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10.13am: Everyone's up now, sleepily padding around. BB had to call Rylan to the Diary Room to get him out of bed.

10.24am: Rylan thinks BB had fiddled with the clocks to make is seem earlier than it is. Nice imagination but you're wrong

10.31am: BB is saying good morning via the medium of telling the HMs that today is . Milk with that?



Day 4: Frankie De-Story

17 mins ago

Despite last night’s champagne-fuelled partying some of the celebrities (Latin name earlyus riseris) don’t feel the need for a leisurely Sunday lie in. Speidi were up with the dawn chorus, discussing all manner of things, and after awhile they were joined by Frankie then Ryan. 

It was the pint-size jockey who stole the show this morning, firstly with a breakfast that, according to Spencer, was better than the one served at The Four Seasons, where he and Heidi go every weekend, and then with a series of anecdotes that held his audience (Spencer) rapt.

Did you know that Frankie was in a plane crash in 2000? His friend dragged him from the wreck moments before it exploded. That is some action movie stuff right there. Feel free to read about it in more detail in Frankie’s autobiography, imaginatively called Frankie and available from Amazon for 1p.

Sports then became the subject.  Frankie wowed the American with stories about his footballer friends impressing Spencer who played ‘soccer’ in high school and thought about going pro. When it was revealed that Frankie could get a signed Michael Owen shirt, Spencer got pretty emotional and shouted to Heidi that they’ll be buying Frankie’s autobiography.

He may be up for eviction but at least he’s got the gift of the gab.



Day 4: Nominations come to the House of peace

1 hour ago

Thanks to the surprise basement nominations yesterday, we know Frankie will be facing the public vote. But who will be joining him? It won’t be long before we find out. Big Brother has just announced to the House that nominations will be taking place today.

"Well good morning to you too," muttered a sleepy Razor.

"Oh noooo," squealed Lacey.

Heidi took it in her stride(y) drawling, "It’s a game, baby."

It seems a shame the group of twelve will have to turn on each other when they all seem to be getting on so well. We're on Day 4 and there have been no arguments or dramatic scenes. Then again... we’re on day 4 and there have been no arguments or dramatic scenes. Maybe nomination day has come just in time.

Check back later as we will be exclusively revealing which housemates will be joining Frankie in facing the public vote.


Lacey masks her shock with giggles

Rylan can feel a tragedy and it's not the fun Claire-from-Steps kind

Speidi think they may be up

Frankie's definitely up and can therefore relax with arm exercises


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side... Sunday 6 January

1 hour ago
Alright, lads and lasses. It's Sunday, day of rest for some but not us - we never rest. We're too busy making quality entertainment for you. Tonight we have Neighbours legend Mark Little. Wonder what he'll have to say about his Ramsay Street buddy, Ryan in the House, eh mate.  He's joined by funny man, Iain Lee and psychologist Dr Funke. So we'll have insight, humour and a psychological angle. Beautiful.
Jamie and Alice are at the helm providing exclusive content galore. Watch 5* at 10pm, it makes sense.


Day 4: Lacey grinds gears in the gym

25 mins ago

"I want to keep a good bust. How do I do that?"


"I want to keep a good bust. How do I do that?"

Let’s all take a minute to think about how we would answer that question from Lacey. Then let’s salute Ryan for earnestly explaining that, actually, working out is not helpful to the bust, seeing as that area of the female body is fat.

Lacey and Ryan were among the celebs to flock to the hot pink gym on its inaugural opening this series. The former appointed the latter her personal trainer, hitting him with good-natured complaints when he took her up on the job.

"Exercise with Ryan. He’ll kill you," said the small lycra-clad figure, cycling at a leisurely pace on the stationary bike. 

"You’ll look good but you’ll be dead," she continued.

Gillian, Sam and Ryan took what turned into a constant stream of asides with good grace. They were just too relieved to be reunited with their precious gym to care about much else.


Lacey calls for help

Actor, and now personal trainer, Ryan comes to her assistance

Lacey's mood can be summed up with one word: 'yikes'

Gillian finds strength by burrowing deep into a mat

Ryan patiently demonstrates 'cadence' - it's rhythm and important when exercising

Lacey decides it's time for a rest

Sam stares up at the heavens...

... As does Tricia

Gillian's all business with her leg lifts


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