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Day 5: Shopping task arrives - Against the odds

44 mins ago

A large Randomizer style machine – looking somewhat like a life-sized hamster wheel - has emerged in the living room. On waking, housemates padded round it curiously hmming and poking, like you would. Tricia collected and read the task instructions putting us all out of our misery.

The Randomizer machine currently contains one green ball saying 'PASS' and another red ball saying 'FAIL'. In two days' time, in a dramatic final ceremony, one ball will be drawn from the Randomizer to decide whether or not the housemates have passed the shopping task. As it stands, the housemates have a 50/50 chance of passing.

However, over the next two days Big Brother will give the housemates the opportunity to tip the odds in their favour by completing a number of challenges. In these challenges, housemates should attempt to win as many green 'PASS' balls as possible whilst avoiding earning red 'FAIL' balls. At the end of the task, if a green ball is randomly selected they will pass their shopping task and win a luxury budget. If a red ball is picked, they will fail and receive an economy shopping delivery. 

Day one of the task - that's today folks, has some fun in the offing.

Here’s how it breaks down...

Pass the Pass

Housemates will be seated in a long line at a table in Big Brother's Bistro and served a number of courses. The object of the game is to pass each item from one housemate to the next, using – dun-dun-dah - their mouths. In front of each housemate will be a large plate. Each plate is red and marked with an increasing number of fails – 1 FAIL, 2 FAILS, 3 FAILS etc. The housemate on the far right will also sit behind a plate, but theirs will be the special chosen one, a little like Neo in The Matrix. It will be green and labelled 12 PASSES. If a housemate spits out or drops an item they will all receive the number of fails stated on the individual plate. However, if the object makes it to the final plate, they will all win twelve passes.

Hot Chocolate

One Housemate is called to the Diary Room. In front of them is a box of chocolates. Three of the chocolates are normal chocolates – but the remainder of them have been infused with scotch bonnet chillies making them hot chocolates (do you believe in miracles?). The housemate must eat the chocolates, attempting to find the normal chocs. For each hot chocolate they eat they will receive one fail, but if they find all three normal ones they will win twenty passes.

Kissing Balls

In this task, a succession of small ping pong balls will be suspended by a jet of air, so that they are floating above a red table. The object of the game is for housemates, in pairs, to capture the ball between their lips and between them transport the ball to the green cylinder on the table. Each ball successfully transferred to the green cylinder will earn them a pass. Each ball dropped will earn a fail.

Punishing Passes

Claire is set a challenge where she must spend as much time as possible in the small task room. What she does not realise until she enters the room is that Steps' top selling hit '5,6,7,8' will incessantly play on loop. The longer she stays in there, the more passes she will amass for the group. Her fellow housemates will be given an opportunity to release her sporadically throughout the night – and she will win the number of passes she has won so far. She also has the option to release herself at any time – but if she chooses to do so, all those passes will turn to fails.


12.02pm: Drama alert. Heidi's crying because Spencer's next to Lacey for  meaning they could end up mouth on mouth.

12.07pm: It doesn't matter that it's winter, there's a major 'Summer Lovin'' singalong going on - Ryan does a good Travolta, FYI

12.28pm: And here's an image of that 'Summer Lovin'' singalong. Judging from Ryan they're at the 'oomph' part


12.39pm: A visit to the Diary Room has pacified Heidi. is about to go down at the BB Bistro in the garden.

12.44pm: So far a muddy boot, a grim meaty item (tongue?) and lard have been passed from HM-mouth to HM-mouth in.


Day 5: Lacey part of the Speidi web

19 mins ago

Before even the first part of the shopping task could take place, tears have been shed by our platinum Californian, Heidi.  Noted control freak Big Brother dictated the order that housemates would sit down the table at the Big Brother Bistro, placing Spencer next to Lacey. Whatever Trevor, right? Wrong.

The Pass the Pass task is all about objects being passed from mouth-to-mouth and Heidi with lightning speed found confronted the unwelcome mental image of her husband’s lips on Lacey’s. There was a rant, tears and then a final strut off to the Diary Room while an ashen-faced Spencer sat around looking positively sick at the notion of touching the Page 3 stunner.

The lovely Lacey remained oblivious to this transatlantic tantrum.



Heidi changing into her bistro dress with worry on her lovely face


It all gets too much...



...and she seeks solace in the Diary Room



Spencer is sick without his wifey...



...while Lacey just does her thang. As for Tricia, who even knows...





 1.31pm: After , there's a record amount of tooth brushing occurring. Do they not like the taste of animal member?

1.47pm: Claire is once again spearheading a kitchen effort. Cheese is being grated. Great.

2pm: Rylan's worried they might be part of a boring  because they're all getting on. Is he right to be concerned?


Last edited by MrsH

2.15pm: It's a delicious pasta lunch for all. Will it erase the taste of muddy boot?

2.28pm: Lacey's wondering whether to put shoes on to go the gym. Might as well, love

2.43pm: Paula's been single for twelve years. Any Prince Charmings waiting out there in the wings?


Day 5: Pass the farce

25 mins ago

Good news, the housemates did well on Pass the Pass, the first section of their Against the Odds shopping task. Speidi's wobbly passed and they sat down at the Big Brother Bistro.

Better news, we have pictures of them passing gross foodstuffs mouth-to-mouth, jaws agape like baby birds. We’ve also got a video if you want to see all the suffering in motion.

Just to recap on the rules of this particular indignity. Each housemate’s plate was labelled with a number of fails that increased the closer to the end of the table they were seated. The final housemate, Rylan, dressed in green unlike the red rest, held the promised plate of 12 passes.

