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Day 2: Champagne vs eggy sarnies

1 hour ago

It's been a night of two halves. While the upstairs housemates have lavished on Champagne and Thai green curry – or as some people would call it, the food of kings, the downstairs have been sadly munching on a beige diet of crisps and bland looking sandwiches. Oh how our hearts have bled for them - just think, they're celebrities and they're eating eggy sarnies. It's not right...

We mock, but in fairness it does look pretty squalid down below. It's cold, it's damp and they don't have access to any luxuries - not even a warm shower. That adds up to some pretty stinky housemates.

Speidi, who may we add, are yet to surface from the basement to meet the other housemates (but this is a point in itself), have been defiant in the face of adversity. They've managed to convince themselves that they're in a much better position than those upstairs and have joked that they'd rather stay downstairs for the duration of the show.

But unfortunately for them, they're going to have to face the music at some point - and considering they haven't bothered to get know anyone apart from their fellow basement dwellers, that is going to be an awkward meeting indeed.

And we can't wait to see it.


Day 2: The basement - the swap

3 mins ago

Earlier during tonight's live show, the luxury housemates were delivered another cold, hard truth – one of them was to be banished to the basement toot sweet. The six housemates living in the Main House (excluding Paula who has already been in the basement) were given 20 seconds to write down the name of their chosen housemate and show it to the group.

The votes fell to Frankie, who received four out of six nominations and was sent packing to the basement without any of his luxury items in tow. If you're curious, here's how the group voted.

Tricia – Rylan
Gillian – Frankie
Frankie – Rylan
Lacey – Frankie
Claire – Frankie
Rylan – Frankie

Cheeky chappy Frankie was more than happy to uproot to a new home, stating that no woman should endure those conditions – what a hero. He was escorted down below to a chorus of 'Frankie we love you' from his fellow housemates, receiving a similar reception from the basement dwellers. It seems a good choice was made all around.

But there was a twist... (of course!)

Before our Franks had a chance to settle in, he was given the tough task of choosing who should replace him and take up residency in the main House. There was a moment of pleaing from the housemates, who had to give their reasons why they should be chosen – with Razor giving a very convincing one indeed, but the jockey already had a plan up his sleeve...

In true Machiavellian style, he decided that it's about time Speidi met the other housemates... or as he put it "to stir things up". Well done Frankie, we like what you've done there.  So now we just need to sit back, relax and watch as Speidi get to grips with their surroundings. We're sure they'll fit in nicely... *ahem*.

Oh and Rylan? Yeah, he was overjoyed at the decision..



The housemates place their votes



Bye bye Frankie, down to the basement you go...



Frankie Dettori loving the glory



The Spratt's take in their surroundings - do you think it'll compete with their LA lifetsyles?



Originally Posted by Xochiquetzal:

Thank all you twittery ones! Lovely to see you again Scotty!  


Can any of you let me know if couch potatoes is nightly or just when there's an eviction night, please? 

Thank you


Lovely see you again too Xochi! I hope you`re keeping well, I`ve been thinking about you   


Erin got it for you, as usual! 


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