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1.30am: Lacey has just pondered whether Speidi are in LA by now. Oh if only you knew, honey-child.


1.47am: Razor's 'animal in pain' style snores are once again haunting the bedroom.


 2.01am: We're going to leave our housemates and basement dwellers kipping. Back in the morning - bright and early. Pip pip


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Day 8 round-up: Of basement anger and stomach art

1 hour ago

The main House woke up Speidi-style via a ridiculously loud alarm. The Californians were feeling merciless after hearing the housemates slate them in the wee hours of the morning. They have a revenge scheme all worked out for when they re-enter the house which will be later today after the second eviction. It's going to be priceless and by that we mean very, very conflicted.

They've been listening with increasing degrees of rage and disappointment throughout the day. Who needs a smartphone when you have backstabbing-cam? They got a chance to exercise their power in an Awkward Questions task. After watching Lacey, Ryan and Tricia, they judged Ryan most worthy of a dog-food dousing. The Aussie managed to smile about it.

Rylan and Razor have been doing a far amount of scantily-clad bonding –most memorably when the footie player donated his stomach as a canvas for art. Some things we cannot unsee. That stomach with its eerie smiley face resurfaced during a late-night tanning session. Razor's clearly a good sport off the pitch as well.

House hotties Lacey and Sam spent some time getting to know each other in the bedroom. It wasn't quite flanter but it was close. Then over the dinner, the intently-listening Speidi came in for more flak. The housemates will be eating their words with more zeal than any meal when the Pratts return to their midst. The furious couple have been working on a 'safe list' and there's pretty much no one left on it.



Day 9: The battle of the soap boys

7 mins ago

It’s evicition day and our condemned men have been dealing with the their potential doom in their own ways.

Ramsey Street’s number one legal eagle was up long before the rest of the House and spent a good half an hour eating breakfast and staring into space.

Still at a lose end after a second breakfast Ryan folded a few of his black t-shirts and swept the floor. What a tidy boy. Susan Kennedy would be proud.

Ken Barlow's grandson on the other hand was taking the opportunity to enjoy some beauty sleep.

Sam was finally raised from his slumber by Speidi’s evil alarm and immediately announced he had had a great dream.

Chuckling manically to himself he said: "I had a dream about Razor. It was the best. It was so weird."

What a cliff hanger. We had to wait until after he had fluffed his quiff and donned his black polo neck for all the deets. In a nutshell, he went to stay at Razor's house for the weekend and they went to the pub. You can have that one on us if you like Weatherfield script writers.

The nominated pair said a cursory good morning before Sam headed to the shower and Ryan got busy with the teas and coffees for our recently roused housemates.

It's the battle of the soap boys tonight. Which of our celebs will be chucking another shrimp on the barbie and who will end up under a tram? It's up to you.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Thanks for the updates I can't see them upstairs being that bothered that the pratts have heard everything they've said about them

Thanks aimee  ( my capital "a" isn`t working) I`m not so sure about that. The majority obviously don`t like Speidi so won`t care what they think of them but they`ll be in shock when they re-enter the house  and might go into panic/paranoid mode..wondering what they`ve seen, heard and reported back to us.


Love this twist

Last edited by Scotty

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