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They're baccccck!
Our basement dwellers, Speidi, have returned to the main House, and boy was it an electric entrance.
As you probably saw on tonight's show, the housemates were alerted of Speidi's return via the TV in the living area, so it was no surprise when the reality stars walked through the Diary Room door. But what they couldn't prepare for was just how the American couple were going to react.
And, of course, it wasn't entirely good. That's what listening to two days of bitching will do to you.
Speidi made sure that the housemates knew exactly what they had heard, relaying the lines to each individual. Some took it well, while others - namely the nominated housemates, didn't. Rylan became very vocal in the defence of his behaviour, whereas Claire went very silent, clearly thinking about what she had said.
The others? They just looked on in a mixture of bemusement and shock – apart from Tricia, who just looked plain confused. We're not sure if she was keeping up.
There have been explanations and accusations in equal measure, but they seem to be working through their issues. Rylan has apologised for his outburst, justifying that he was just upset at being called 'fake', and Claire, after all the disagreements had finish, gave a heartfelt apology for her comments.
Ryan has also taken Speidi aside to exonerate himself, and athough they weren't too sure about his sincerity at first, it looks like they've kissed and made up. Hopefully they will cease to call him 'frog face' from now on.
As it stands right now, Speidi and the housemates are sitting in the living room, telling the others about the lovely food they received in the basement and how well they were treated. All very civil indeed – but what will the atmosphere be like after they've had the chance to sleep on it?
Speidi may be able to forgive, but will they be able to forget? And how will the other housemates act around them now?
It's going to be interesting viewing over the next few days, that's for sure...


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