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Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Yeah, he told that one on breakfast TV as well 

Talk about needing new material!



well ....  he is at least trying to enjoy the experience and joining in  ...  not like others in there   



11.03pm: Speidi are snuggled up in bed. Bless them

never mind when he gets out B.A. owe him a favour


A Celebrity Big Brother chinwag with Mark Little


1 hour ago

He says he doesn’t do 'showbiz pals' but comedian and ex-Neighbours star Mark Little has a couple of mates in the House.

Although he and Ryan never worked on the soap together they recently buddied up for Celebrity Wedding Planner. We pinned him down for a few tip-offs on our bonza bunch of housemates.

"Ryan’s been in Neighbours so this is going to be a doddle for him," mused Mark. "I was in the show for three years and compared to the stupid stuff they make you do, this is going to be easy. He’s been doing a Bear Grylls in the basement digging through the scraps for food and a Steve Irwin putting his hand in to unblock the pipes. He’s a decent bloke but there are bigger personalities."

And who else has he rubbed shoulders with? "I met Gillian on Big Breakfast," he said.  "She’s a really nice girl. She’s going to be a creeper. She’s smart and funny and one of the most proper people in there. She’s like the Madge in the House. She’ll be there a long time."

And if there’s a Madge there’s got to be a Harold right? "Maybe Razor. He’s looks like he’s eaten a couple of Harolds but he’s not old enough really. There’s no real old bloke in there.

"I know Tricia from the panto circuit. She'll do alright. She might go a bit invisible for a bit. There are a lot of big egos in there. She’ll step back and then come forward."

How about the celebrities Mark hasn’t met?

"Rylan is a funny boy," he said. "He’s proper Essex. The way he coped with the XFactor is going to make him very appealing to the British public. He’s kept his sense of self. He’ll do well unless he does something stupid and bitchy – that is on the cards.

"That Steps girl (Claire?) is going to go a long way. She’s really nice. I think she’s the prettiest one in there. And she’s doing all the cooking."

We grilled self-confessed Celebrity Big Brother addict Mark on the House dynamic and whether he could predict any soap style plots emerging.

β€œWe’re missing  a really good baddy at the moment,” he said. β€œThe Americans are the closest we have but they are not working hard enough. We need a good car crash or an explosion.”

Metaphorical car crash and explosion, obvs.

β€œSomewhere along the line the wheels are going to come off,” Mark continued. β€œRyan will be there. And the Americans . Paula is going to drive everyone crazy with her one up manship and Lacey with her vacuous nonsense.

β€œI’m sorry they didn’t keep the basement longer. If it had been me I’d have broken out of that cage and caused a bit of a revolt. I was wondering how long it would be before they tried to get out. It’s amazing how quickly they lose their dignity.

β€œThis is why I’d say no to being in the House. I don’t want to eat scraps. I’d be hated by housemates for breaking too many rules. A bit like Joe Mangle I suppose. I wouldn’t follow the social norms.”

Fair dinkum.



Day 4: Round up

2 hours ago

Can you believe our famous housemates have been holed up in the Celebrity Big Brother House for four whole days? No? Neither can we. Let’s look back at just what they’ve crammed into their House time so far.

Day 1 saw Rylan and Frankie hauled into the BB Diary Room upon entering the House and forced to determine the dynamic by choosing unsuspecting future friends to live in the main House with them, or to be quite literally dumped in the basement. 

The Housemates began to get accustomed to their new surroundings on Day 2, some coping more than others with basement dweller Ryan taking one for the team by stepping up to The Drain Task and winning warm water for the guys upstairs.

The basement gang faced their last day in the dank surroundings on Day 3. Sacrifices were made in Speidi’s honour, as Frankie put himself up for eviction, so Speidi could  move upstairs, and the end of the day led to the celebration that was the uniting of all housemates upstairs. This resulted in much jubilation, and a farting contest between Rylan and Razor.

After being reunited following the big basement exile of despair, housemates only had time to listen to around 20,000 of Rylan’s amusing anecdotes before being ruthlessly torn apart again. It was nominations day meaning our housemates have been tirelessly marching in and out of the Diary Room, like slightly bitchy ants. Whilst Speidi accepted the job in hand with relish, Gillian was notably perturbed with the burden of basically telling two housemates to get lost. Sadly for them, Big Brother is kinda the judging type. 

While the housemates worked up a sweat in the Diary Room, some of the others were perspiring in slightly more agreeable ways with the House gym which was open for business. Unfortunately, Heidi found the aromatic fumes a

little too much –but never fear, because she has arranged to do some jump rope in the communal area instead. You see? Every cloud. 

With a lovely keep fit regime in full swing, the looming shadow of nominations couldn’t get in the way of the happy House. Even Spencer was feeling more chipper. 

Meanwhile, Claire cooked a grandiose roast dinner to get housemates into that Sunday feeling and Rylan and Lacey decided that they simply must go to Ladies’ Day at Ascot this year. We’re sure Vivienne Westwood is on tap for a complementing hat to go with his Ascot onesie. Just as the Big Brother House was about to turn into a haven of peace, however, Tricia had a forboding epiphany. 

"We’re all going to get on each other’s tits, aren’t we?" she suggested. 

She wasn’t that far off the mark either, as the housemates were inevitably called together to await the fate of their famous mild acquaintances, and for added lols, Big Brother also told them how many housemates voted for each particular person. Those particular people in question beingSpeidi, Paula and of course poor Frankie, who gallantly put himself forward the day before. 

Suffice to say the atmosphere in the House from then on was a little blue. Speidi sucked it up while Paula was more perturbed. But our housemates are a resourceful bunch and soon united – in the most part – over a game of charades.Good old fashioned fun.

As the evening drew to a close Rylan regaled the gang with his potential business plans and Sam showed off his torso in the hot tub.

We don’t know about you, but the housemates have certainly tired us out already, and we are only entering Day 5....



8.20am: Not even two-headed lark Speidi is up. Top news in the bedroom is that Paula's asleep with a bandana as an eyemask. Nifty.

8.36am: The housemates are being no fun. None at all, not one jot, one iota, one smidge. Pesky housemates.

9.05am: Guess which barnyard animal in pain the snores in the bedroom sound most like?

9.19am: There is a very interesting neon construction in the living area to meet the HMs when they finally rise

9.43am: The lights are on and our HMs are finally bidding 'Good day, kind sir!' to Monday. Spence has rolled into press-up

9.50am: Patterns are beginning to surface among our HMs. Rylan is still asleep and Frankie is washing up


10.25am: Tricia is reading out the details of this week's shopping task. We're slightly distracted by the onesie she's wearing

10.37am: The HMs are peering out the window at more strange constructions in the garden. What the deuce is afoot?

10.48am: Paula is singing 'It wasn't Me' - and now we are too... You might be too by now..

10.55am: Sam reckons his basement bed was more comfortable than his upstairs one. He's being wistful about the basement day


11am: The HMs are talking coffee. It's easy to spot the caffeine addicts - they're practically salivating at the thought of a latte

11.21am: So... news just in, Lacey has been known to swallow her own sick. Sorry if that made you a bit sick.

11.40am: The first stage of the  task is upon us. Basically the orb in the living area is a randomizer.

11.42am: At the end of  task, the Randomizer will release either a red 'fail' or green 'pass' ball. There's one of each now

11.43am: During the course of mini tasks, they will earn more red and green balls altering the final  for or against them

11.51am: The first mini-task  is basically the game they play in Clueless but with food instead of a credit card


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