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Day 24: It's the final countdown

31 mins ago

If it's escaped your attention, let us remind you that it's only the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 finale tonight. Ya-ha, tis so. We're super excited to see who gets crowned the winner this evening out of Coleen, The Situation, Harvey, Ashley, Julian and Matin, so much so that we might combust. Woohoo!

Our excitement, however, doesn't seem to have trickled down to the housemates this morning, who have been relaxed to say the least. Geez, don't they know that this is the most exciting night of the summer so far (yes we're pretending it's still summer, the sun is out after all).

Apart from a little jig from Ashley in the kitchen this morning, which conveyed a hint of enthusiasm from the Olympian, the rest have been playing the too-cool-for-school card. Maybe their celebrity persona's need keeping intact?

Instead of squeals of delight at the thought of tonight's finale – which has certainly been heard in the digital office this morning, we've had the usual 'I'm just glad to have made it to the final' chats, with a smattering of formality worries, such as what time they need to be ready for this evening. Hey, c'mon - get in the spirits you lot!

We'll let them off this once though, as they are very tired pups this morning after a rollercoaster 24 days. And with a hair and make-up artist due to visit the House later this afternoon, we're sure that'll get them in the party spirit.

Only 9 hours to go! (Give or take a few minutes) Eeek.



Jasmine Lennard has warned her former Celebrity Big Brother housemate Rhian Sugden to "be very afraid" when they reunite for the show's final tonight (September 7).
The house rivals have continued to war following their respective evictions from the Channel 5 show, trading insults in the press and on Twitter.

Jasmine Lennard returns to CBB

ÂĐ Rex Features

Rhian Sugden evicted from Celebrity Big Brother

ÂĐ Channel 5

Their feud hit a new level this week after Lennard allegedly accused Sugden of leaking a nude photo of her online.
The ex-girlfriend of Simon Cowell has since contacted police over the matter and hired the lawyer who aided Tulisa Contostavlos during her sex tape scandal.
After Sugden tweeted that she was "looking forward to seeing everybody again" at the Celebrity Big Brother final, Lennard wrote on her own profile: "I sincerely doubt @Rhianmarie will be 'smirking' tonight.
"Let's see how brave barbie is without her gang of pg 3 whores behind her.If i was...@Rhianmarie i would be afraid. VERY afraid right now."
She also told a follower that she is "not looking forward to going" to the Elstree event, adding: "I can definitely think of better company to spend my...friday night with."
Sugden previously said that she was "scared to death" of Lennard while they were on the show and claimed that the 27-year-old once threatened to kill her.
Lennard has also been caught up in feuds with her Celebrity Big Brother co-star Danica Thrall and Kerry Katona.


Day 24: Six in the mix - who's your pick?

40 mins ago

Here we are, CBB fans. The final is upon us. It's been hilarious. It's been infuriating. It's been saddening and it's been controversial. But most of all, it's been emotional.

We're left with a more than worthy sextet of potential winners, and there's a case to be made for each of them scooping victory this evening when the results of your telephonic judgement are finally revealed. But, like the Highlander, there can be only one. Of our six, we're bamboozled when it comes to calling who it might be. It's been said, up here at Elstree, that we couldn't imagine a closer final. Each of these six has their own, solid fanbase. They've all done enough in the last 24 days to justify them scooping the top spot. But who on earth is it going to be?

Let's try and figure it out. Let's take a look at how they've fared and attempt to work this one through. We're bound to come up short – but we can only try...


It's fair to say that Ashley had quite a low profile entering the House. We all respect the fact the man's an Olympian, naturally, but he wasn't quite a household name. Since we were introduced to the 23-year-old on launch night, he's more than made an impression. He wandered into the bungalow looking a little sheepish but, when recognised by Julian as a familiar sportsman, he soon settled into his groove.

