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Harvey has finished Celebrity Big Brother in sixth place!



10 mins ago

He was a So Solid housemate, that's for sure – but MC Harvey leaves us in sixth place having fallen somewhat short of the winner's spot.

Our resident rapper Harvey entered the House and was immediately dropped into a whirlpool of activity when the Drama Queens task opened things up on launch night. He was the first shoulder Cheryl cried on. “Big Brother's starting” he said, with some trepidation, and it was this proclivity for wilfully getting sucked into events that marked his stay.

When the now-legendary Danica/Lorenzo/Situation love triangle situation reared it's head, Harvey found himself playing chief commentator, and he didn't like what he saw. Playing the role of Ares in the Gods and Mortals task, he revelled in questioning Miss Thrall and Miss Sugden after he and Julie decided the girls were flirting over boundaries. When both girls left in quick succession, he soon turned against his Nana after Martin warned him she was beginning to play a tactical game.

Because of that love triangle, Harvey made a firm friend in The Situation and the two of them formed something of a three-way alliance, their third group member being Ashley. They called themselves HAM (Harvey, Ashley, Mike) – but we thought it should surely be HATS, given that Mr. Sorrentino tends to call himself The Situation.

As the 24 days came to an end, finding himself a finalist, Harvey possibly celebrated a little too hard. He blew a chunk of the smoker's pot on getting his suit dry-cleaned and, horror of horrors, he mooned Loose Woman Coleen. But that's Harvey – a mass of activity to the end.

21 seconds to go? Try 24 days. Nice work, Harvey!




Ashley has finished Celebrity Big Brother in fifth place!



6 mins ago

Admitting when he entered the House that a lot of people may not know who he is, fifth place runner-up Ashley spent his time in the House cementing himself in the hearts of his housemates and the nation at large, with his intensive workouts and boundless enthusiasm for, well, pretty much everything.

No sooner had Ashley gotten comfy in the House, than he had set his sights on glamour model housemate Rhian Sugden. Thus began a classic Big Brother no-mance, with Ashley attempting to woo her despite her repeated insistence that she had a boyfriend. Things soon turned sour, and culminated in Ashley nominating Rhian ahead of her eviction. 

Aside from Rhian, Ashley only had eyes for one housemate: Harvey. Their bromance will go down in history, and Ashvey, as we dubbed them, spent many an hour musing on important issues. Well, sometimes a boy needs a friend.

In the Acid Test task, Ashley was given the unenviable job of deciding which housemates would get their letters from home. In a stroke of altruism, Ashley opted to dissolve his own letter in the acid bath, so that Julian could receive his. Oh Ashley, what a big heart you've got. A fun-loving sort, Ashley got into the BBTV task, where he dressed as loveable children's character Twitchy Growler, smiling through all of BB's nastiest treats.

With a new friend for life, and having learned a lot about the fine art of the mudmask, Ashley's time in the House has been most fruitful. See you in the dojo, Ash!




The Situation has finished Celebrity Big Brother in fourth place!


2 mins ago

It's a sad, sad Situation as we wave a fond farewell to the man who coined the phrase, "It's the situation, because The Situation says so."  The US reality TV star made quite an impression on Britain's BB fans, who saved him from eviction twice and ensured his place in the final. Ultimately, he came fourth.

From Day 1, the lothario had his eyes on the ladies, firmly focusing them on Danica within 24 hours. Since then, the pair enjoyed a close and flirtatious relationship – which raised a few disapproving eyebrows among the other housemates.  His attempts to woo her were in vain, however, as Danica has insisted her feelings are strictly platonic - even if her behaviour sometimes suggested otherwise.

When the Prince entered the mix we saw a potential love triangle brewing but The Situation persevered and the two ‘suitors’ never came to blows.

The Situation came into his own during the 'Awkward Situation' task, asking Julie if her lady lumps were home grown and giving Julian some questionable tips on how to apply his make-up. But it was his actions in the kitchen that gave us the most laughs, like when hemistook the kettle for a jug and proceeded to brew some stock cubes in said appliance. Priceless.

Being nominated for the second time bruised his ego but The Situation managed to put a positive spin on the, erm, situation by suggesting housemates were trying to pick off the strong candidates. He was pretty happy to make it through to the final, and we daresay the others were happy that he stuck around with his culinary skills.

As we say goodbye to the artist formerly known as Mike, we hope that he's enjoyed his brief stay in the United Kingdom. And above everything else, he goes away with a mean cockney accent – that's a money can't buy souvenir right there.




