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1.28am: Lights are out in the  bedroom. Good natured babble still circulates.

1.41am: Lacey and Rylan are the still up talking. Miss Banghard is treating herself to a late-night yoghurt. Rock and roll.

1.52am: And so, once again, it has begun. Razor's snoring is rocking the bedroom

2am: Razor's snores are in what Ryan would describe as 'the angry bear' phase. We're not sorry to leave. See you all bright and early.


Day 12: Homesick Ryan and the talk of the Igloo

8 hours ago

Now that Speidi are bedroom-based and banished from their temporary hidey-hole, the Igloo, they're forced to mingle with their fellow housemates and join in all the chat – no matter how vulgar or charged.

Fortunately for them, things didn't get too feisty tonight. In fact, conversation was really rather pleasant as all housemates crammed into that cosy little snow-house and talked the hind legs off the proverbial donkey. It wasn't fighty, though it's fair to say it did get a little unsavoury before Spencer and Heidi showed up - mainly because the starter for ten concerned colonic irrigation. Look it up if you're not familiar. We couldn't possibly go into too much detail.

Our housemates could though. Lacey told how her friend went for the treatment while Tricia related what foodstuffs she could see travelling down the tubes after she had hers. Quite, quite revolting. Thankfully, Razor gruffly chipped in from outside and told them to stop with the dirty talk.

Spencer and Heidi decided to join the Igloo-dwellers with Heidi muttering "let's see what these fools are up to" before they wandered in. They kicked off their convo by asking champion jockey Frankie if he'd ever ridden a bull, which is one way of breaking the ice.  Talk continued in that kind of vein – all pleasant, all smalltalk, all without the fury of the last eviction night – until everyone noticed Ryan was absent. He'd been asleep for quite a while, over in the bedroom.

"It's shocking that Ryan's been falling asleep so much" said Spencer.

"He's the new Sam" replied Heidi, referring to our most recently evicted housemate.

The Aussie soap star turned in ahead of everyone else, but not before looking at a picture from home longingly. How could Ryan sleep when we've got important topics like bull-riding and back end treatments being discussed in the Igloo?



Day 12: Lacey uncovered

7 hours ago

She's small and buoyant, in character and in certain physical respects but how much do we really know about the youngest housemate?

She lost her closest playmate when Sam left the House on Friday, shattering tabloid dreams of a photogenic hook-up. Since then she's been trying tentatively to get close to Heidi but this is hampered because Heidi is Speidi and therefore an exclusive club of two.

In the absence of a clear bezzie, Lacey has been baring her soul indiscriminately to whoever happens to be around. She potters round the House offering her thoughts on life, the universe and everything almost as if she's chattering to herself. Whether this is because she just needs to express herself, or because she's reaching out to people beyond the screen, only the lovely Miss Banghard knows.

We do know it's hard to shake her sunny disposition. Curiosity and glee are the emotions she shows when people and situations get real. Rather than falling, she rolls with the punches, like a weeble.

After receiving six nominations, with messiness and a filthy mouth cited a few times, her confidence could have been knocked. But in the Diary Room she seemed philosophical acknowledging the elements of her character that could have caused people to put her up.

"I honestly don't think there's a person like me on this earth," she said to Razor in the garden, before going into detail about her upbringing. Being up for eviction, like all forms of adversity, reveals a lot about a person and what we've learnt about Lacey is that she refuses to feel bad for who she is. Maybe she's learnt this though being involved in a controversial profession or maybe it's just who she's always been. All we know is that beneath her sweet nature is an impressive resilience.





Day 12 round-up: Snowfall and the Big Vendor

1 hour ago

As she rose from her slumber on Day 12, Gillian remembered an important detail. The gang were due a shopping task and the very thought of it caused a chill to buzz through housemates' bones.

To distract them, the elements bought magic as snow began to tumble from the heavens, causing a rare moment of widespread camaraderie and lots of happy chattering to break out in Borehamwood. As you might expect, it quickly turned into a snowball fight – but nothing too violent or alarming. The blizzard even made Spencer's heart swell to the point he made a romantic gesture towards his beloved. We were moved, you were moved – everybody was moved.