He won a few hearts when he was rejected by Rhian in the first week, but then that situation threatened to grow volatile. When Ashley stuck up for Miss Sugden as Jasmine attempted to stir the issue up, he grew in stature again. Since then, he's applied himself to every task and grown on the audience via a mixture of infectious enthusiasm and boyish innocence. His fans may be new fans, but they're certainly keen.


We've had a Loose Woman win the show before, but where Denise Welch was extraverted and bombastic, Coleen's less of a showy type. In the first few days, she complained that she was in Julie's shadow somewhat, with relations between the two ladies souring as time went on to the point Coleen burst into tears in the Diary Room and won a huge amount of sympathy.

Harvey, Ashley and The Situation were on hand, the three boys looking to Coleen as the matriarch after Julie had been rejected for some loose talk. As a result, she finds herself in the final with swathes of support from old fans and new. She's a household favourite in homes across the country, so don't bet against the Nolan leaving the building last.


The So Solid MC has been embroiled in so many in-House brouhahas, it feels like he's been in there longer than three weeks. He was at the forefront of the Danica criticism, the Rhian criticism and the Julie criticism. He's enjoyed a budding friendship with his boys, The Situation and Ashley and he's grown close to Coleen as time's gone on.

Despite falling out of favour somewhat in recent days after mooning Coleen and then sabotaging the shopping list, you might be tempted to chuck him out of the running. But Harvey's got a lot of support on social media from fans who can't get enough of this animated, fast-talking charmer. He's got a pretty good chance of coming out top dog.


Comedy fans were overjoyed when Julian was announced as an entrant on launch night. We were guaranteed laughs, as we all know full well that Mr. Clary never holds back when faced with the opportunity to let rip with a deadpan, softly delivered and juicy double entendre. We didn't get too many of them but, when they did arrive, they landed with a hilarious and deadly delivery.

Julian paired up with Julie right from Day One and, despite Mrs. Goodyear falling out of favour with a chunk of the public, Julian maintained his popularity after showing an endlessly caring capacity when it came to the Corrie superstar. He's loved online and also by the comedy crowd, so Julian's in with rather a large shout.


Former EastEnders, Spandau Ballet bass-man and one-time fictionalised Kray twin, Martin Kemp's reputation preceded him. On the small and big screens he was a rather imposing and impeccably dressed, edgy type. When not acting, however, he's well known as the super-cool, laidback and semi-retired bass player from the Ballet. Most were wondering what character this huge name would bring with him to the show - especially when he spoke explicitly of a game plan.

It turned out it was the milder-mannered Martin that showed up. This tendency to avoid the drama may have bothered some, but the Kemp army is so strong that the he probably need not worry. He's been himself, as far as we can tell, and his fans' phone-fingers will be itching to help him win.

The Situation

...and speaking of fans, if The Situation isn't too well known to the UK viewership, one thing he does have is fans. In huge numbers too - this is a man with over 1.3 million Twitter followers and an enormously high profile Stateside. If those US fans (and his ever-growing army of UK supporters who watch him on MTV) pick up the blower and vote Sitch, everyone else might as well all go home.

But it's quite possible his fans, especially the new ones, may take the vote for granted, distracted by that massive profile. And the fever of finale night often means the phones become crazy busy to the point fans of other contestants vote multiple times to save their fave. There's no guarantee whatsoever The Sitch will walk his way to victory.

So, the chances are split pretty evenly - as evenly as we can recall, in fact! 

There's really only one way to assist your favoured housemate in their bid to scoop victory  this summer and that's to pick up your phone and get dialing. You never know - it might even be your vote that turns a runner up into a winner...



Day 24: Pack it in, you lot!

13 mins ago

And now, the end is near, and so our housemates face the final curtain, and have to pack their bags.

Well, Ashley and Harvey are packing, like good boys. Meanwhile Martin was drying his hair and Coleen and Julian resolutely refused to be bothered with the packing, and hung out in the garden instead.

The Situation, ever elusive, was in the Diary Room while Ashley and Harvey dutifully folded their clothes like their mums taught 'em. 


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