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Celebrity Big Brother  starRylan Clark has stripped naked in the garden - to the bemusement of his  fellow housemates.
The former X Factorcontestant started a  bizarre, impromptu strip tease while in the compound's smoking area, slipping  his #TeamRylan onesie off one shoulder and posing in a mirror.

Rylan Clark strips naked in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
Rylan Clark strips naked in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

He proceeded to strut around half  naked, cigarette still hanging from his mouth, and drop his clothing to his  ankles in front of the garden doors.
His nude display prompted a  horrified reaction from Neil Ruddock and Ryan Maloney, who had been taking a  peaceful swim in the pool.

Neil Ruddock reacts to Rylan Clark stripping naked in the Celebrity Big Brother house.

Clark's stripping was also  presumably witnessed by Heidi and Spencer Pratt, who are currently Spying o the housemates from the renovated basement as part of a secret  task.

Day 7: Heidi and Spencer

The husband and wife team were  challenged to stage a walk-out in the wake of Paula Hamilto's eviction last night (January 9). 


Day 8: A trio of housemates face some awkward questions

20 mins ago

Earlier today, Speidi got the chance to put their questions to one of the unwitting housemates and find out exactly what they think about them.

After the couple spent the morning moaning about Lacey, it was no surprise that they chose the glamour model as their subject -  but if they thought they were going to get some juicy answers out of her, they were sorely mistaken...

Sitting comfortably in the Diary Room, Big Brother asked her a few easy questions to warm her up, such as who were her most and least favourite housemates (Gillian and Frankie FYI), who is the fakest (she said no one) and who deserved to go home (answer – any of the boys because they don't care as much about staying as the girls).

So - as you can see - nothing scandalous there.

The real question, however, which Speidi were very intrigued to hear the answer to, was as follows, "What do you really think of Paula, Heidi and Spencer?"

This was the opportunity for Lacey to let loose on the LA couple, but it turns out Speidi had got her all wrong.

"I really like Heidi and Spencer. I got along with Heidi... didn't speak to Spencer that much, but thought he was a cool guy".

Her response wasn't quite the tongue-lashing they'd expected, and in light of her answer, they couldn't exactly drop a load of dog food on her head.

"She's just so young, the older ones just intimidate her.... She passed, we forgive her. She doesn't deserve the drop" they pleaded with Big Brother.

So, lucky for her, she managed to swerve the mucky shower.

But obviously you wouldn't let good dog food go to waste, so they tried again with Tricia who, unfortunately, was just as pleasant.

"We thought she was going to be a snake, but she wasn't" they reasoned.

God, isn't it annoying when everyone's so nice?

Ever-persistent Speidi wouldn't let a good opportunity go to waste and decided to pick Ryan - or 'Frogface' as they now call him, as their victim. Indirectly interrogated, Ryan was forced to admit that he was "confused as to what they [Speidi] were here [in the House] for". To add insult to injury, he then went on to say he'd rather Paula had stayed in the House. Owch.

So unfortunately it was third time unlucky for Ryan who was showered with dog food all over his clean white t-shirt.

Poor Toadie, he didn't see it coming...



Day 8: Lacey tries to impress Sam

55 mins ago

They’re the two House hotties and doubtlessly Big Brother was hoping for sparks between them but glamour girl Lacey and thousand-watt smiler, Sam have been rather coy around each other. Until now...

Relaxing in the bedroom, the pair discussed the intimate subjects of past relationships. Sam’s last one ended in August 2011.

"That’s not that long ago," said Lacey.

It is in the sweet shop that’s being a celebrity

"You’ve only had one relationship, right?" he threw back.

Take note statisticians.

Sam then got rather passionate about age.

"You’re so innocent," the 27-year-old told 20-year-old Lacey. "I’m a different person now to when I was 20 or 24."

The Corrie star and model has a clear cut-off point for what’s too young: 24. He lectured Lacey: "You’ve got so much growing up to do than a 27-year-old or a 24-year-old."

But she wasn’t to be dismissed.

“I think you put people in boxes too much”, she said demurely before going on to describe how partying and drinking doesn’t make her happy, and that she's had her share of adult pain.

This surprised Sam.

"Your eyes are so full of life."

You eyes are so full of life. Let's just think about what a beautiful compliment that is.

So has the lively-eyed one convinced Sam that she’s more than the sum of her years? We’ll be keeping our own lively eyes on the two beauties so watch this space for developments.



Last edited by Scotty

8.17pm: Speidi look on as housemates discuss their no-kissing rule (complete with mock-American accents). They ain't happy.

8.27pm: Rylan: "I want Gillian to be Prime Minister." This casual suggestion just made our heads explode

8.41pm: Great to see Razor back in his bright orange parka. Such a jolly sartorial choice.

8.49pm: Low blows levelled at Spencer from Sam and Tricia. "I hate those people," says a stony-faced Heidi.


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