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8.05am: Morning all! Our HMs are still happily snoozing their little socks off. Bless.

8.21am: A collective Zzzzzz from the housemates..

8.36am: T'was the day of eviction, and all through the House, not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse. (They're all still asleep)

9.08am: The HMs are still snoozing away. Probably all tired out from Harvey's late night antics

9.25am: GUESS WHAT!!! They're still asleep

9.31am: BB has turned the lights on. Come on, you lazy lot! Time to get up.

9.37am: Martin and Julie appear to be in a little bit of a grumpy mood. Anything to do with tonight's eviction, guys


Tonight on Celebrity Big Brother's Bit On The Side: September 5th
We've got an action-packed show for you tonight.

With actress Linda Lusardi, Apprentice runner-up Kate Walsh and Grange Hill legend Lee MacDonald on the panel. Jeff Kristian will be serenading us with his dulcet tones.
The evictees from tonight' double eviction will also be joining us, and you don't want to miss that!
Join us at 11pm on Channel 5 for a rip-roaring show.


Day 22: Boys just wanna have fun
We're predicting that it may be a frosty morning in the House today, after some of the housemates were a tad boisterous late last night. It seems the younger folk of the group – Harvey, Ashley and The Sitch, may have got a little bit over-excited after receiving a party for winning the shopping task yesterday. Which would be obviously be fine, if they hadn't kept the older folk up in their jest.
Retreating to the garden after receiving icy stares from the other housemates, the raucous trio, accompanied by honorary member Coleen, reflected about their reception and tried to defend their boyish behaviour.
"I've been here for 20 days. I'm going to let my hair down ain't I?" Harvey rationalised.
"Let your hair down and let it all hang out", The Situation supportively added.
You know what they say, boys just wanna have fun. Or something like that...
Coleen, however, believes that it stems down to a bigger issue and noted that their reception wasn't a one off incident.
"There is such a big divide in the age thing and I'm in the middle", she mused, before adding "I'll sit up all night with my boys and their friends, it keeps you young".
Well the group may have been feeling young and carefree last night, but it'll be interesting to see how they act when they wake up today. Oh and there is the small matter of a double eviction... Let the good times roll?


 Catch up on it`s way 


Day 21: Round-up

5 hours ago

With the BBTV shopping task still ongoing, it wasn't the easiest morning for Julie to wake up to. She was immediately called upon to present a bulletin for BBTV News – and it wasgood news. Martin, Lorenzo and Ashley had passed theirGrowlers task. So that was a bonnie note to start the day on.

There was more BBTV fun to come, but first housemates had to get through their morning routine and tend to their grooming. The Situation demonstrated his treadmill skills to his pals and Harvey had a close shave at the Big Brother barbershop. Once that was done, he felt ready to confront his Nana over what he perceived as foul play. The two talked it out at last.

Soon BBTV flashed back onto the housemates' screens and this time Big Brother's Big Deals was the afternoon's viewing. There was so much quality stock up for grabs, it was hard to keep up. Coleen and Julian presented, with edible underpants on offer in addition to the chance of seeing a Nolan tootling on a trumpet. Quality programming, we'll be bound. After that, a timely newsflash in which Julie related info which involved some gossip about herself. Herfinal bulletin came later and was a heart-warmer, as the news anchor finally got to read her own Letter From Home across the airwaves.

At this late stage in the game, we took a moment to think about how our celebrity housemates might've got on with one another more effectively. With only one week to go there's a lot of this kind of reflection and Lorenzo is already thinking about the future. On the other hand, Julian was sharing somejuicy details from his own, pre-fame past.

Having passed the shopping task, Big Brother laid on a little party for them which they enjoyed in a low key manner. Julie showed everyone else how it's done, dancing around like she was the youngest housemate present. As the fun times wound down, the nominated housemates shared their thoughts on the time they'd had. A nice end to a surprisingly pleasant day.

Tomorrow sees a double eviction, so don't expect the pleasantries to necessarily continue, friends. There's a final to be seized, and six of this lot are in the running...