Martin has finished Celebrity Big Brother in third place!


42 secs ago

He went in with a gameplan but he came out slightly lacking in the tactics department - in third place.

It was an eventful 24 days, but Martin was something of a laidback housemate, content to watch the madness unfold, and occasionally passing comment when things went to extremes.

That's not to say Martin was boring (though he was accused of that by a handful of his housemates). He was more than game when it came to tasks, merrily pulling on a thong for the Taking The Plunge challenge and more than happy to bumble about dressed as an Itchy Growler for BBTV. He more than demonstrated his rock n' roll credentials when called upon to smash up a hotel room, passing that particular task with ease. He also entertained us all no end with his 80s anecdotes â€“ with one in particular lingering in the mind for evermore. An innocent ten pound note will never seem the same again.

But aside from that excitement, Martin excelled at avoiding confrontation. Never happier than when he was scouring a pan, he was something of a silent observer. When Julie ranted during the Gods and Mortals task he piped up and warned the boys they might be considered guilty by association and, in the Diary Room, he spilled his opinions to BB. On the whole though, he was one of the good guys – and good guys don't necessarily finish first.

It's been a blast all the same. A large chunk of the female viewership will forever thank Big Brother for broadcasting images of a shirtless Kemp, and the rest will remember Martin as a solid, easy-going and genuine housemate – and one quite removed from the hard-edged East End characters he's played in film and television. Check you later Martin, and thanks for giving us goldâ€Ķ




Coleen is the runner up of Celebrity Big Brother


9 mins ago

The loose woman who caused an unprecedented search engine spike in 'Coleen Nolan sex tape' is the runner up of Celebrity Big Brother 2012.

Coleen hit the ground cheerfully enjoying much hilarity in the shower with Cheryl on the first night. That small frosted cubicle held magnetism as she was back there on Day 2helping the Prince to size up whether his royal member would be visible from the outside. It's a flirty job but someone's got to do it.

Day 2 was the day that The Moment of Truth brought on the revelation that the wide-eyed, angel-faced, mother and daytime TV presenter had in fact made a sex tape. Her housemates were astounded but in a way that seemed loaded with admiration.

She formed an early bond with MC Harvey who couldn't decide whether he fancied the chirpy songstress or wanted her to be his cuddle-distributing mama. Perhaps the sex-tape news had addled his mind.


Coleen used her broadcasting skills to entertain the housemates and during the Talent Agents task gave a moving rendition of 'I'm in the Mood for Dancing' - the 1979 hit for her and her sisters -"she has a beautiful voice," muttered Julie to Julian.

She was able to play to her strengths again with the Hot Topics task, hosting her own panel show and demonstrating edible knickers during the BBTV task.

During her stay, the lovely Miss Nolan has shown many sides to her character. When the face-to-face noms went down she showed her claws, branding anyone who used someone's family as reason for voting them as playing for the sympathy vote.  When it all kicked off – and kicked off and kicked off – with Jasmine, she tried to play the diplomat. Her close-to-the-bone mickey taking may not have endeared The Situation to her but we enjoyed it.

While Coleen has struggled to find a definitive House role, she has impressed the younger housemates with her compassion. She scored two bouquets during Never a Rose Without a Prick task. "She deserves them because she’s very caring," said Danica, while Olympian Ashley described her as "lovely" "splendid" and "like a mother to me."

After Julie left she lamented her departure saying she wished they had got on – now they can give their friendship a chance.

She wanted to stay until the final day and that is what she did.         

Coleen's epitaph 'I'm not bovvered' may not truly cover the nuances of her character but let's hope it shines tonight. Coleen, we'll think of you every time we're in the mood for dancing, or romancing...



Julian is the winner of Celebrity Big Brother!



What a winner! Our flairy comedian pipped Loose Woman Coleen to the post and walked away with the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 crown.

Julian was rather stoical during his time in the House, keeping those pursed lips tightly closed during times of high drama, preferring to observe the crazy shenanigans from a distance, occasionally piping up with a quip when the urge overtook him. Accused of those who nominated him of being withdrawn and ice-cold, Julian may have seemed aloof to some, but he certainly made himself a handful of friends during his stay.

