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Day 12: Hey, Big Vendor - it's task time

12 mins ago

Razor's instincts were correct this morning when he predicted Big Brother's Big Vendor would have a pivotal role in today's House activity.

The vending machine has been looming in the corner of the living room since Day 1 and finally came to life to introduce the Definitition of Celebrity task. The cantankerous appliance told housemates that, despite observing them for 12 days, he's still confused as to what a 'celebrity' is. He got this message across by asking HMs a series of cheeky questions. When you're a robotic voice transmitted from a machine you can get away with anything.

Having noticed the gang's penchant for singing, he's decided they must put on a talent show. Housemates will split into two teams, one led by Rylan and the other by Claire. Team Rylan includes Gillian, Tricia, Razor and Heidi and team Claire is made up of Spencer, Lacey, Frankie and Ryan.

That's right! Speidi will be temporarily separated.

The teams have two hours to prepare before they take to the stage in the living room. Two performances will take place and Big Vendor will be coming across all Simon Cowell, picking the winning group.

The successful team will be given the choice of prizes from Big Vendor's shelves. Let's hope housemates get those warming up exercises right. Altogether now...



Day 12: Definition of Celebrity – the movers and the shakers42 mins ago


An all singing, all-dancing challenge, the Definition of Celebrity task saw housemates delighted by the promise of performing pop smashes for their pals and the wider world. 

Big Vendor suddenly creaked into life this afternoon and asked some rather rude questions on our celebrities' fame status and, finding them wanting, ordered them to crack out some tunes for his (and our) pleasure.

Rehearsals started in earnest. Split into two teams, Rylan led his gang as they practiced singing and dancing to Steps' Tragedy. The X Factor man couldn't have been more enthusiastic, rousing Razor, Ryan, Gillian and Tricia into a non step practice session. Claire was less keen but still managed to pull together Heidi, Spencer, Lacey and Frankie for a run through in the Living Area.

In no time at all they were getting changed into their dancing shoes and the show began.

After two storming performances, Big Vendor gathered the rival gangs on the sofas and announced that it was Team Rylan who'd won the day. The robotic prize distributor handed out prizes including wine, mulled wine, beer, a delicious burger meal and, for Razor, highly-valued information on how the football season's going.

They gladly accepted but, judging by the huge smiles on everyone's face, the rewards of performing were enough in themselves.

Reach for the stars, guys. Reach for the stars.


Claire leads her team through an S Club classic



Ryan's fist-pumping moves were too much for Big Vendor



Frankie horsed around like there was no tomorrow



Nope - that's not Timberlake. It's Spencer getting into the groove.



Page 3 stunner Lacey finds herself lost in music



Heidi reaches for the stars



Tricia treated it as a cardio workout - good for the Heartbeat



Rylan was in his element



Razor's outfit stole the show. Again



Gillian stifles a laugh







Last edited by MrsH

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