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Julian to win!!!


As far as I'm concerned, he is the ONLY option!


Julian has been himself, witty, insightful, observant, intelligent, and most of all LOYAL!..


I love the fact that he didn't adopt a gang mentality, he hasn't pandered for votes inside or outside the house..he hasn't felt the need to backstab, or be sly about other HM's...When Harvey and Martin, led the charge against Julie, he remained calm and steadfastly loyal, he has shown a lovely caring sensitive side to him that I for one, find extremely warm and attractive..Wouldn't you just love to have Julian as a friend?


Julian deserves to win simply because, that hateful rag The Daily Mail, did a horrendous hate campaign against him, with the help of a few Tory MP's..Which saw his career suffer greatly...

Julian is a National Treasure, who paved the way, for many a young up and coming comedian...His love of animals is both touching and adorable, who can forget his moment in the Dairy Room with his dogs?


I have really enjoyed seeing him on television again, and I hope this kick starts his career again, he has been greatly missed!

I know he is topping a lot polls, but please lets not be complacent!

I urge all Julian lovers, to keep voting!...I believe it would mean so much to him to realise he is loved by the masses...


Senora Reyes

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