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Day 9: Rylan explains all to an unimpressed Speidi


Housemates are just about getting over the bombshell that Speidi are back in the House and have been watching their every move for the past 48 hours. Rylan wants to make amends and discuss why they pair nominated him tonight, but will it be that easy?

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Samuel Robertson‏@robertsonsamuel

          I went into CBB thinking I'd like to show MY personality instead of playing a character but I realised early on that I was in the midst of freak show ...  


Samuel Robertson‏@robertsonsamuel

          .. a bit of a freak show so I kept my head down & bit my tongue. I'm so happy to be out of there & hopefully I can carry on life as normal..


Samuel Robertson‏@robertsonsamuel

          ..sorry if I bored you to tears but im glad I never embarrassed anyone & I'm glad I kept under the radar


Samuel Robertson‏@robertsonsamuel

          ..thank you all for the lovely messages, it means a lot! ONE LOVE you rascals & keep on rollin' ! X




Day 9 round-up: Double drama

3 hours ago

What a day. Anyone who thought this series was off to a slow start needs to sit down and Demand 5 last night's show. So much happened that we're in a tizz and will be processing the fall out for millennia, or at least an hour. We had an eviction, new nominations and the grand finale of the devilish twist that's been playing out since Wednesday. But first things first...

Sam or Ryan's last day as a housemate dawned to find the duo in thoughtful form. They worked through their feelings while working out their bodies, excellent multi-tasking that caused others to join the sweaty fun. Maybe once this is all over, they'll release a joint exercise video, scored by Steps, of course.

Speidi continued to watch from the basement and continued to fume, ranting like a pair of irate footie pundits who can't believe a goal's been disallowed. They got to wield task power  once again, picking Lacey, Rylan, Claire, Tricia and Razor to participate in Tell It Like It Is designed to reveal which of them is the most honest. Can you guess who it was?

As the early winter sun began to set, a double-headed sense of anticipation began to grow. Down in the basement Speidi chowed down their last luxury supper while upstairs Sam and Ryan handled their potential 'elimination' (to speak in 'Speidiese') differently. The Scotsman kicked about in his kilt while Ryan looked worried in various locations. He looked worried in the bedroom, worried in the igloo and worried in the Diary Room. If he were to star in a searching-themed children's cartoon it would have to be 'Where's Worry' (sorry).

All that worrying turned out to be needless when Sam's name was called out. The sexy Scot put on a brave face and proved a charming interviewee, even if his best bits were a little heavy on the sleeping shots. Before anyone could say 'Bye Sa...' it was on to the most dramatic and brilliant part of the night.

Speidi re-entered the House, but not before picking two housemates to face nomination while the rest of the House watched on a monitor, reeling from the news that rather than walking out, the Pratts had been watching their every indiscreet move.

With Claire and Rylan sure to be facing eviction on Sunday, Speidi returned to the House which became the site of epic and heated discussions. Reactions were wonderfully varied, from Razor laughing and not apologising to Rylan getting on his soapbox to explain why's he's not a fake. Everyone had something to communicate, even if it was just in confusion in the eyes. It is rather a lot to take in, which is why we've summarised the reactions here.

The ripples of this will continue spreading as housemates come to terms with things not being at all how they seemed yesterday morning. What the House dynamic will be like once the chips in the air finally land is something you want to be around to see.


8.10am: Housemates are sound asleep. Bless them.


8.24am: All is peaceful in the House. For now.


8.40am: Everybody is still fast asleep after last night's 'festivities'.. All that drama can wear a house out. Who will be awake first.


8.56am: Everyone is catching some Zzzs. The snorings not as bad this morning actually.


9.08am: Spencer momentarily showed signs of life, said something garbled, and then went straight back to sleep.


9.20am: Frankie has just momentarily got up, flashed his tightie-whities, and gone straight back to bed. Works for us. Carry on.


9.28am: Here's something interesting. Rylan sleeps with the covers exclusively showing his upper thighs! What a lovely cooling sleep.


9.32am: We have one awake housemate in the shape of Mr Frankie Dettori. He just said "Ay-ie-ie." Wonder what's ailing him so.


9.47am: Still one housemate stands alone. Frankie is doing the washing up. Well, it has to be done


9.48am: And then a minute later, BB has open the shutters. Hello daylight! Nobody seems to be too bothered right this second.


9.55am: We have another awake housemate. Rise and shine, Ryan. Welcome to a little thing we like to call 'the morning'.


10.05am: Gillian has removed her fetching leopard print sleep mask and already in full chinwag-mode with Tricia.


10.15am: Claire, Gillian, Razor, Ryan, Tricia and Frankie are now awake doing Big Brother impressions. Oh, very funny guys.


10.28am: Ryan's in his lycras already, doing some sort of water bottle-themed, punching workout. Looks fun, at least.


10.40am: Rylan is still tuckered out, but awake, already gallantly giving out his toothbrush charger to a deprived Trisha. Our hero.

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all 


Thanks for the updates erin and MrsH


I can do about an hour this morning then I`ll be back later in the afternoon.



arghh  you just beat me - must have logged in the same time 


will wander off and have a bath and pick up later where you leave off 





Okay dokay MrsH 



Day 10: Housemates don't wanna talk about it28 mins ago


There was one hell of an elephant in the room when housemates awoke with no one wanting to be first to mention last night.

For those who could be bothered top open their eyes and mouth, bedroom topics focused on Gillian's tickly cough and how Razor would spend a Saturday if he was at home.  We were gripped.

Fortunately for those who prefer their house action a little more electric, Tricia was itching to have a natter on the subject of Speidi's return and cornered Ryan over an early brekkie for housemates who had been up until the wee small hours, in the kitchen.

"We'll have to all just try and get on and be as normal as can be," she said as Ryan juggled oranges no committally.

Frankie joined the pair and attempted to lift the mood with a joke.  "Good old banter last night -nice and cheerful," he quipped. Lol.

He added:  "I don't know who is acting and who is real."

Keen to push the drama before turning the conversation back to whether or not to roast a chicken for dinner, Tricia said: "That was real. If he (Spencer) was acting last night he should get an Oscar."

Speidi's nominees Claire and Rylan are yet to offer their collective take on the evening' events. We'll keep you posted as the aftershocks roll in.



Day 9: Claire sweats it out

19 mins ago

To a fly on the wall, Claire's shock nomination by Speidi appears to be the last thing on her mind.

Rylan has been reflecting on his own nomination and although Claire is certainly feeling a deeper shade of blue following last night, she's kept shtum.

The Steps singer has been focused on the gym, powering through on the treadmill and steadfastly avoiding dwelling on the fact Speidi selected her for being the dullest housemate. What a tragedy.

Tonight's menu dominated her chit chat with the best way to deal with the chicken topping the chat charts. Fajitas are her preferred option for tonight – that's a little teaser for you right there.

Eventually Rylan who is gutted to be in opposition to Claire from Steps, got her to open up while also using the opportunity to talk about himself a bit more.

Claire admitted: "I wish I could see what I said. We were quite sarcastic and dry and our sense of humour can be misunderstood."

Hmm. We're not sure that excuse will wash where Speidi are concerned...

Rylan reassured her: "Not everyone is like us, remember that."

 For now Claire, maybe it's better best forgotten.



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