Feature: The noms story - number crunching the stats

3 hours ago

: The noms story - number crunching the stats
We've ruminated, cogitated and digested the housemates' nominations to date -staggering over some of the stats, such as the fact that Ashley has only ever received ONE nomination. Here's the general overview...
First impressions can mean a little or a lot in Celebrity Big Brother and the first nominations may have had as much to do with how everyone hit it off as how housemates preconceptions ruled their heads. Lovely Rhian entered the House under something of a cloud for some and scored badly with three nominations. Perhaps it was a case of pushing out the pretty ladies because Jasmine also scored three votes, putting them both up.
In fact from the word go, the ladies racked up more noms than the lads with 10 to their three on Day 1.
With Jasmine gone the boys took a hit in the second set of noms with Julian taking one for the team, scoring five votes compared to none in the previous round. Could this have been tactical voting? It was the men who seemed most keen to get shot of our camp comic with The Situation, Harvey and Ashley wanting to see the back of him.
Cheryl shot up from zero to three – was this a case of housemates taking offence to her frequent references to crunches and winky-woos or again, an attempt to pick off a strong candidate? Only the Prince equalled Chezza for nominations - but charm was on his side and we waved goodbye to the Walford one.
Ashley and Harvey were the only housemates still holding out without a vote but that changed with the third nominating session when Harvey picked up his first of only two noms. It was Martin who had had enough of him. Danica took the top spot with six nominations – Samantha, Julie, The Situation, Martin and Harvey. But she wasn't the one to go. It was fellow glamour girl Rhian – Samantha, Julie and Ashley had put her up.
Round four saw an all female trio up for eviction with Sam, Coleen and Danica in the firing line. Since Day 1 Sam had received 10 votes, Coleen 11 and Danica a series record 15. Sam escaped the first week without a single nomination but she couldn't escape the public vote on the fourth eviction night and was first out of the House.
Danica who had picked up at least two nominations every time walked out the door after Sam. Julie and Samantha were among those who wanted her gone. We were left with just two females in the house. What happened to the sisterhood?
As we approach the fifth eviction tonight, Martin, Julie and Prince Lorenzo face the public vote – Lorenzo has been saved before. Will history repeat itself? Martin escaped with no nominations in the fourth set but Coleen, Julian and Ashley sent him closer to the exit this time round. Will you save him? Julie received one nomination from Coleen in the second set and one from Lorenzo in the fourth but it was this last lot of nominations that shook her with Ashley, Harvey, Lorenzo, Coleen and Martin all putting her forward.
Is she 'going nowhere' or will she be heading for the door?
You decide.

Last edited by Former Member

10.28am: Martin is aggressively working out. We think he's working out his frustration


Day 22: Martin is not amused
Last night, Harvey and Ashley had a bit of a noisy one, keeping our older housemates awake with their antics. Predictably, certain people are not impressed this morning...
No sooner had everyone tumbled out of bed, than Martin was letting rip in the kitchen: "Harvey crossed a line, it's disrespectful." He was talking about when Harvey charmingly made his butt talk, right in Coleen's face. For her part, Coleen seemed to be fairly unmoved, saying that she had just put her head under the covers, and that Harvey had been a bit squiffy, so she didn't mind. This did not convince Martin, who growled, "no excuse..."
Julie and Lorenzo had something to say, too, with Julie saying, "I would have really appreciated a quiet night...I agree with Martin." She did say, though, that she probably wouldn't bother telling them off, as they wouldn't take it seriously. Lorenzo disagreed, reasoning that "if nobody tells them, they're not gonna know they did anything wrong."
Julian also believes the boys went too far, as he told Coleen "it was funny for a while, but it went...beyond" and even Coleen had to agree. When he tried to tell Harvey "you may have crossed a line" Harvey simply responded "oh well..."
That might wash with Julian, Harvey, but we sense a telling-off from Martin might not be so easily brushed off...


10.32am: Crikey, Lorenzo, bit bright, eh

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11.03am: The lady involved in the furore, Coleen, has retreated to the bedroom for a bit of R'n'R time. Probably best.

11.15am: Lorenzo is indulging in his favourite past time - lounging in the sun. It really is one big holiday for him

11.23am: Lorenzo is anticipating a lot of emails when he gets home. Oh, the trials and tribulations of being a prince


11.32am: The Sitch wants mozzarella so that he can make the HMs a special dish. Sounds exciting


11.41am: Julian is bored of the shopping list, and has wandered off to do his hair.


