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Day 15: Rylan isn't the only little devil in the House

3 hours ago

The housemates were ecstatic earlier this evening to find that Ryan's odd behaviour wasn't down to a mid-BB crisis as they may have thought, but that it was actually due to a secret task. Sitting in the living room, Big Brother told the housemates that the Australian soap actor had in fact been under the influence of little devil, Rylan and heavenly angel, Razor.

There were gasps of "I knew something was up" from the conned celebrities, who tried to claim that they hadn't been dupped by the Toadster. However, considering they always say this after a secret task, we're not too convinced that this is the case. Tricia, for one, was particularly happy to hear that Ryan's awkwardly long hug was an order from the voices in his head and not a creepy come-on as it may have been perceived. 

If anyone did feel miffed at the trio's prank, it was soon quashed when the big man announced that that the tricksters had won a devilishly good party this evening. No one can be in a bad mood when a vol-au-vont is on offer, and if they do, they're just mean spirited.

But wait – what's that? Did we hear something about a rule break? Yes, that's right – the housemates have been nattering about nominations again. When will they learn!?

The suspects in question are Speidi and Gillian, who have been forbidden from attending the party as a result of their loose lips. Instead, they have been provided with Pearly King and Queens costumes and have been sent to the igloo for a right cockney knees up.

While the other housemates will be provided with dastardly good treats, the naughty trio will be forced to speak in Cockney rhyming slang and will be 'treated' a lovely platter of jellied eels and cockles. Mmhmm, how delightful.

We hope the housemates have learnt something from this incident – if you break the Big Brother rules, you'll be forced to become a Cockney? Yeah, that's definitely the moral of the story... 


Day 15: Devils vs Cockneys

1 hour ago

The housemates enjoyed the fruits of Ryan's devlish behaviour earlier in their evening, with a heaven and hell themed party. The jubilant celebrities certainly took full advantage of their impromptu party, throwing shapes like no one else was watching – except we were, and it wasn't easy watching.

The only way we could describe it, would be to compare it to a dodgy Halloween office party – all jittery hand actions and communal singing. Razor, in particular, needed to be named and shamed for his questionable Dad-style air guitars. Deary, deary me is all we can say about that.

While the party monsters thrashed it out to heaven and hell lyrically themed songs, the real little devils, Gillian and Speidi, had a Cockney knees-up in the igloo. Well, that was what it was billed as, when in reality it consisted of the naughty trio sitting around some uneaten cockles and jellied eels, listening to Chas and Dave's Cockney classic 'Rabbit' on replay.

For Gillian, this was an opportunity to reminisce about everything East End, while Speidi moaned about the lack of Britney Spears songs. We don't recall Miss Spears being a Londoner, but we may have missed something along the way...

We've compiled a little gallery of all the party action for your viewing pleasure – why not take a look...


Frankie having a devilishly good time

When partying, always have a mummies leg on standby

Rylan uses his wine glass as a prop

Razor and the aforementioned Dad dance


Day 15 - Confide in Speidi

53 mins ago

As the rival parties converged into one, Frankie asked Speidi a question we bet most of the housemates have been gagging to ask for some time.

“What’s been the turning point for you guys in the House?”

Oof, way’d it sit on the fence, Frankie.  He added that ever since Lacey left, the pair seem happier and more serene. Well, surviving two evictions in a row must be a nice compliment on the ol' self-esteem. This embarked a big chinwag in the kitchen with everyone about Speidi and how they had found things a bit more difficult than their cool exteriors usually let on. Heidi in particular says that jumping from one reality TV show to another.

“It’s hard being put in a different country, on a different show.” She admitted, with Spencer loyally on his wife’s side. She added that although their stint in the basement looked fun at the time, but it being separated from the House has it’s disadvantages too.

“We felt we weren’t given a chance.” 
“We understand.” Razor assured her.

After their party with Gillian in the igloo, and this revelation, maybe Speidi will be a bit more smiley from here on in.



Day 15: Speidi confide

9 hours ago

As the rival parties converged into one, Frankie asked Speidi a question we bet most of the housemates have been gagging to ask for some time. 

"What's been the turning point for you guys in the House?" 

