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Day 15: Happy happy House

21 mins ago

Do you remember a time when Speidi yelled "Shut your Toadfish mouth and go back down under" at nemesis, Ryan? Yeah, well this morning they've been praising his impersonation of one of Kids' TV's favourite characters, saying he could make a lucrative career out of audio books. In a quiet moment they also agreed they want Rylan to win. That's the same Rylan they put up for eviction this week. We won't bite the hand that feeds us positivity by mentioning how fickle these celebs are. Whoops. We'll try not to do it again.

Wholesomeness has been the name of game all round with Gillian and Ryan working out in the gym, and living area and Frankie splashing around in the tub like a contented water baby. Razor, Rylan, Tricia and Spencer spent ages testing each other's recall of how many chairs, cameras, etc there are in the House. It was like being locked in with your family during a wet holiday weekend.  

Meanwhile Claire has been channelling her inner Nigella and is whipping up a delicious cake that housemates are eagerly anticipating. If things get much cosier, they'll all be joining hands and singing 'Kumbaya'. Maybe the Angel vs Devil task going on will bring out more satanic streaks.



That is one happy chappy



Could this be the face of children's audiobooks?



Gillian can work it out



Has the water made Frankie shrink?




Day 15: New task - Angels vs Devils

36 mins ago

Big Brother's got a task in mind for Ryan that the Aussie soap star might find hellish – though he'll be hoping it brings a heavenly reward.

The plan is for BB to call Rylan and Razor to the Diary Room where they'll be told that they’ll be getting inside the mind of one of the other housemates. Pointed squarely at the large task room, they'll be given some beautiful costumes, with one of the pair becoming an angel and the other a devil.

As a decoy, Big Brother plans to call another housemate to the Diary Room and tell them that the two missing roomies have been taken away to do a task away from the action and will be back in a few hours. Fiendish.

Ryan - the 'puppet' in this exercise – will be called to the Diary Room. For the next few hours, he will be controlled by Razor (playing our guardian angel) and Rylan (our demonic entity). An earpiece will keep the whole operation on the down-low and, before he's sent back into the House, Big Brother will explain to him that the devil and the angel will whisper persuasively into his lugholes, talking our hapless mortal into doing either naughty or saintly things.

Following the instructions, Ryan will listen to the voices and do as they say – but it's up to him to decide which path he'll choose.

This is very much a secret mission and the task will be failed if Ryan's rumbled in the midst of it. Will Toadfish's alter ego choose the cherubic path – or is he more likely to damn himself with his decisions?

Either way, he's probably going to have a devil of a time keeping this one quiet.



Day 15: Ryan's a little Aussie angel... so far

30 mins ago

When Ryan Moloney plays Jarrod 'Toadfish' Rebecchi, he portrays a likable dad with the kinds of flaws you might expect of your average antipodean everyman. Out of character and stalking the House in a burgundy hoody on his fifteenth day in the BB House, he's acting even nicer than the Ramsay Street resident he earns his bread and butter playing.

Ryan's been tasked by Big Brother with a conflicted mission where he's forced to submit to the whims of Razor and Rylan who are secreted away in the task room. Angels vs Devils sees him being fed directions through an earpiece from the pair. As things stand, he's part-way into his mission and he's already looking extremely busy and slightly uncomfortable.

He must be in angel mode at present as he's spent an hour being the most helpful Toadfish in the world. All this niceness isn't entirely out of character, but the strain is beginning to show. So far we've seen Ryan take care of all the washing up. We've witnessed him giving Claire a not-entirely-welcome peck on the cheek. He offered to make everyone a brew, repeatedly and he followed Tricia around, insisting that he help her with her washing (and gave her an over-long hug).

On top of all that, he offered to brush Spencer's hair (yes, you read that right), practiced Wing Chun with The Hills star and, weirdest of all, offered to cut Frankie's toenails for him.

It seems there's no end to his kindness and positivity. At one point, he attempted to flatter Tricia a little with some kind words but it didn't really go to plan.

"I'm a big fan of your acting – you're a great actor," he said.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, shocked.

"Yeah – I've seen your stuff. I've seen you in The Bill."

"I've never been in The Bill," she replied, dolefully.

Must try harder, Ryan – or perhaps it's now high time for some devilry?


Day 15: Claire's cake-making in eight easy Steps

18 mins ago

Claire from Steps has been a flurry of culinary activity today. Dressed beautifully, the lady in red whipped up a chocolate cake for her housemates. What a nice lass! In case you would like to try this at home we've provided some images that you can learn along with.

Bulletin: No sooner had Claire finished with the cake then she began stuffing a chicken. She's a top bird.



Step 1. Assemble all your ingredients on a kitchen surface



Step 2. Mix everything in a bowl



Step 3. Become hypnotised by the way the mixture dollops off a spoon



Step 4. Clean as you go - it's the best way




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