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Day 14: Eviction prep48 mins ago


With just over an hour until the eviction show, housemates have been dolling themselves up and making a final assessment of the situation.

Lacey claims to be able to predict her fate by the state of her shower gel. It's pretty much run out and so, she thinks has her time in the House.

Speidi who have been hanging out in the igloo and avoiding getting ready, are hoping for a double eviction. They haven't even thought about an eviction outfit, unless the pair think fleeces and combats are appropriate attire for an exit.

Rylan had a few issues with his belt but is now satisfied that it will not only hold his trousers up but also look pretty reem.

And what about Claire from Steps? She's panicking over her packing. She can't fit all her clothes in her bag. Rylan has helpfully suggested she put it in a bin bag. She's a celebrity, this will not do!

It’s tense and that’s the way we like it. Who do think is currently spending their final moments in the House?




Lacey has been evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House!

36 mins ago

Lacey Banghard is the third housemate to evicted from the Big Brother House!

Glamour model Lacey had a charmed entry to the House, receiving a one-way ticket to the luxury residence, while fellow good-looker Sam took the hit and bedded down in the basement. From the offset, she seemed to get on well with most of the housemates, often showing a diplomatic side when a disagreement arose. Apart from the 'Tell it like it is' task, where she really let loose – well, compared to the others at least...

Apart from her friendship with Rylan, who she dressed up as on Day 11, it's hard to place her alliances with anyone in particular. She even tried to bridge the gap with controversial housemates Speidi, despite the fact that the duo blasted her for being 'two-faced' during their time in the basement. However, they did retract their statement on their return, realising that their opinion of her may have been misconstrued and putting her comments down to being young and naive.

It was her relationship with Sam that caused the most interest, as many thought the singletons would have the eye for each other. Although there was a smattering of flirtation, it was a bit of a non-starter, and on his eviction, Sam quashed any hope of a post-BB hook up by stating that she was too innocent for him. Ah,shucks.

As for her highlights, we can't help but think of a little shower incident ... "Sometimes you just forget your bikini and stuff," she reasoned - never a truer word spoken. But apart from her towel slip-up, she's also been acknowledge for her gung-ho attitude to the tasks, playing a particular blinder in bringing down Dictator Frankie in The Regime task.

She's become a valuable member of the House and her positive attitude and bubbly personality will surely be missed by the other housemates. 



Day 14: Rule breakers face the House

22 mins ago

Will our housemates ever learn. You talk about nominations, you get punished by the boss.

We don't care if you whispered it, had the chat in a cupboard or conversed using semaphore flags made out of your underpants, there aint nothing Big Brother don't see.

Loveable giant Razor and goody two shoes Ryan are the housemates in the frame – the pair had the noms chat, talking tactics and making plans to target the girls.

The entire House are now up for eviction this Friday. Yep, you heard right, the whole flippin' celeb-tastic House.

Tricia was surprised at Ryan. His previously unblotted copy book is now thoroughly tarnished.

The announcement raised a big cheer – led by Speidi but some weren't so chuffed – Rylan in particular had a right face on him.

Ryan and Razor were greeted by boos when they returned to the living room – again led by Speidi. This pair are like so confusing.

Ryan got to grovelling from the off saying, "We were just thinking out loud. I apologise, I didn't think our conversation was any different to anyone else's." Well it was Ryan.

Razor took a different attitude saying, "I've done us all a favour, no one has to nominate." That's certainly one way of looking at it.

Diplomatic as ever, Gillian said: "At least we'll all be the same, all sitting here."

All in all the housemates have been fairly understanding towards Ryan and Razor so far but the night is young. Is this just the calm before the storm?


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