He observed that since Lacey left, the pair have seemed happier and more serene. Well, surviving two evictions in a row must be a nice boost for the ol' self-esteem. This led to a big chinwag in the kitchen between everyone about Speidi and how they had found things a bit more difficult than their cool exteriors usually let on.  Heidi confided that it's particularly tricky jumping from one reality TV show to another:

"It's hard being put in a different country, on a different show," she admitted, with Spencer loyally by her side. She added that although their stint in the basement looked fun at the time, being separated from the House has its disadvantages too. 

"We felt we weren't given a chance."

"We understand," Razor assured her. 

After their party with Gillian in the igloo, and this revelation, maybe Speidi will be a bit more smiley from here on in.



Day 15 round-up: A devil finds work for idle hands

2 hours ago

The day started with an almighty shock, when Spencer, from the duo known as Speidi,offered to the cook the housemates breakfast – say what!? It was a surprise to us as much as it was to the housemates, but the earth wasn't officially shattered as the offer didn't actually materialize.

Spencer's uncharacteristic behaviour continued later in the garden, when Speidi admitted that they may not be guaranteed winners after all, putting Rylan in the race for the title. And it didn't stop there – they even went on to praise their former nemesis, 'frogface' - AKA Ryan - for his impression skills. We guess they must have got out of the right side of the bed this morning...

Talking of Ryan, he started displaying some odd behaviour throughout the day, offering to brush Spencer's hair and giving Tricia some awkward hugs. But don't worry, our Aussie soapy hadn't gone the way of Harold Bishop – it was all part of a task to win a devilishly good party later that evening.

And as he wasn't busted, they won said party – Hurrah! Well, everyone apart from Gillian and Speidi who were punished for an early rule-break, the naughty rascals. While most of the housemates pulled some questionable shapes in the party room, Speidi and Gillian, dressed in Pearly King and Queen outfits, were 'treated' to a bit of Chas and Dave on loop. It was a punishment of sorts, as Speidi were hoping to hear some Britney Spears tunes – sorry Speidi, but somehow we don't think she counts as a Cockney (unless you fancy a pint of Britney Spears, eh?).

As the festivities came to a close, the housemates reconvened in the living room andswapped notes on their respective parties, and there was collective agreement that fun had been had by one and all – even if one was supposed to be a punishment. And the earlier jovial mood continued to erupt from the usually cut-off Speidi, who told Frankie that they felt more integrated in the group.

So as they all toddled off to bed, it seemed that the housemates have become one happy family and there was a thought that maybe we are starting to see a different side to Speidi after all.

They may be finally all getting on, but that doesn't stop us booting one of them out tonight. Meanies? Us? No... 


7.50am: It's very 'zzzz'y in the  House at the moment. By which we mean they're all sleeping.

8.06am: Still snoozey in that strange, celeb-packed House. We're wondering what delights await our televised buddies on Day 16.

8.25am: Razor's snore has been a constant - at the moment it sounds like someone's opening and closing a heavy door on repeat.

8.40am: The sun comes up over Elstree. HMs aren't quite ready to greet the new day. They snooze on to the tune of the Razor-snore.


8.55am: The HMs may be snoozing but mother nature is awake and sending wee flakes of snow into the garden

9.25am: Mysterious forces are at work in the House. We see a bird on a string. Ho hum and fiddle-dee-dee.

9.38am: While the HMs sleep there's a layer of snow in the garden. Maybe Ryan will run around the winter scene in his undies again.

9.48am: Wakey wakey, rise and shine! Lights are up and housemates are generally cowering under their duvets. Where's that alarm.

9.59am: We think Frankie's the best HM at dealing with mornings. He's up, making breakfast and shadow boxing whilst others mope about.


Morning All


Thanks for last nights updates and comments et al 

10.08am: Ryan's singing as he pot washes. Voice of an Aussie angel - this man needs a record deal.

10.15am: Rylan and Razor share a snout in the snow. Matching dressing gowns. Well bromantic.

10.28am: Razor's talking about dipping pilchards on toast in tea. Enough to put you off breakfast.

10.37am: It's gone a bit Clarkson in the Living Area. Cars are the talk of the morning. Razor laughs at the fact Frankie had a Capri.




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