Getting back to normal, Speidi watched on as the rest of this year's celebs did a spot of cleaning – clearly the basement life spoiled them a little too much. A happy moment arrived for Lacey a little later as she was allowed a quick chinwag with her brother â€“ and this wasn't the first outbreak of homesickness we saw on Day 12.

Big news arrived when Speidi were called to see BB and were ordered to move out of the basement and play the game. Swallowing their pride, the pair from the USA grabbed their sheets and shimmied upstairs. Now we have a House that's properly reunited – even if Frankie did receive a bit of a cold response when they arrived back at base.

Happily, they and the rest of the crew were distracted by Big Brother's Big Vendor's  task –'Definition of a Celebrity'. The cheeky robotic dispenser gave each of the HMs a hard time before ordering them to perform a little pop routine for his entertainment, with prizes for the best effort. Claire and Rylan led the teams, with Mr. Clark the ultimate winner. Not only did Claire lose, but she also had to watch Rylan perform her hit and front up with her own version of an S Club tune. She grinned and bore it like a champ.

Our glamour girl Lacey had a bit of a strange one, and we considered her place in the House dynamic. Friends with everyone (including the rather unpopular Speidi), but up for eviction.... We can only imagine what's going through her mind.

Before bed, Tricia gave Frankie a little goodnight tickle after a long evening spent yakking in the basement – a conversation that Speidi made the effort to get in on. Ryan gave this one a miss, choosing an early night and a peep at a picture of loved ones from home. He's a long way from Melbourne, so we'll let him have this one episode of pensiveness. He'd better find his mojo before Day 13 gets underway.



10.10am: We've spotted a few wrigglers but housemates are all making the most of the lie in

10.21am: If we were housemates, we would be very suspicious of Big Brother allowing so much sleep this morning

10.36am: Ryan's awake! Sorry false alarm. He put a t-shirt on and went back to sleep

10.41am: Ryan's up again and scratching around

10.54am: Spencer is up and hydrating.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Good news on the boiler not snowing here today but whats lying has now frozen

 not too sure yet aimee   something caught alight apparently and has burned a few parts   he has gone to get replacements 


all I know is I am bliddy freezing this morning 


light little flurries off and on but is a lot colder today than yesterday 


Day 13: The Regime task

13 mins ago

It's the winter of discontent, and in this time of uncertainty, a 'dicator' has risen up and taken over the Big Brother House. The man in question is none other than 5"4 jockey, Frankie Dettori - yes, the seemingly jovial Italian has seized power of the House and is wielding his authority over the other housemates as we speak.

Flanked by his two personal bodyguards, Razor and Ryan, Frankie has taken residency in the Golden Palace (formerly known as the gym), leaving the civilians (AKA the housemates) to the confines of the House and garden. The civilians have been reduced to basic clothing and placed under strict rules set by The Regime – whenever an order is given to them by the dictator, they must obey it. If not, there is a jail in the garden ready and waiting for any unruly inhabitants.

And while the Dictator gorges on food in the palace, the other housemates have been reduced to tinned rations, which contain some rather questionable food. Let's hope they have strong stomachs, otherwise we'll have some very hungry housemates on our hands.

By the way, it's probably worth pointing out that this is a task and not a spontaneous power trip - although you do know what they say about short men...

Anyway, throughout the day, the Dictator will enforce new rules to the House, the first being a ban on all hair and beauty products. We're sure this announcement will go down well with the housemates – particularly lipgloss lover, Rylan. This rule alone is enough to start an uprising...

Speaking of which, in true BB style, there's a twist to this week's shopping task. Later today, a housemate will be called to the Diary Room and told that they are the leader of the Revolution. They will be given the responsibility of initiating secret missions to bring about the downfall of The Regime and secure a luxury shopping task for the House.

So, who will prevail – the tyrant or the revolutionary?  It's a two-day task, so you'll have to stick with us to find out.


12.48pm: The civillians are already keen to rebel. Rylan is threatening to sing if the Dictator does not open the bathroom.

12.55pm: Frankie has been carried inot the garden in his secure vehicle. Think the pope mobile meets a sedan chair.

1.01pm: The Dictator has decreed that all beauty products be removed from the housemates. They must wear regime uniforms


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