The following items were delivered with the following results:

1- Old Muddy Boot – 12 PASSES
2 - Pig Tongue – 12 PASSES
3 - Lard – 12 PASSES
4 - Sick Bag – 12 PASSES
5 - Fermented Duck Egg – 2 FAILS (Spencer dropped the egg)
6 - Raw Fish – 12 PASSES
7 - Limburger Cheese – 12 PASSES
8 - Durian Fruit – 1 FAIL (Heidi did not attempt this)
9 - Bull Penis – 11 FAILS (Paula dropped the penis)
10-Squid – 1 FAIL (Heidi did not attempt this)

Housemates therefore received a  respectable total of 72 green 'PASS' balls and 15 red 'FAIL' balls. The task will continue shortly.



Tricia's scaled a personal moutain for this task



Something fishy is quite literally between the 'Sp' part of Speidi and Lacey



Lacey gives a nice bit of tongue to Sam



This is a Dairy good look for Frankie and Claire



Too rude to caption



We refer you to the previous caption



Destined for pride of place on the Pratt mantepiece





3.35pm: Rylan is asking Heidi if she'd do her own reality show. We'd quite like to see them team up

3.48pm: Ryan is talking about his healthy diet while we're reaching for some chocs - meh

3.56pm: Paula met a kid the other day who'd never had an orange. Have you ever had an orange? Are you that kid?

4.07am: Lacey's in the bath in a sparkly bikini while Sam strolls round the room. We want them to happen so we can refer to 

.4.23pm: Paula's plotting an escape to Africa once  is over. She won't specify where on the gigantic continent



MrsH and erin, thanks for the updates  


I`m sorry I`ve not been here to help recently. I`m having a few problems with my eldest son, who is here from France. He suffers from psychophrenia and isn`t very well at the moment. I`ll have a wee break from the updates for a bit. I`ll be back to help when I`m in a better frame of mind.

Originally Posted by Scotty:

MrsH and erin, thanks for the updates  


I`m sorry I`ve not been here to help recently. I`m having a few problems with my eldest son, who is here from France. He suffers from psychophrenia and isn`t very well at the moment. I`ll have a wee break from the updates for a bit. I`ll be back to help when I`m in a better frame of mind.

No problems Scotty your son comes first,take care and know I am thinking of you.See you when your return

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

MrsH and erin, thanks for the updates  


I`m sorry I`ve not been here to help recently. I`m having a few problems with my eldest son, who is here from France. He suffers from psychophrenia and isn`t very well at the moment. I`ll have a wee break from the updates for a bit. I`ll be back to help when I`m in a better frame of mind.

No problems Scotty your son comes first,take care and know I am thinking of you.See you when your return

Thanks erin I`ll be around on the forum, I think, but the updates need concentration, which I don`t have at the moment. Thanks again, you`re a good pal.  


Celebrity Big Brother 2013 nominations: Who nominated who?



  • Three housemates face eviction from Celebrity Big Brother 2013 this week, but who nominated who?


Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt, Frankie Dettori and Paula Hamilton have been put up for the chop after the first Celebrity Big Brother nomination results were revealed yesterday.


Paula received four nominations, Heidi and Spencer were nominated by every single one of their fellow housemates, and Frankie was put up for eviction as part of the weekend’s basement twist.

Here’s just who nominated who, with all their reasons and the fall out to be shown on tonight’s show!

Rylan – Heidi & Spencer and Lacey

Sam – Heidi & Spencer and Gillian

Gillian – Heidi & Spencer and Paula

Tricia – Heidi & Spencer and Lacey

Lacey – Heidi & Spencer and Claire

Paula – Heidi & Spencer and Sam

Claire – Heidi & Spencer and Paula

Ryan – Heidi & Spencer and Paula

Razor – Heidi & Spencer and Lacey

Heidi & Spencer – Ryan and Gillian

Frankie – Heidi & Spencer and Paula


It means that Heidi and Spencer received 10 nominations and Paula four, leaving them to join Frankie up for the public vote.

Read more:


4.37pm: Nothing can keep this batch of HMs down. They're laughing in the living area about how they're all winners for being here.

4.44pm: Rylan's in the Diary Room doing phase two of the shopping task, 

4.46pm... Rylan must try, using the medium of blind luck, to eat the normal chocs not the chili-infused ones.

4.50pm: Rylan's left the Diary Room with 20 green passes and only 4 red fails. We believe in miracles since he came along


5.03pm: "Everything about this is there is a possibility that it will be humiliating." Ryan just nailed the  experience. We can go home.

5.20pm: According to Heidi, in speidi's house 'shut up' is a bad word. Watch out Rhian.

5.35pm: Frankie, Ryan and Razor are on cooking duty. Can't actually figure out what they're making. Salami, ham and potatoes, thus far.

5.46pm: Most of the HMs are in the living room, talking musicals. Trisha likes Evita. Sam likes Grease, but doesn't fancy Wicked? Pfft.


6.38pm: We're back to beauty tips in the house. Frankie is discussing teeth whitening, for all those race-winning chaching! poses.


6.40pm: Also, Rylan quite possibly has his own teeth whitening kit brand called "Rylan White" because he got bored.

Last edited by Former Member

Day 5: The hot chocolate task

Things were hotting up in the Diary Room this afternoon as Rylan took on an individual challenge as part of the ‘Against the Odds’ shopping task.
Big Brother presented him with a box of delicious looking chocolates  - three of which were ‘normal’ but the rest were ‘hot chocolates’ infused with scotch bonnet chillies.
For each hot choc he consumed he would receive a fail but if he found all three unaffected ones he would pick up 20 passes.
Rylan got stuck in and gobbled four chilli chocs and all three regular ones meaning he scored four fails and the maximum number of passes.
This was the second part of the shopping task. Earlier housemates took part in Pass the Pass with hilarious consequences


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