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Model Danica Thrall has told Samantha Brick about her preconceptions of her  prior to entering the Celebrity Big Brother 2012 house.

Yesterday, the housemates took part in an  introductions task, in which Julian and Mike ‘The Situation’ had to match  controversial statements to the housemates that said them. However, they failed  after getting only four correct.

Having had a night’s sleep the girls – who have both been controversial  figures in the media – had a follow-up chat about how they’re percieved by the  public this afternoon.

Samantha – who gained worldwide notoriety after claiming women are  jealous of her looks in a Daily Mail article  – said: “You alright after the task  yesterday? When you read what you’ve said, when they put it in bold letters like  thatâ€Ķ cheers Big Brother!”

“It’s hard, isn’t it?” agreed Danica,  who’s best known for explaining how she makes money out of men in Channel 4  documentary Sex, Lies and Rinsing Guys.

“I must admit that before I came out here when there was lots of speculation  about who was going in, you were in the line-up and I had a look at what you  did. I am not one to judge at all, but even I because of, like the newspapers, I  was like, oh my god really?

“Then when I met you, you’re like the pure opposite to what they made you out  to be.”

“What did you think I was gonna be like then?” asked a curious Samantha.

“A bit delusional, do you know what you mean?” answered Danica.

“To me, people were like, ‘oh are you going in there to try and take  advantage of men and women while you’re in there?’ I can imagine why people  would have preconceptions of me, but I’m a bit luckier in the sense that I  haven’t been in the public eye like you.”

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Hi Erin and Mrs H have been out all day so no clue yet what's happened in the house till I read back, have just seen lots of vids on this page which will be interesting to watch, thank you When they nom tonight I'm hoping it's Michael - I refuse to use his silly nickname - and Ashley - I wish he had another name as it reminds me of the other one  Looking forward to the show tonight,

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Hi Erin and Mrs H have been out all day so no clue yet what's happened in the house till I read back, have just seen lots of vids on this page which will be interesting to watch, thank you When they nom tonight I'm hoping it's Michael - I refuse to use his silly nickname - and Ashley - I wish he had another name as it reminds me of the other one  Looking forward to the show tonight,

Cheers .I like your choice of HMS for nomination,I hope they are up .No doubt it will be the females who get nomed

47 mins ago

With Samantha crowned Princess Brick by bachelor boy Prince Lorenzo, it was time for the notorious journalist to receive her crown.
And that's not all she received... Lorenzo was called to the Diary Room for a debrief and emerged from the hallowed chamber with a basketful of goodies for the Samantha . With her sitting atop her thone, he offered her drinks – fizz for a Princess – and showered her with chocolates. Cupcakes were on the menu too, and after these nibbles were dispensed, it was time for a sensuous hand massage.
Being  a beautiful woman who's already let us all know that men are magnetised by her aura and fall over themselves to pay for her train tickets, drinks and treats, you might've expected Samantha would take all this in her stride. But she looked more awkward than expected, as though suave gents in designer togs catering to her every whim is an alien experience to her. Peculiar.
Things got a little stranger
when Lorenzo was expected to dress as a jester to entertain his Princess. He gave it his best shot, but a man born into royalty clearly isn't in his element cavorting for the pleasure of others.
Meanwhile, rather than watch Princess Brick being spoilt beyond their wildest dreams, Cheryl, Coleen and Harvey sat a few steps away and envied only the chocolate aspect of her reward. Slightly disgruntled and reversing roles, Coleen gave Harvey a shoulder massage to even things out.
So much love in the House right now. We're feeling it – are you?


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