12.11pm: Cols is clarifying to Harv that she isn't angry with him for his antics last night. On the contrary, she thought it was hoot!

12.20pm: "Harvey and Ashley have really bonded haven't they..." says Julie. Well spotted!

12.23pm: Martin and Harvey are chatting nicely. Seems all is forgiven..


12.28pm: Harvey and Julie are reminiscing about the Drama Queens secret mission. Well, it was really rather ace:



12.32pm: Ditching the leopard print for once, Julie's working the Lady Gaga look today... #cbb #cbbfashionmoment

12.41pm: The Situation is cooking up a storm in the kitchen, again. He's a bit of a whizz in that domain. #cbb

12.56pm: Lorenzo says he's been itching all day. It's made Coleen feel itchy. And now we're itching too.#cbb


Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eye

Prince Lorenzo has seemingly given up hope of avoiding eviction from  Celebrity Big Brother 2012 tonight.


Speaking to The Situation last night, he declared: “It’s all over, for me  it’s all over.”

Sounding consigned to an eviction this evening, the Prince continued: “I’ve  had a very rewarding stay here learned a lot, appreciate a lot so much more now,  that’s the important thingâ€Ķ it’s what you walk away with.”

He added: “It’s been a good run, it’s been a good season.”

Despite encouragement from The Situation not to give up, Prince Lorenzo  insisted h  was glad to go, having been in the house for close to a month  now.

“As a mentally stimulating thing in my lifeâ€Ķ I was ready to go in week two  but I’m glad I didn’t as I got to see more than I ever imagined and it really  made me miss things a lot more.

“The longer you’re here the more you start missing everything. Three weeks is  a great time to do it, to just get away from everything.”

“It’s been a month, it’s a long time,” he added.

The latest Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eviction airs tonight from  8PM on Channel 5.

Read more:


Coleen and Julian became the shopping channel host for the final Celebrity  Big Brother shopping task yesterday.


The pair were attempting to sell the following 15 items:

â€Ē A nose trimmer

â€Ē Chicken fillets

â€Ē Edible caterpillars

â€Ē Candy underwear (worn by male and female)

â€Ē Jockey training machine

â€Ē Gloves with six fingers

â€Ē A caricature of Julie Goodyear

â€Ē Mud and egg face mask

â€Ē Ventriloquist doll

â€Ē Trumpet

â€Ē Animal balloon tricks – long balloons

â€Ē Shake weight

â€Ē Arms and legs full body sleeping bag

â€Ē Musical piano tie

â€Ē Instant Julie Goodyear throat spray and Prince Lorenzo Accent throat  spray.

Housemates chose Prince Lorenzo as the shopper who shopped until he dropped  by remembering and ordering all 15 of the items that were for sale. Therefore  housemates successfully passed this part of the task.

Browse the pictures below!

Read more:


2.31pm: The HMs are comparing immunisation scars. Ashley just got very animated about his BCG scar.


2.38pm: Today's task is afoot! Julian and Harvey are dressing up in the Diary Room, and we will be giving you details any minute now.


<input name="og_link" type="hidden" value="" /> Day 22: Task- Hello Sailor


Today's task sees Harvey and Julian become able seamen, as they oversee teams of housemates in a head to head boat building challenge.
Big Brother called our sea captains to the Diary Room, provided them with uniforms and instructed them to build two sea-faring (well, pool-faring) vessels to race in the pool. They will build their boats from cardboard, polystyrene, tubing and that old favourite, sticky backed plastic, and propel them along in the pool using a paddle. The teams will have a mast and flag that must be included on the boats.
Life's tough on the high seas, so we can't wait to see how this one turns out...

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 The boys set sail
21 mins ago

