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Day 15: Rylan isn't the only little devil in the House

34 mins ago

The housemates were ecstatic earlier this evening to find that Ryan's odd behaviour wasn't down to a mid-BB crisis as they may have thought, but that it was actually due to a secret task. Sitting in the living room, Big Brother told the housemates that the Australian soap actor had in fact been under the influence of little devil, Rylan and heavenly angel, Razor.

There were gasps of "I knew something was up" from the conned celebrities, who tried to claim that they hadn't been dupped by the Toadster. However, considering they always say this after a secret task, we're not too convinced that this is the case. Tricia, for one, was particularly happy to hear that Ryan's awkwardly long hug was an order from the voices in his head and not a creepy come-on as it may have been perceived. 

If anyone did feel miffed at the trio's prank, it was soon quashed when the big man announced that that the tricksters had won a devilishly good party this evening. No one can be in a bad mood when a vol-au-vont is on offer, and if they do, they're just mean spirited.

But wait – what's that? Did we hear something about a rule break? Yes, that's right – the housemates have been nattering about nominations again. When will they learn!?

The suspects in question are Speidi and Gillian, who have been forbidden from attending the party as a result of their loose lips. Instead, they have been provided with Pearly King and Queens costumes and have been sent to the igloo for a right cockney knees up.

While the other housemates will be provided with dastardly good treats, the naughty trio will be forced to speak in Cockney rhyming slang and will be 'treated' a lovely platter of jellied eels and cockles. Mmhmm, how delightful.

We hope the housemates have learnt something from this incident – if you break the Big Brother rules, you'll be forced to become a Cockney? Yeah, that's definitely the moral of the story... 


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