping the anecdote quota to the maximum, the latter's beard freshly un-gingerfied after the antics of last night’s dye job/towel drop.

The laughs came thick and fast as the housemates were blessed by the BB gods with a task called Keep your Head Up, a battle between the boys and the girls. The clue is in the title with this task. The housemates had to stay perfectly still while they were faced with clowns, the dentist and fish.

BB seems to love the aquatic antics this year.  Things continued to get a bit fishy with Speidi pondering upon their fate in the BB House, and Heidi convinced the LA lovebirds were up for the chop.

As it turned out, even with the sparkliest dress a world that has witnessed both Chicago and Strictly Come Dancing has ever seen, Gillian was the fourth evictee, taking the news more gracefully than Kathy Beale jetting off to South Africa. After the eviction, the housemates mourned her loss before BB unleashed another task on the unsuspecting celebrities entitled Question Time, with some hot topics from gay marriage to fame being covered from all quarters.

After debating hard, it was time to party hard, and party they indeed did as BB switched on the disco lights and pumped Britney through the walls. It’s a major shame they don’t do this on the David Dimbleby version. This included some rigorous moves from Heidi, and an intimate moment between her and Big Vendor. Maybe it’s Spencer’s turn to be jealous. 

So with the housemates facing their final week, will the fun and games turn a little more serious? Time will tell.



Day 17: How are the finalists feeling?


5 mins ago

"Pretend you're a swan. Nice and easy. You're on a pond."

So spoke life guru, Razor Ruddock, having decided in conversation with Spencer that Big Brother will be getting tricksy for the last week. 

 If we see Spencer floating gracefully in the bath or hot tub we'll know what's up.

Those two were not alone in expressing reservations this morning after Big Brother set the alarm off at 9.30am forcing housemates who'd been partying till the wee hours to drag their sorry carcasses out of bed. Ryan was up instantly, springing into the gym like a robot sent to make us all feel unworthy. 

Getting up was a grumpier business for everyone else.

Frankie paced the front room before announcing, "I'll need a holiday when I get out of here." He settled down when Claire and Tricia appeared, looking like women who'd made a night of it (oh, they did). Nursing cups of tea on the sofa they discussed their shock at last night's eviction.

"I thought I was hearing things," said Tricia, of the moment the Gillian's name was called.

Rylan made a manful effort to stay in bed. The look on his face after he finally got up was that of a contract killer planning his next hit.

Speidi were the only ones in a relatively good mood. This is the third time the British public have saved them which has got to help soothe the morning-after blues.  

Claire whipped up a classic breakfast. Maybe once this, along with the fact of them all being finalists, has been digested the mood will lighten. Or maybe Spencer and Razor are right and Big Brother will be whipping them through their paces for this, the final week. What would you prefer to see?


Yeah, exactly



Razor showng Spencer his swanlike moves



The Rylan death stare



While Spencer is just happy to be here


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