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Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

Julian to win!!!


As far as I'm concerned, he is the ONLY option!


Julian has been himself, witty, insightful, observant, intelligent, and most of all LOYAL!..


I love the fact that he didn't adopt a gang mentality, he hasn't pandered for votes inside or outside the house..he hasn't felt the need to backstab, or be sly about other HM's...When Harvey and Martin, led the charge against Julie, he remained calm and steadfastly loyal, he has shown a lovely caring sensitive side to him that I for one, find extremely warm and attractive..Wouldn't you just love to have Julian as a friend?


Julian deserves to win simply because, that hateful rag The Daily Mail, did a horrendous hate campaign against him, with the help of a few Tory MP's..Which saw his career suffer greatly...

Julian is a National Treasure, who paved the way, for many a young up and coming comedian...His love of animals is both touching and adorable, who can forget his moment in the Dairy Room with his dogs?


I have really enjoyed seeing him on television again, and I hope this kick starts his career again, he has been greatly missed!

I know he is topping a lot polls, but please lets not be complacent!

I urge all Julian lovers, to keep voting!...I believe it would mean so much to him to realise he is loved by the masses...


Absolutely agree Senora. I gave my reasons on another thread yesterday why after not having a fave I'd finally decided on one a few days ago. Julian.

Yellow Rose

I was having a lot of problems with cogs and pc freezing this afternoon, I cleared cache but it made no difference so I stopped reading and watching vids as it was so time consuming and frustrating. Eventually I thought maybe I should defrag as haven't done that for some time so while watching other tv progs tonight I ran it, it took a looong time to run through everything. It seems better now, not perfect, but better. Thanks to all the LUTers for the news today one more day then you all have your freedom back Night night to anyone who's left to go to dreamland

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Too tired now to answer in full Senora, but I completely agree. 


I`ll be running up my bill to vote for Julian. He`s a gem.

And like others before me, may I take this opportunity, for yours and others tireless efforts, to keep us updated on what is going on in the house..It is very much appreciated..Thank you..

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Too tired now to answer in full Senora, but I completely agree. 


I`ll be running up my bill to vote for Julian. He`s a gem.

And like others before me, may I take this opportunity, for yours and others tireless efforts, to keep us updated on what is going on in the house..It is very much appreciated..Thank you..

Thank you Senora  


Thank you Rose  


Day 23: Finale eve - this much is true

8 hours ago

They went to bed early tonight in preparation for their very last day in the House. Say what you like about these celebs but they know how to prepare for big occasions. Before they trotted off to Bedfordshire like obedient nine-year-olds on Christmas Eve, the housemates had a final dance. Big Brother played serious anthems from the like of Lady Gaga and Martin Kemp, or Spandau Ballet as his old band is technically known. "Who’s this by?" asked The Situation as Coleen tore it up to 'True'. Oh Michael, did they not give you a cultural education in Jersey?

The Situation was not an active one and lay unenthusiastically on the sofas like a spent firework. Martin was also pretty static, restricting himself to a spell of air-drumming but the wide blissed-out grin on his face spoke more than a few rogue shapes. Representing most impressively on the dancefloor were loose woman and canon Coleen and overactive Olympian, Ashley. Harvey had his moment and Julian glided around graciously but with the air of a man who knows that wild horses will not make him shake his groove thang. 

So here they are, the final six on their last night. Enjoy...




Day 23 round-up

1 hour ago

Day 23 was the day on which we used the word 'penultimate' approximately seven billion times. It was the day before the final – the calm before the storm. The lull before the blow-out. The chapter before the ending.

 and Julie were gone, leaving us with six in the house – six finalists no less.

Maybe it was reluctance to face up to the fact the dream's almost over, or maybe they're just slugabeds, but housemates were slow to rise. In Julian's case it was more understandable than most. He'd just lost his best mate Julie to an eviction, so no wonder he was a little morose.

Like the Grand Old Duke of York's 10,000 men, once they were up, they were up - and The Situation wasted no time inseeing to his hair needs, but not in the usual hair-washing arena. Ashley put Julian to the test and, elsewhere, Coleen got involved with a game of sockball and wondered why on earth two thirds of HAM were getting so worked up about it all. We worked it out later. If they hadn't they might've got bored â€“ a danger in the Big Brother House after the numbers have dwindled and the days have wound down.

The best way to get past the boredom is to talk it out, so there was a lot of reflection going down on Day 23. Martin spoke of Danica in less than flattering terms as he remembered how she 'reeled the boys in'. On the topic of the ladies, Coleen was busy pondering her place in the House. As the only lady standing, some might say she had every right. Harvey and Julian were also pensive and the chums discussed their time in the House as the day wore on.

Soon enough, a pleasant and not very demanding task fell out of the sky. Big Brother, in charitable mood, gave housemates one last bash before the final. Black tie, evening dress and a three course slap-up grubfest were on the cards. The only task involved was a few pointers in the way ofconversation. There followed a few tunes and some lovely, pre-final chat. And then it was time for bed.

Understandably low key. Day 24's set to be a big one, after all...



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