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"I feel like everyone's acting like it's okay when it's not," Rylan has said several times today, first to bemused co-nominee, Claire, then to Razor, as the pally pair sat outside in the smoking area.
These remarks have bookended a day of bizarre calm. Anyone who saw last night's show and has watched any of our fabulous videos will be well aware of the tension that ploughed through the House after the return of the Speidi (Second only in box office marketability to Return of the Jedi).
So what are they playing at breaking bread (or prawn crackers) together over a massive Chinese feast? Cooing and playing House?
Speidi have confessed feelings of discomfort. The pair who retired back to the basement last night because of the unease o f being back with their housemates, today licked their wounds in private.
Spencer bloated from overindulgence at the feast, mused on how different this trip has been to what he had anticipated.

"I'm never going to have any expectations again. This is so different to how I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be like a vacation..."
Really, love? We thought you'd seen the show before...
Going back to the big picture we have to say that this forced camaraderie is only likely to last so long. Whether it comes out in nominations, Diary Room rants or full-on in-House confrontations all this frustrated energy has got to come out somewhere.


Day 10: Bedtime talk of spaceships and sonic booms


If housemates are feeling a little spaced out after a day of the emotional back n' forth following Speidi's return, it's starting to show.

With the couple from The Hills having a private moment, the remaining housemates enjoyed a bedtime chat after last night's busy doings. Slowly turning in early, they reclined in their pyjamas (or electric pink 'Y' fronts in Rylan's case), with talk turning to X Files style goings on in the world. The truth is out there, or so it seems from ear-wigging on this current crop of celebs on Day 10.

It all started when Rylan talked of his experience of seeing a spaceship. The X Factor star and flamboyant all-rounder went into depth over his experiences, not once using the term 'UFO', definitively, referring to the triangular, black mirrored spacecraft that flitted into view one night in Essex.

Soon Razor picked up the baton. Talking about the time he was sitting by the coast in the US of A at the time of a rocket launch, he detailed how his world was rocked by an explosive sonic boom as he lounged on a beach towel. Lacey got herself involved, bringing the secret services into the equation but mistakenly pronouncing MI5 as 'M one 5', effectively undermining her own input.

Rylan ran with it and detailed the cast iron fact that the BT Tower in London has 39 storeys underground. Claire (from Steps) chipped in with the observation that there's an entire city under New York City. "What's it like?" asked Rylan. "I don't think it's meant to be very nice" she replied. Pressed on the veracity of her claim, Claire said that she thinks it's true because H (from Steps) read a book about it. An open and shut case, your honour.

It was such an out-there conversation that it seemed to send Rylan into something of a mystical mode of behaviour. So much so that he quickly adorned himself with a leopard-print headscarf and began slinking around the House in one of the most peculiar outfits we've seen in the Big Brother House for quite some time.

Frankly, it's been one of those kinds of nights.


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