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Day 21: Party on housemates


47 mins ago

There ain’t no party like a Celebrity Big Brother party and, to a casual observer, it may have looked like there weren’t no party after housemates picked up the shindig as a reward for doing so well in the BBTV task.

Before you correct our grammar, let’s examine the evidence.

Exhibit A: Two ‘80s classic tracks into the disco, a housemate was yet to dance. It was only with the third – that Jacko fave 'Billie Jean' -  that Julie got off her bottom  to show the youngsters how it was done – moonwalking and finger dancing like her life depended on it.

Ash pulled some shapes to keep her company and Coleen showed off the fine art of sitting down dancing. As Martin sang along and swayed and for a moment, we felt the party could be picking up.

Exhibit B: Housemates sat around the buffet like they were dining a la carte. There was no grazing for our group who polished off the finger food like they hadn’t been fed for months.

Exhibit C: Just before 9.30pm Julian decided it was time for a cup of tea all round. Enough said.

We did see nominated housemates thanking their fellows for a wonderful time in the House - kind of a-list but as parties go, far from crazy.

But who are we to dictate how celebs behave at bashes – we’re taking our cue from the sordid images of stars slipping off their shoes, spread across the pages of tabloid publications. This bunch are a class act. Aren't they?


Originally Posted by MrsH:



Night all  


not too sure about tweets tomorrow maybe wont be any till later in the day 


will catch up as and when 



Reminder BB is on 8.00 - 9.00  tomorrow and then again at 10.15 

Oh thanks for mentioning the earlier show tomorrow, I could have missed it.  Thanks also for all your hard work today ...when do you get time to watch your own fave tv shows lol. Wishing you a good night's sleep night night

Yellow Rose

1.02am: All HMs apart from Lorenzo are in the bedroom. They're discussing Jasmine. That girl left them with some memories...

1.06am: Harvey has his butt out. And he is making it talk. Julian looks unamused.

1.11am: A merry Harvey's telling everyone in the bedroom they're being too serious. "I'm not in the mood for this" Julian tells Julie

1.17am: Harvey's been screaming a monologue for the past ten minutes. It's safe to say it's not amusing those who want to sleep


1.36am: Harvey has been called to the Diary Room. What could BB want with him at this hour?

1.44am: A subdued Harvey is back. Let's keep that bottom covered for the rest of the night please MC Harvey. Nana's trying to sleep.

1.55am: Lights are out but #ham are still sniggering. We've had enough of their nonsense for now. G'night twitterati. See ya in the AM.


With the BBTV shopping task still ongoing, it wasn't the easiest morning for Julie to wake up to. She was immediately called upon to present a bulletin for BBTV News – and it wasgood news. Martin, Lorenzo and Ashley had passed theirGrowlers task. So that was a bonnie note to start the day on.

There was more BBTV fun to come, but first housemates had to get through their morning routine and tend to their grooming. The Situation demonstrated his treadmill skills to his pals and Harvey had a close shave at the Big Brother barbershop. Once that was done, he felt ready to confront his Nana over what he perceived as foul play. The two talked it out at last.

Soon BBTV flashed back onto the housemates' screens and this time Big Brother's Big Deals was the afternoon's viewing. There was so much quality stock up for grabs, it was hard to keep up. Coleen and Julian presented, with edible underpants on offer in addition to the chance of seeing a Nolan tootling on a trumpet. Quality programming, we'll be bound. After that, a timely newsflash in which Julie related info which involved some gossip about herself. Herfinal bulletin came later and was a heart-warmer, as the news anchor finally got to read her own Letter From Home across the airwaves.

At this late stage in the game, we took a moment to think about how our celebrity housemates might've got on with one another more effectively. With only one week to go there's a lot of this kind of reflection and Lorenzo is already thinking about the future. On the other hand, Julian was sharing somejuicy details from his own, pre-fame past.

Having passed the shopping task, Big Brother laid on a little party for them which they enjoyed in a low key manner. Julie showed everyone else how it's done, dancing around like she was the youngest housemate present. As the fun times wound down, the nominated housemates shared their thoughts on the time they'd had. A nice end to a surprisingly pleasant day.

Tomorrow sees a double eviction, so don't expect the pleasantries to necessarily continue, friends. There's a final to be seized, and six of this lot are in the running...


We're predicting that it may be a frosty morning in the House today, after some of the housemates were a tad boisterous late last night. It seems the younger folk of the group – Harvey, Ashley and The Sitch (AKA 'HAM' - though why not 'HATS' is beyond us), may have got a little bit over-excited after receiving a party for winning the shopping task yesterday. Which would be obviously be fine, if they hadn't kept the older folk up in their jest.

Retreating to the garden after receiving icy stares from the other housemates, the raucous trio, accompanied by honorary member Coleen, reflected about their reception and tried to defend their boyish behaviour.

"I've been here for 20 days. I'm going to let my hair down ain't I?" Harvey rationalised.

"Let your hair down and let it all hang out," The Situation supportively added.

You know what they say, boys just wanna have fun. Or something like that...

Coleen, however, believes that it stems down to a bigger issue and noted that their reception wasn't a one off incident.

"There is such a big divide in the age thing and I'm in the middle," she mused, before adding "I'll sit up all night with my boys and their friends, it keeps you young."

Well the group may have been feeling young and carefree last night, but it'll be interesting to see how they act when they wake up today. Oh and there is the small matter of a double eviction... Let the good times roll?


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