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Day 9: You can't handle the truth

38 mins ago

Only the cold hard truth would satisfy Big Brother in the Tell It Like It Is task but the housemates were refusing to play ball.

In the basement Speidi were eagerly anticipating a proper showdown.

"I'm excited...yessss," enthused Spencer, his eyes lighting up.

With the promise of a phone call from the outside world we, like Speidi, hoped the housemates would finally stop pussy footing around each other and let rip on what has been bothering them about their buddies.

However, the five selected for the task - Claire, Lacey, Tricia, Rylan and Razor – just couldn't break the love in.

Finishing off a series of sentences set by Speidi, even Rylan struggled to sharpen his tongue. On Razor he said: "If I could change one thing about your personality it would be...that you wouldn't be so serious all the time. That you wouldn't be so quick-witted, as it makes me less quick-witted."

A frustrated Heidi moaned, "We are trying to get you to be honest, you liars," prompting BB to remind our five, "This task is about housemates showing who is the most fantastic housemate."

Claire worried about telling Tricia the truth, but the Heartbeat lovely reassured her she could take anything.  Claire said: "People will boo you when you leave the CBB house because...they saw you put Heidi's shoes on as soon as you left. You jumped in her grave."

Tricia's response: "I want to go home now."

Housemates agreed Big Brother is trying to drive a wedge between them but started to make an effort to be a bit more honest.

Later while still stinging from a cutting comment from Rylan suggesting she was a bit of a Jekyll and Hyde after a drink, Tricia answered a question on Rylan. "Your worst personality trait is...that you never shut up and no one else can get a bleedin' word in. There I got you back."

Lacey delivered perhaps the biggest blow to Claire, stating: "The real reason Claire is taking part in CBB is...she wants to out-do the rest of her S Club 7 group." Cutting.

In the basement Speidi were tearing their hair out. What will it take to get these housemates to open up? Speidi are going to have to up their game...



Day 9: Sam and the leather kilt

13 mins ago

It's eviction night and that means one thing - time for the housemates to spruce themselves up!

Here's a little snippet of them in action, including one of Sam, bare-chested in his high-waisted leather kilt. Oh my.


Sam rocks the leather high-waist skirt (Or kilt, as it's otherwise known). We see a new fad on the way...



Sam striking a pose in his final outfit.



Ryan flirts with the idea of wearing this little number



But goes with the green check. Bold move.



Razor is bringing back the Spice Boys days - twit twoo.



Lacey sorts out Gillian's barnet for the evening



Rylan smoulders in his over-the-head thingy and does his best 'blue steel'.








Day 9: Speidi calm before they storm the House

18 mins ago

They've been living the high-life down below, with Big Brother catering to their whims with takeaways and flowing wine. But that will all end tonight when Speidi re-enter the House armed with all the information two days of watching and listening to their housemates can provide.

As a last supper in their pimped-out lair, Big Brother laid on a feast from a popular chicken chain restaurant. They happily munched while not missing a moment of action in the main House.

They watched as Lacey umm-ed and ahh-ed over what to wear, stripping repeatedly in a bedroom full of supportive housemates. Sam advised her to wear a red dress because, "You look beautiful in red." The Scotsman was holding his cool better than Ryan. The Aussie has been very quiet, mooching from bed to igloo, seemingly lost in thought.

This is the calm before the double storm of eviction and a House reunited. We're nibbling our nails with anticipation.



Last edited by MrsH

Sam has been evicted from the Celebrity Big Brother House!

37 mins ago

It's all over for our boy from Corrie... Sam Robertson has been evicted from the Big Brother House.

There's no denying he made an impact when he entered the House in a kilt. We certainly swooned, but his hot ensemble was wasted on any potential celebrity love interests – he was sent straight to the basement to spend his early days with a bunch of blokes, a married couple and Paula, who was not overly impressed with her fellow ex-model.

He's made a few amorous advances in Lacey's direction since, but his with his departure goes any chance of a showmance between the pair.

While in the basement, Sam provided power for the main house by running around in circles with Frankie to restart the generator, working up quite a sweat and refusing to give up when the going got tough.

Since his task triumph, Sam has kept a fairly low profile in the House and spent time brooding in the hot tub. And the bath. This guy is squeaky clean.

Sam earned criticism from the ladies of the house for not pulling his weight in the kitchen. He joked that they took over and didn't give him a chance.

He triumphed again in the Against All Odds task.  Admittedly his contribution was minimal, but it was his pressing of the button on the randomiser that secured the housemates a luxury shopping budget.

With his gentle Scottish lilt, boyish good looks and pleasant persona, Sam has certainly been a charming housemate. We wish him all the best in the future.


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