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Day 1 round-up: Luxury living and basement blues

2 hours ago

An eventful Celebrity Big Brother 2013 launch night saw a definite divide form - even as housemates settled into their opening hours in the House.

Hardly surprising considering Big Brother kicked off proceedings with a devilish twist that literally split their number in two. Big Brother's basement stole the show as the housemates were shepherded in, two by two, then split into two factions - basement-dwellers and upstairs luxury-livers. By the end of that caper, we were left with two very distinct sets of housemates. Half of them slightly miffed, the rest sky-high in happy-land.

Given a brief opportunity to intermingle, Claire, Frankie, Gillian, Lacey, Rylan and Tricia were joined by the most of the downstairs crew. Razor, Sam, Ryan and Paula managed to find their way up the stairs for introductions and smalltalk. Speidi, however, weren’t particularly interested in getting to know anyone from the elevated ranks. While friendships formed, they stayed on their rickety bed, practicing their β€˜British accents’. In fact, they were generally a little grumpy – though they managed to chat amiably enough when their fellow basement buddies reappeared. Especially with Razor, who they chatted to about football, or soccer, boasting that they’d been to see Beckham’s final Galaxy game.

Downstairs, in the gloom of the basement, potential bromancers Ryan and Sam read their own tailored rules aloud and it wasn’t good news. Food would not be supplied by Big Brother, it was learned, unless you count food scraps dropped down a chute, through which they were forced to forage for morsels. Ryan was more than up to the challenge and immediately began rooting out the good stuff.

There were problems of a less immediate nature upstairs as the housemates demanded their PJs from an unresponsive Big Brother. Worried about her vintage dress stretching, Lacey took matters into her own hands and stripped to her underpants for the rest of the evening. Speaking of the Page 3 stunner, she also worried that her small stature might lead to her drowning in the tub. When she bathes, she declared, she’ll require company. Bearing in mind she had a flirty chat with Sam about her slightly saucy surname, we might be wise to watch out for how that one develops.

As things wound down, Razor was first to bed and the basement crew started turning in as the upstairs lot finished their fizzy drinks and settled in. Tensions aren’t completely out in the open as things stand, but there may be a little grief between Rylan and Speidi when they eventually come face-to-face. It seems the couple from The Hills aren't too happy about his reasons for confining them to the lower quarters. They've clearly never experienced a frosty December evening in Essex. Or Elstree - until now.



8.20am: Morning! It's a rare moment of unity between and House dwellers. They're all asleep.


8.41am: While laddish snores ring round the bedroom, one of the HMs is both up and wearing a fetching bandana. Can you guess who?


8.53am: It was Paula, who is now issuing a strange but fair ultimatum to Big Brother.


9.19am: And after that brief minor spell of activity, they're back to silent sleeping. We're jealous of those bedheads.


9.40am: Is Frankie wearing a scarf in bed? This batch of celebs are deeply attached to their accessories



10.53am: So here's a funny thing, Paula's now a luxury housemate upstairs. Read about why:


Day 2: Paula is promoted

5 mins ago

In the wee hours of last night, coconut-fan and self-described eccentric, Paula came over a little unwell. But don’t get too upset. After receiving advice from the Big Brother doctor, the decision was taken to move our former supermodel from the dank CBB basement to the glorious world above. She is a new luxury housemate. It’s a real rags to riches story!

On leaving their bedroom, the original ground-level housemates met the new recruit with squeals of surprise.

"I can’t believe you’re here. It’s brilliant!" exclaimed Rylan

"Yeah, cool," replied Paula in a monotone that suggests she hasn’t forgotten the moment last night that he, together with partner-in-crime, Frankie chose her over Tricia to be sent down.

Rylan has been sitting with Paula in the garden ever since, listening to her colourful conversation and clearly hoping to build bridges after their shaky start.

Will Paula forgive and forget? You better stay tuned to the website to find out.

Last edited by Scotty


Day 2: Good Morning Sun.. Oh never mind.

31 mins ago

Whilst the main Big Brother housemates are vibrant in their new beautiful home whisking endless eggs and singing the greatest hits of the Spice Girls, down in the basement, the exiled section of the House seem slightly less cheery. Can’t imagine why. Now the elation high of the opening night is behind them, the housemates now have to contend with the fact that they are, for the foreseeable future, living in a basement. With the company of only eachother, they quickly came to realise however that the lesson to be learnt is that it is the simple pleasures of life that are the most beautiful.

Interestingly, it is our LA housemates that are dishing out the silver linings of their new humble surroundings.

 β€œI’ve never heard of orange yoghurt before.” Heidi profoundly observed.
 β€œIs that sawdust, or just paint?” Spencer added, mounting the excitement.

Inspired, Ryan kicks things into gear once and for all - gallantly grabbing a plastic spoon readying himself for the big day ahead. Who needs such materialistic simplicities after all for heaven's sake?

β€œI made earplugs out of my bed AND toilet paper last night!” he announced in the manner of a dark secret he has been suppressing for years, and all of a sudden – it is as if the housemates are on a much deeper level of knowing each other all in that magical, shimmering moment. So perhaps there are perks to living modestly after all.  

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

*runs in and gives Scotty a big smooch*

Welcome back, hope you are sticking around 'cos I've missed you.

*gives Yogi a big smooch back* 


Thank you, I`ve missed you too.   Over Christmas I wanted to surprise you with a santa hat on your bonnie dog avi, tried to draw it, but it fell apart at the seams


FB has taken over a bit with Robert being in NZ but I`ll be around as much as I can for CBB   


Day 2: Basement Pipes Task

1 hour ago

Housemates in the main House awoke this morning with delight at their privileged status tempered by just one thing:no hot water. Hot water: bringer of lovely showers on winter mornings, hot water, a reason to rejoice in cleanliness, hot water... The point is it wasn’t on, nuh huh. As usual, Big Brother gives with one hand and takes away with the other. Also like usual, a task was brewing.

Rylan read out the details of the task and it boils (ha) down to this. To win back hot water for both sides of the House (naturally poor basement dwellers are also without), housemates in the main House must choose one housemate from the basement to take part in a task to unblock the pipes. Sounds glamourous.

The chosen housemate will enter the basement section of the garden and face a series of blocked pipes – full of disgusting and putrid contents – which they must use their hands to unblock. The more they remove from the dirty pipes, the higher a water level will raise up a sliding scale from β€˜freezing’ to β€˜hot!’

Once all the pipes have been cleared, hot water will be switched back on for the main House and buckets of hot water will be delivered to the housemates in the basement.


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