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Day 8: The House according to Speidi

46 mins ago

Heidi and Spencer have been in the basement for 24 hours now and, as you might expect, the metaphorical knives are out.

Given the freedom to spy on their currently ex-housemates, Speidi have frequently found themselves slightly miffed about the contents of certain conversations they've earwigged. With Speidi a fresh memory, it's natural that the remaining housemates would discuss the departed twosome. It probably also follows that The Hills stars would get vexed at some of what they heard.

Those celebrations at hearing they'd gained access to a revamped basement have turned into disappointment at each and every slight against their name – some of it justified, some of it (perhaps) a little out of proportion. We tracked back over the course of the day to get a flavour of what they'd been saying.

Spencer summed up their feelings on the gaggle of celebs they left behind. "They're all egomaniacs. They're narcissistic" he said, relieved to be apart and basement-based. "They all hate each other. They're just here to raise their profile" he said, showing there's no love lost as far as he's concerned.

Moving on to matters of personal hygiene, Heidi wasn't impressed by what she saw. "I'm never using any utensils they touch". Spencer, previously a big Razor fan, worried that in their absence the big man might be let loose on their double bed, breaking coarse wind on their delicate sheets. "He's a health hazard" he said, shuddering.

It was Ryan who received most of their ire, somewhat surprisingly. Calling him alternately "Toadface" and "Frogface", the twosome referred to him as a "poser" and "wannabe", no doubt causing Mr. Moloney's ears to sizzle. It wasn't just Toadie - Lacey copped it too. "Sometimes I catch her staring at us" said Heidi. "She's a kooky girl" her husband replied.

And what about Sam? At first they only had kind words for the soap and sitcom star. Then they heard the Scotsman say some slightly unkind words and Heidi declared: "Okay – he's off my list".

At this rate there'll be nobody left on that list. Curiosity killed the cat. Or, at the very least, it made the cat a bit hurt, a tad stroppy and a little bit non-plussed

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Missed a bit here it seems (too tired to read back fully) Tried to follow  and join in the live fred, missed most of that too, too fast for me. Shattered


I`ll read back ramorra


Enjoy your glitzy ball MrsH, we want photos


I`ll be here to cover as much as I can.




Paula was on BBBOTS .A tad drunk imo but she and I dont know if she was joking said that Sam was a closet Queen,stupid thing to say joke or not .Nite Scotty



It's obvious to everyone with eyes that Rylan's skin is not au naturel. Part of his x-factor is his distinctive look and part of that look is his mahogany gleam. Tonight he decided to help Gillian and Razor achieve that very same look by turning the bathroom into a tanning salon. Warning: Razor still has a terrifying face drawn on his gut. More sensitive viewers may find themselves inadvertently screaming.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Missed a bit here it seems (too tired to read back fully) Tried to follow  and join in the live fred, missed most of that too, too fast for me. Shattered


I`ll read back ramorra


Enjoy your glitzy ball MrsH, we want photos


I`ll be here to cover as much as I can.




Paula was on BBBOTS .A tad drunk imo but she and I dont know if she was joking said that Sam was a closet Queen,stupid thing to say joke or not .Nite Scotty

Did she? Missed that one. Coming from brain addled drunk, you`ve got to laugh.


Nite erin, sleep well 


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