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Day 21: Big Brother's Big Deals task


Earlier today, Julian and Coleen were given the task of selling their hearts out in Big Brother's Big Deals. They were given 15 items to flog to the TV viewers, or the other housemates as they are otherwise known, who watched on in the living room.

The duo took to the job like a duck takes to water, and let's just say that Julian had no problem camping it up for the cameras. But it did mean that Coleen was left with egg on her face – in the literal sense of the word.

We would tell you more, but you know what they say - a picture speaks louder than words. Enjoy...

pictures to follow once they have uploaded them plus Rhian and Danica on the Rollercoast Ride 

Last edited by MrsH

Afternoon MrsH and all  


Sorry I can`t be around to help today, I`ve got visitors staying over. They`re leaving sometime tomorrow afternoon, I`ll be back then. 


Thanks for all the updates erin and MrsH    


Thanks Rose   


OT: Triggs, if you`re reading, I`ll be in touch tomorrow  


Must fly, bye the noo everyone  


Rollercoaster of emotions

1 hour ago


'Emotional rollercoaster' is a phrase that tends to get used by the housemates on every series on Big Brother, but why do they use this particular cliche over all others to describe their ever changing feelings in the House? Tune into Bit on the Side from 11pm tonight on Channel 5 to see Jamie East (with help from ex-housemates Rhian and Danica) attempt to uncover the true meaning of this expression once and for all. 

FYI, Ronan Keating was wrong.



Who looks more scared, Jamie or Danica?


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