The best of these was Julie Goodyear. On launch night, Mr Clary made a beeline for the soap queen and it was a friendship that was set to last. The pair joined forces for the Talent Agents task and spent a spell in a pedalo together for Big Spenders. The former Corrie star could often be found making wry observations with Julian, mainly in the bedroom where they tended to retreat away from the hubbub.

Tasks were certainly something of a strong point for Julian, both comically and physically. He and Coleen entertained the television audience during the BBTV shopping channel task. Particualr highlights included the edible pants and facemask episodes. Jules also triumphed during Hello Sailor when he led his team to victory aboard the good ship Clary.

His bedtime story had the housemates in stitches and was so laden with innuendo it was a wonder he could lift the book.

Julian's other notable in-House relationship involved The Situation. The comedian and the reality star didn't gel, with Julian refusing to use Mike's nickname and preferring to call him 'The Occasional Table', delighting a large chunk of the audience. He saved a lot of his best bon mots for the Diary Room and often let Big Brother know he didn’t have much time for Samantha claiming, “she said something interesting last week.”

He came, he saw, he observed and he chucked out one-liners like there was no tomorrow. Hopefully, as he'd hoped, he widened his circle somewhat. Even if he didn’t, we enjoyed watching him immensely.

What a winner!





Julian Clary was crowned winner of Celebrity Big Brother 2012 tonight, as the  six finalists all left the house.


This evening’s live show saw the six remaining housemates all booted out, but  only one of them was crowned winner.

MC Harvey was the first out in sixth place, telling Brian Dowling: “The last  four years have been tough. This show has done a lot, people see who I am and  not what they read. They see the real me, this is all for my daughter.”

Harvey insisted: “I’m gutted and I honestly think I’ve won by just making it  to the final.”

Next out in fifth place was Harvey’s bromance partner Ashley. The Judo star  told Brian: “I am a bit gutted that I didn’t win, but I’ve made it to the final  and had an experience.”

Ashley and Harvey were both followed by the third member in their gang, US  reality star The Situation. Speaking about his relationship with Danica, The  Situation insisted: ” At the end of the day I don’t think the eyes lie and I  think she probably did fancy me a little bit.”

With early favourite Martin Kemp next out in third place, it left Coleen  Nolan and Julian Clary competing for the title.

In a tense final result, Big Brother host Brian Dowling revealed it was  Julian who had pipped Coleen to the top spot.

Coleen said: “I’ve no idea how I feel, I thought I was going out in the first  nominations, so to be in here in the end is unbelievable. There’s nothing I can  say, I’m so humbled by it, than you.”

Meanwhile Julian laughed: “I’ve never won anything in my lifeâ€Ķ what’s my  mother going to say!”

Browse pictures of tonight’s final belowâ€Ķ

Read more:


Julian is the winner of Celebrity Big Brother!

43 mins ago

What a winner! Our flairy comedian pipped Loose Woman Coleen to the post and walked away with the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 crown.

Julian was rather stoical during his time in the House, keeping those pursed lips tightly closed during times of high drama, preferring to observe the crazy shenanigans from a distance, occasionally piping up with a quip when the urge overtook him. Accused of those who nominated him of being withdrawn and ice-cold, Julian may have seemed aloof to some, but he certainly made himself a handful of friends during his stay.

The best of these was Julie Goodyear. On launch night, Mr Clary made a beeline for the soap queen and it was a friendship that was set to last. The pair joined forces for the Talent Agents task and spent a spell in a pedalo together for Big Spenders. The former Corrie star could often be found making wry observations with Julian, mainly in the bedroom where they tended to retreat away from the hubbub.

Tasks were certainly something of a strong point for Julian, both comically and physically. He and Coleen entertained the television audience during the BBTV shopping channel task. Particualr highlights included the edible pants and facemask episodes. Jules also triumphed during Hello Sailor when he led his team to victory aboard the good ship Clary.

His bedtime story had the housemates in stitches and was so laden with innuendo it was a wonder he could lift the book.

Julian's other notable in-House relationship involved The Situation. The comedian and the reality star didn't gel, with Julian refusing to use Mike's nickname and preferring to call him 'The Occasional Table', delighting a large chunk of the audience. He saved a lot of his best bon mots for the Diary Room and often let Big Brother know he didn’t have much time for Samantha claiming, “she said something interesting last week.”

He came, he saw, he observed and he chucked out one-liners like there was no tomorrow. Hopefully, as he'd hoped, he widened his circle somewhat. Even if he didn’t, we enjoyed watching him immensely.

What a winner!




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