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BBTV task!

Celebrity Big Brother 2012 eye

Today sees the second day the final Celebrity Big Brother  shopping task,  BBTV!


BBTV News In continuation from tomorrow there will be various news  bulletins played in throughout the day.

Shopping Channel: Big Brothers Big Deals Julian and Coleen will be  presenting the shopping channel. They will be given a range of items to sell and  have approximately 45 seconds to sell each item. A warehouse attendant will  present the items one at a time. The items should be sold in an upbeat and  glamorous manner. The TV viewers will be watching this from their living room.  Only ONE TV viewer must position themselves on the sofa besides the telephone.  After being presented with all the items on the TV show, it is then down to this  TV viewer (and only this TV viewer) to ring the shopping channel sales team and  put in an order for all of the items featured on the show.

In order to pass the task, the TV viewer will need to put in an order for at  least 10 out of the 15 items.

Reveal Housemates were given a DVD with the number of tasks the have to  pass. They will play this into the house later today to discover whether they  have passed or failed.

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Day 21: BBTV listings


45 mins ago

BBTV, the hottest new channel not on your TV screens, continues to bring the best shows around today.

Already this morning we've had a breaking story courtesy of BBTV news, with anchorwoman, Julie Goodyear, reporting that the actors of the new hit TV show 'The Growlers' - Martin and Ashley aka Itchy Growler and Twitchy Growler, had passed their part of the task. Lets not forget to mention the wonderful narrator, Prince Lorenzo, aka Mr Johnny Tickles. Bravo to all involved! Let's hope there's a recommission soon.

The news bulletins will continue throughout the day, so expect more breaking news of this nature.

And for your viewing pleasure, later today we will be showcasing the hottest new items around, via 'Big Brother's Big Deals'. Presented by glamorous presenters, Coleen and Julian, they will have 45 seconds to sell a variety of wonderful items to the TV viewers watching in the living room. Once all the items have been shown, the viewer will get the chance to ring the shopping channel sales team and put in an order for all the items featured on the show.

If the TV viewer puts in an order for at least 10 out of the 15 items, they will win this part of the task. So let's hope the housemates have got their bidding hats on!



Day 21: Big Brother Barbers

23 mins ago

It's a hard job being a celebrity. No really, it is... To cut it in the showbiz industry, you need to look good ALL THE TIME. Geez, can you imagine? And those poor celebrities in the House haven't even got their glam squads on hand to keep them all preened and shiny looking. The horror!

So today they've decided enough is enough and have taken the situation into their own hands... Not the man himself, that would be inappropriate. What we mean is they've decided to reclaim their dashingly good looks. Here they are in action - don't they look lovely? Aww...




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