Today's task saw the housemates try their hands at ship building, under the watchful eye of their captains, Captain Julian and Captain Harvey. And what a task it was.
As soon as Big Brother let them out into the garden, er, shipyard, the housemates got all industrious, building their vessels from sheets of cardboard and Styrofoam, with masses of gaffer tape and sticky backed plastic to boot. Julian's team consisted of Julie, Ashley and The Situation, while Harvey had Martin, Coleen and Lorenzo.
To say their boats looked a little amateur would be unkind, but true. They all took great pride in their handiwork, however, with Captain Harvey's team mocking Captain Julian's team for good measure.
Safety first, of course, with Big Brother providing a lifeguard to oversee the action. Julian tried to sweet talk him, but to no avail. Tut tut, Julian, distracting a lifeguard at his post!
Honestly, we thought they'd have a hard time keeping their boats afloat, let alone rowing them all the way to the end of the pool, but they both held up and sailed admirably. Paddling hell for leather, Captain Harvey in The Plymothian Express managed a time of 19 seconds. He and his team thought they'd won it, but Captain Julian sailed the HMS Nancy Boy to glory in a mere 14 seconds.
To say Team Julian was excited would be a massive understatement: Ashley in particular welcomed the news with enthusiasm. As a reward, Captain Julian and his band of merry seadogs will receive haircuts and colours from a top stylist later.
But what is the secret to winning a DIY boat race, we hear you cry. Well, according to Julian it's all down to taking "longer, deeper strokes..." Oh, Julian!


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2.52pm: Hello Sailor! Today's task is afoot, read all about it here:


2.57pm: Today's task is Hello Sailor, and will see the HMs build boats for a race in the pool. Splashtastic


3.04pm: The HMs are getting into the swing of the task, there's duct tape, styrofoam and cardboard everywhere!


3.07pm: The boats are taking shape. Not boat-shape, admittedly, but some kind of shape.


3.13pm: We are seeing a liberal use of gaffer tape on thetask


3.17pm: Harvey and Julian have different approaches to shipbuilding. J is mucking in whilst H oversees and lets his team do the work


3.21pm: We must say, these vessels don't look exactly seaworthy...


3.29pm: The HMs are getting very hands-on with this task. Who'da thunk we had a House full of ship building engineers?


3.42pm: The boats are finished! We'd love to say they look great but...well, they look like cardboard and gaffer tape...


3.45pm: Lorenzo is laughing at the other team's boat. Has he seen his team's boat?!


3.48pm: There's a lot of boat-related smack talk going down. Guys, guys, let's all just get along, eh?


3.53pm:The Plymothian Express is being readied for its maiden voyage by its Captain, Harvey.


3.56pm: Captain Harvey is boarding his ship in a very dignified crawling manner


15.58pm: Captain Harvey is an excellent oarsman, though his splashy activities have soaked the rest of the HMs.


4.01pm: Captain Julian just tried to flirt with the lifeguard, before christening the good ship HMS Nancy Boy. What a pro.


4.02pm: Ashley and The Sitch are excited that the HMS Nancy Boy seems "PRETTY STURDY!!!"


4.04pm: Captain Julian is paddling valiantly. Has he beat Captain Harvey's time? Who can say?!


4.05pm: Ashley is very, very, very excited about the possibility of winning the task. Very excited.


4.07pm: Captain Julian won the boat race by a huge 5 second margin. Hurrah for the HMS Nancy Boy! Hurrah! Hurrah!


4.15pm: Team Julian is ecstatic at their momentous win


4.26pm: The HMs are still having a right old LOL about the boats. Well, they have been without TV for three weeks...


4.33pm: The HMs are all sitting round talking about hair, ahead of Team Julian's visit from the hair stylist.





Day 22: Julie contemplates

The final eviction is but only hours away, and for Julie this means one thing – the possibility of being reunited with 'our Scott'.
"I know he'll be there waiting for me with open arms" she happily told The Situation in the garden.
Although she says she wants to stay until the end, the thought that she could be reunited with her husband tonight is helping ease her eviction tensions.
"You've got a win, win situation there", The Situation deferred. Quite.
Ruminating about her possible departure this evening, the Corrie actress decided that staying in the House until the last few days is no mean feat. "To get this far at my age is one hell of an achievement... I'm fine with it".
However, she quickly added that she's not looking forward to the actual eviction per se, saying that she feels it enough when it's one of the other housemates going through it, "You know me, I've got a marshmallow centre really".
The Situation rather soberly remarked that at this point it's all down to the viewers, which even if it is a correct statement, may be a tad obvious and some would say not at all reassuring. But it seemed enough for the Goodyear, who agreed.
In true dramatic style, Julie wrapped up the conversation by delivering this killer end line, "There's been laughter, tears, the lot in this pressure cooker... Would I do it again? F**k no. But would have I have missed it? No".
Julie, you may take a bow.

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