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10.14pm: Jasmine's up first - she's chosen Danica. So we're one down and Miss. Thrall's in the frame.


10.14pm: Julie's up next. She's nominated Coleen. "Perhaps she's missing her family". Awww. 


10.15pm: Here comes Harvey and he's picked Danica for a nomination. She hasn't got "genuine talents" he reasons


10.16pm: Julian nominates  because he doesn't like his occasional disrespect for women.


10.17pm: Coleen picks Rhian for nomination. They haven't spoken much, she says.


10.17pm: Lorenzo nominates Jasmine so that she can get out and "tell everyone her story about her son".


10.18pm: Rhian picks Martin because they've barely spoken. Bit of a that one. 


10.18pm: Ashley nominates Lorenzo because they haven't bonded much yet. They'll all be up at this rate


10.19pm: Cheryl nominates Rhian. Once again, it's because they haven't spoken much. 


10.20pm: Martin picks Jasmine who now has two nominations.


10.20pm: Rhian's now got three nominations after Samantha nominates her in the face-to-face noms.


10.21pm: Danica nominates Jasmine. That's three each for Jasmine and Rhian. Yikes! 


10.22pm:  nominates Coleen over the old 'go home to your family' chestnut



10.23pm: Facing the first public vote will be Rhian and Jasmine. And the gang are allowed to talk  for one night only!


Day 3 nominations: Jasmine and Rhian are up for eviction!


19 mins ago

Yowza, that was tense. You'll know exactly what we mean if you were watching Friday's LIVE FACE-TO-FACE NOMINATION SPECIAL! It really was edge-of-sofa stuff.

After a nail-biting 15 minutes, it was revealed that Jasmine and Rhian face the public vote ahead of next week's eviction.

The remaining eleven housemates breathed a sigh of relief - particularly Ashley, Harvey, Julian, Cheryl, Julie and Samantha, who received zero noms each. Here's how the sofa session panned out...

Jasmine nominated Danica

Julie nominated Coleen

Harvey nominated Danica

Julian nominated The Situation

Coleen nominated Rhian

Prince Lorenzo nominated Jasmine

Rhian nominated Martin

Ashley nominated Prince Lorenzo

Cheryl nominated Rhian

Martin nominated Jasmine

Samantha nominated Rhian

Danica nominated Jasmine

The Situation nominated Coleen

As for the reasons, they were a diplomatic bunch, mostly blaming lack of bonding time and that old chestnut; "I think you really miss your family so should be home with them."

However gentle their excuses, either Jasmine or Rhian will be going home soon.




Day 3: Jasmine erupts after face-to-face nominations


22 mins ago

To say that Jasmine has not taken the news that – together with Rhian who also received three votes – she is facing the public vote is an understatement.  Her immediate response was to storm outside for a shocked debrief with a comparatively composed Rhian. She was particularly unsettled to receive a vote from Martin.

"I put so much time and effort into him," she wailed.

Martin and Prince Lorenzo tried separately to explain their reasons only to be batted away like the most intolerable of pests.

With Jasmine uninterested in hearing his princely justifications, Lorenzo cornered Julian. "I think she feels betrayed," muttered Loz, who had spent a serious hour listening to Jasmine’s life story the previous night.

It seems that, in a terrible palava of a mix-up, he thought Jasmine wanted to go home to her son. 

Coleen, whose two votes were justified by 'think of the children!' was busy calling 'bullshit' on that logic. She thinks people that use it are trying to appear sympathetic to the public.


Martin made a second manful attempt to diffuse Jasmine’s woe, repeating, "It's only a game."

"It's not a game to me!" said Jasmine, before retiring to the bathroom for a proper blub.

Who should step into the ring at this point of emotional drama? That would be House Princess Sam, justifying her crown with soothing words. However the real heavyweight drive to make Jasmine feel better was spearheaded by Julie. The matriarch of soap stepped into the situation assuring the distraught nominee,

"I happen to adore you and you know it. Come on girl."

The pair then trooped off to the Diary Room for a long session with BB. The Corrie legend delivered a series of touching embraces while Jasmine’s mood progressively lifted.

Phew, with all those fireworks it was easy to forget that there’s another person up for eviction. Rhian had a discreet weep while sitting in a circle of dazed housemates in the garden.

We have not seen the end of this evening’s drama. Even as we type hostility between Jasmine and The Prince and Jasmine and Danica is bubbling away. Stay tuned to the website to find out when these tensions boil over...

For a full breakdown of who voted for who click here.

To find out how to vote for your favourite click here.


 Day 3: Acid Jas - the rampage continues

25 mins ago

It's fair to say that Jasmine is not a happy bunny. We've already reported on her furious reaction to being nominated by Danica, Lorenzo and Martin. Since then she's continued on her fiery warpath, with most of her barbs aimed squarely at the Prince – though Danica's also weathered a bit of flack herself. Sitting awkwardly in the Smoking Area, the prince and the lingerie model had both felt the sharp end of Jasmine's tongue and they sat together speaking under their breath, sheltering together from the fire-storm. Meanwhile, Jasmine was seated only two feet away on the same couch, talking to Harvey and Ashley about her upset feelings. The boys did their best to console her and at first it seemed their attempts were working. But then, out of nowhere, Jasmine sighed under her breath, audibly and within earshot of the nominating pair: "Ah... the prince and the prostitute. It's sweet, isn't it?" Ashley and Harvey looked at each other like schoolboys who'd just heard teacher swear. They attempted to calm her down again. She replied that she'd told Lorenzo everything about her hard times the previous evening and he'd thrown it in her face with his nomination. Ashley told her that, to be consistent, she would have to feel the same about Martin who'd also listened to her story and still nominated. But this didn't assuage Jasmine one bit. Instead she deconstructed Lorenzo's recent history – which he'd told her in a deep and meaningful confessional on Day 2 – in less than flattering terms. The Prince held a dignified silence. Jasmine remained coherent as she continued her cooly delivered tirade. The atmosphere in the House, which was previously as lovey dovey as it gets, has suddenly turned slightly sour.


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