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Day 10: Hair-Raising Questions Task

40 mins ago

With last night’s eviction and twist shaking up the House, Lacey will be given the opportunity to smooth some things out with today’s task, Hair-Raising Questions.

Lacey will have the chance to get the housemates all back together after their second basement-break up, and also to give Claire a day off cooking.

The way she can do this is by answering questions on her fellow housemates, and to give Lacey a hand, BB will provide her with some calming classical music and some encyclopaedias so she can swot up on the housemates accordingly. She will have half an hour to revise.

Whilst she has her head in the books, the consequences of Lacey’s failure will be laid out for Razor. A massage bed, some robes, and one of BB’s infamous laminated instruction sheets. Whilst Lacey is being pressed for answers in the Diary Room, she will not realise she will be quite literally waxing lyrical – for every wrong answer she gives, a beautician will remove a wax strip from Razor’s decidedly insulated back, whilst the rest of the housemates watch her efforts on the plasma, hanging by a hair.

Lacey will be given an envelope with a number in it. To be successful and win a banquet for the house, she must answer correctly more than or equal to that number.

Stay tuned to find out if she pulls it off.



Day 10: Playing happy families

2 hours ago

After Spencer and Heidi’s voyeuristic 48 hour secret task came to an end last night, our stateside housemates moved back in with the rest of the gang and wasted no time in confronting several housemates over some Speidi bashing comments they’d made.

After the previous evening's dramas we braced ourselves for further conflict when Speidi Joined Razor, Ryan and Frankie in the lounge.

However, it was not to be - the five had a good chuckle about the night's hostility and reminisced about the 'good old days' with banter centred on Paula's antics and Sam's exit – at least someone remembered he left.

But can housemates really believe a good night's sleep was all it took to turn Speidi's feelings in their favour?

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Claire and Rylan were blissfully unaware everyone was playing happy families in the living area and were still debating WHY Speidi nominated them.

"By playing the game you get rid of competition. They see you as competition," suggested Claire.

The twosome aren't sure how to act around The Hills stars but with the other housemates treating Speidi like long lost loved ones, they might need to watch their backs.

Surely there's only so long our housemates can avoid confrontation?




Day 10: Hair Raising Questions Answered

9 mins ago

Lacey was called to the Diary Room and given the chance to win a banquet for the whole house by answering some intellectually probing questions. What she didn’t know was that everyone else was watching from the sofas and that every time she got a question wrong, Razor got a section of his body waxed by a beautician.
There are some things in life that, once seen, age a person. Razor wearing tiny budgie-smugglers lying face down on a massage table fits that brief (For the curious amongst you, here's a video). The beautician, clearly a polished professional, had to contend with five wrong answers from Lacey. Razor took it like a man with the stoical line, "start waxing love".
Yet, despite wrong answers, Lacey scraped through answering six questions correctly, which, it turned out was exactly the same as the magic number in the envelope.
This means the united house will be dining on Chinese tonight, a fate far better than any of the cryptic promises found in fortune cookies.


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